Convicted Felon found guilty (again) -Michael Avenatti thanks for everything. Lawyer’s lawyer is now a twice convicted felon. Updated with additional CA Bar actions
Michael a $96M lawsuit against the BOP? How’s your CDCA Criminal Trial going? How’s your Bankruptcy Case going? No lawyer actually says “lawyer’s lawyer” that’s just not how my industry speaks. At all
Apologies for being so MIA on February 4, 2022 - I logged a near twenty hour workday and didn’t arrived back to the DC area until 1:45AM- suffice to say it was an extraordinarily long day to an equally long week. Full Disclosure none of this brings me joy - I do feel bad for his children. They now have the burden of dealing with his guilty convictions. To all of those on Twitter - when you decided to dox me, or rage tweet at me, after I merely voiced concerns that Avenatti was not a “white knight”
I do not accept your apologies. Period. Full Stop
You tweeted hateful nonsense at me. Some of you went on to dox me, my spouse, my children and my siblings. Tweeting our private information. More specifically to @MichaelAvenatti you sent your botnet and rabid attack dogs to attack me. You encouraged their protracted and vulgar attacks. You then used your “influence” and had my Twitter account suspended. And yes I’m fully aware of the PR firm & publicist you hired. I have very little doubt there are communications you sent to your publicist and to Twitter, in which you demanded the suspension of my Twitter account.
I hope it was worth it. Your little bot-net tried to say I “was bitter or I was jealous” -sadly many of these overt sexism & blatantly misogynistic hate filled tweets came from other female twitter users. At the time, I recall that I gave your FanGirl-club the “VapidBastaGrannies” moniker. Again none of these attacks bothered me because my research was solid and I had a large file of facts. It was just a matter of time. Truth be told patience is not necessarily my strong suit. Again I knew with zero doubt it would only be a matter of time… and you can call me a lot of things but here’s what I know for sure;
I’ve never embezzled money from anyone or any organization
I’ve never kicked a pregnant woman
I’ve never knowingly lied to clients
I’ve never been found guilty of a felony or multiple felonies
and I’m not turning myself into the Bureau of Prisons on Feb 7, 2022
Or should I say BOP (former) inmate # 86743-054 -not to belabor this point but if Michael Avenatti was a black or brown man -do you really think he would have been released or that it would be almost a full year before he was ordered to self surrender (on February 8, 2022) — again on April 24, 2020 Avenatti was released from Federal Custody. He is a menace and his white privileged allowed him to sip cocktails on a California beach since April 2020. If you get the sense that I’m incensed by his treatment, you betcha I am. Also what he did to the actual victim, Ms Daniels/Clifford on cross examination is the real Michael Avenatti. Nasty, Ruthless and a gross misogynistic douche canoe.
It’s time to go FULL ON SPICY
It is not at all lost on me just how much nonsense, hate-tweets and other unsavory behavior I endured, for months. To be clear in March of 2018 my position on Avenatti was “where did you come from and how many skeletons are in your closet”… nonetheless I was willing to keep an open mind. I mean who didn’t enjoy Avenatti taking it to Trump. (looks around & slowly raises hand 🙋🏻♀️)
On March 29, 2018 I decided that blindly giving Avenatti the benefit of the doubt was no longer an option. And that I should do what I always do, research him, his previous firms, his clients, and some of his personal family drama Generally speaking when someone becomes that media saturated, I am inherently skeptical. Which typically result in me initiating a rather deep research dive. I also cringed when so many in the mainstream media fawned all over him. Instead I decided to quietly and thoroughly research him.
A cursory LexisNexis (LN) search was enough for me to dig a little deeper. The preliminary LN search immediately pointed me to his paraplegic client. Who later lost his home, the majority of his multimillion dollar settlement and later his lease. At that point I was aware of the civil lawsuit against Avenatti and how he stole from his partner…while owing hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes to the IRS and then feloniously attempted to reorganize under bankruptcy protections. He literally stole from his law partner. And the Bankruptcy Judge entered an order that prohibited Avenatti for filing any other Bankruptcy
My red line has always been: spouses, even ex-spouses and children are strictly off limits. Yet my stalkers, trolls and haters have repeatedly crossed those lines I choose not to cross my own self imposed ethical lines —because “the golden rule” comes to mind. At the time I had read thousands of pages and my growing Avenatti Oppo File runneth over.
I’m old enough to remember Blue-QANON
…and the so called Resistance Movement endlessly tweeting their affinity for Avenatti. That once again (a foul) disinformation narrative emerged. That “Michael Avenatti” was the White Knight, we’ve all been waiting for. That he would save us, all of us from the clutches of Trump’s duplicity. Yet oddly these same Blue QANON have flipped the script. Naturally after they deleted nearly all their tweets extolling the virtue of Avenatti. Oh look you missed deleting this one. Who in the right mind would tweet such a specious and uninformed tweet? Blue QANON that’s who → incidentally he also tried to convince me that the murder of Seth Rich was a Russian Op. that Sandy Hook was a false flag and that Anthony Bourdain was “murdered by the Russian mob” —the inanity of it all.
The flip-flopping of the Blue QANON, certainly gives an IHOP on a Sunday morning a run for their money in the flip-flop department. The whole “I’m a patriot, small boom, big booms all the booms” - I spent hours on the phone with one Blue QANON. Where I meticulously walked him through my research. Helping him see the dots that I had already connected Only later did I learn, he has a long documented history of plagiarizing. And he’s not even remotely close to the public image he’s crafted. Dude can’t even obtain a public trust clearance. FFS even I have held that clearance. In particular the pernicious plagiarizing of other’s research and dishonestly presenting other individuals work as his own, all while his followers give him the dopamine fix he needs.
Keep in mind that I could have easily tweeted a thread with the court documents. Instead I opted to privately share my research with several blue check Twitter self appointed celebrities. Notwithstanding with a strict caveat that under no uncertain terms were they to tweet the deposition transcript(s), the divorce filings, police report or subsequent orders of Protection from the Court. If you’re wondering yes of course I have the hundreds of text messages and emails but my goal isn’t to shame these shameless grifters. By now you know exact which particular Blue QANON accounts I am referencing.
Again I genuinely feel bad for his children. They are having to put their lives back together while carrying the heavy burden that Michael Avenatti is their father. No child should be in that position and sadly that’s exactly where his own children and es-spouses are in. If you think today’s verdict brings me joy or satisfaction, it doesn’t. It brings me sadness.
Generally speaking I don’t relish in another person’s down fall (okay well I do if your last name is Trump, Giuliani, Meadows, Clark, Waldron, Flynn, Bannon, Stone and/or Krakken -then I’ll absolutely celebrate) the thing is I can’t imagine what his ex-spouses and children are going through and that is sad. Those who know me know that I can be an extremely assertive, a tough nut to crack and I don’t wish harm on others. Part of that tough exterior is also defense mechanism, because if you’ve ever been burned or hurt by a friend then you’ll understand…
I told you I had a lot to say about Avenatti
in late April early May of 2018 I had warned my followers to not walk away but to R-U-N far far away from Avenatti. That his rise to mediocrity would come crashing down and he was up to his eyeballs in numerous financial fraud issues and more plainly he’s a shitty attorney
then you decided to re-dox me and then called one of my children’s school. After you bot-net falsely mass reported my Twitter account, about 139 minutes later Twitter suspended my account. Michael it wasn’t your botnet that took my account down, no it was your electronic communiques to your PR firm that actually caused the suspension of my Twitter account.

You stole millions of dollars from your clients, one of which my employer is still helping to try and claw back the millions you stole from her. Your thievery nearly caused that client to take her own life. And it required taking an extended leave of absence on their social media platforms.
I had you dead on rights on May 2, 2018 -because I had taken the time to read your divorce filings, your bankruptcy filings and countless depositions. I knew you were a thief, a charlatan and most offensively you “acted” like a campion of women…when you are the exact opposite -misogyny something something
During the call regarding your “client” Julie Swetnick, you were explicitly told that the allegations you and your client made strained credulity, remember the discussion of the I270 spur and how Kavanaugh or Judge would have unlikely encountered your client? That DC private school kids are a very close group and we rarely let outsiders in to our tight social circles. Which resulted in a criminal referral for both Avenatti and Swetnick.
During an ACLU call you decided to post a picture of an undocumented minor and you were asked the following: 1) did you obtain a waiver to use that child’s picture?, 2) are you aware that sending undocked children back to their home country is tantamount to signing their death warrant?, 3) did you ever (properly) submit your pro hac vice to the ED & SD TX?
The voluminous public data unequivocally shows you stole millions from your clients, a majority of them are women. Incidentally if you want to have a full on proper laugh #AvenattiDMs - apparently I was wrong thinking Avenatti had singled me out. Dude was a social media protagonist and slid in to countless DMs, whereby he lobbied immature insults. To say Avenatti is a loud mouth callous bully, that might be an understatement.
Almost one year to the date of me telling my Twitter followers, stay away from Avenatti because he’s not a good guy and he’s going to be indicted for multiple financial crimes. To be clear back in March of 2019 prosecutors both on the East and West Coast unsealed a total of three indictments, again all largely centered around financial crimes. It is beyond abhorrent and antithetical for “an Officer of the Court” (who takes an oath) that Michael Avenatti stole from his clients.
1st Criminal Case 1:19-cr-00373 SDNY -Nike Extortion-GUILTY
Michael Avenatti was found guilty by a jury of his peers and yet his “final judgement” has yet to occur. He. Is. Still. Not. In. Prison. Avenatti was allowed to be out on “home confinement” during the pendency of his 2nd SDNY Criminal Trial. Setting aside the fact that if Avenatti wasn’t white, then it’s a forgone conclusion that he would have remained in jail versus being allowed to live his best life on the beach in California. No really let that sink in, imagine if you will that Michael Avenatti was a black or brown man —irrespective of COVID-19 I have zero doubt that he would have remained in custody during the pendency of BOTH SDNY criminal cases. Avenatti is the poster child for White Privilege and he certainly gives Donald J Trump a run for his money in the disinformation arena.
SDNY Nike Extortion Trial Mar 24, 2019 COMPLAINT as to Michael Avenatti (1). In Violation of 18 U.S.C. 371, 875 (d), 195
Feb 14 2020 GUILTY Verdict in the Nike Extortion Case
July 8, 2020 Avenatti was sentenced to 30 months in prison for attempting to extort NIKE, Inc -see USAO-SDNY Press Release
Jan 25, 2022 LETTER by USA as to Michael Avenatti addressed to Judge Paul G. Gardephe (or via ReCap
Jan 25, 2022 LETTER by Michael Avenatti addressed to Judge Paul G. Gardephe or via Scribd
2nd Criminal Case 1:19-cr-00374 SDNY -Stormy Daniels-GUILTY
Assuming arguendo that Michael Avenatti is a judicial gladiator. To be fair, several years ago he did successfully argue on behalf of a class of clients and that resulted in hundreds of millions in various settlements. See March 2019 Indictment re Avenatti’s embezzlement of Stormy Daniels book advance
Disgraced attorney failed to file a response CA Bar…
Always and I mean always know your local rules. But I’m not the one who has multiple consumer alerts on their CA Bar profile —no that distinction is solely for now disgraced “former” Attorney Michael John Avenatti. The temerity that Avenatti thought:
“I’m a lawyer’s lawyer, the courtroom is my house and I’m the best person to defend myself…” irrespective that you were formally disbarred by the California Bar (see July 2019 SBC-19-O-30366 also see March 2020 SBC-20-C-30155 or see Scribd -post conviction disciplinary action) I also uploaded the CA Bar finding to my Scribd account because I’m mindful that the CA Bar website can be confusing
CA Bar matter 19-TE-30259 Status: Pending
CA Bar matter 19-TE-30259 Status: Pending - Avenatti’s 2019 response to the CA Bar allegations, it’s underwhelming
On cross examination —his egregious and gross combative questioning, insofar as (attempt) to humiliate and impeach the credibility of the victim and Government witness Stormy Daniels.
Avenatti vehement denials sans any evidence to refute the Government’s facts.
Your official CDCA disbarment (see CDCA ECF or you can view via Scribd) pursuant to pursuant to Local Rule 83−3.2.1 (CDCA always know your local rules, always) it’s also telling that Avenatti failed to submit the prerequisite response in the 30 days —
Eagan Avenatti Bankruptcy
Let’s not forget that Avenatti’s firm filed for Bankruptcy and that a court ordered Avenatti to pay his former law partner Jason Franks $5M
See In Re Eagan Avenatti LLP Case No 8:21-cv-00336-ODW
Feb 19, 2021 -NOTICE OF APPEAL AND STATEMENT OF ELECTION: Re: ORDER DENYING DEFENDANTS SPECIAL MOTION TO STRIKE AND MOTION TO DISMISS; AMENDED AMENDED ORDER DENYING DEFENDANTS SPECIAL MOTION TO STRIKE AND MOTION TO DISMISS entered on 2/4/2021 and 2/5/2021 by Bankruptcy Judge Scott C Clarkson, filed in the Bankruptcy Court on 2/17/2021. Bankruptcy Court case number: 8:19-bk-13560-SC, Adversary number: 8:20-ap-01086-SC - See CDCA Bankruptcy ECF
What is - is or more precisely “good faith” -the quagmire of supplemental jury instructions…
Incredibly though is what happened with the Jury. On February 3, 2022 the Government filed; LETTER MOTION (or see Scribd) addressed to Judge Jesse M. Furman from the Government dated February 3, 2022 re: Supplemental Jury Instructions… this was after the Jury sent the following note to the Judge, again note the time/date stamp, then look at the second jury note, which was sent to the Judge on February 3, 2022 at 2:10PM EST -this is when the question of “good faith” as it pertained to the Court’s jury instruction
…to wit Convicted Felon Michael Avenatti morphed into a pernicious child -keep in mind that Felon Avenatti’s primary defense was “I did a lot of work for my client, therefore I was entitled to the $300,000” no really that’s the core essence of Avenatti’s “affirmative defense” —in the end for all of Avenatti’s bluster (wait until you read Doc 366)
…any jury instruction will be given undue weight, cause severe prejudice, and direct a verdict against the defendant. In addition, in the event the supplemental instruction or any similar instruction is given, I request that the Court immediately declare a mistrial.
While the jury was deliberating the government filed a supplemental jury instruction, the Court rightly pointed out that the Government had numerous opportunities to raise the concerns stated in their February 3, 2022 letter to the Court. Predictably Felon Avenatti lost his over loving mind (again see Doc 366)
…between a good faith belief that Defendant was ultimately entitled to Ms. Clifford's money, which is not a valid defense, and a good faith belief that the defendant was entitled to engage in self help by taking Ms. Clifford's money when and in the manner he did, which is a valid defense. Upon reflection, it may be that the relevant phrase used in the instructions ("entitled to take the money or property") does not draw that distinction as sharply for the jury as it could have, as it places too much weight on the words "to take."
Stormy Daniels February 4, 2022 CNN interview
In some respects the only person who has a right to tell their story is the aggrieved party. And if you watch the full CNN interview, Ms Daniels/Clifford really does an excellent job of providing thoughtful answers to the questions posed to her by the CNN anchor. The notion that her interview would some how prejudice the Jury - even knowing the Court established rules for jurors. And as noted in Document No 367 -a jury of Avenatti peers found him guilty on both counts. The Jury’s verdict is emblematic that they believe the Government made their case that Avenatti did engaged in identity theft and he stole hundreds of thousands from his client. So I for one enjoyed Ms Daniels/Clifford’s interview.
Felon Michael Avenatti “Hail Mary” mistrial -DENIED-
You can almost hear the sophomoric impertinence in Felon Avenatti’s “urgent” letter motion to the Court. (See SDNY-ECF or see Scribd)Where he, with zero basis, nor any case law to support his conclusory argument, he was undeterred and demanded a mistrial. Apparently Avenatti believes only his first amendment right matter. Thus irrespective of Avenatti’s vulgar attempts to impeach Ms Daniels/Clifford’s credibility via the hours long cross examination of the actual victim. He sought to weaponize her in-depth CNN interview. And yes of course the Court denied Avenatti’s Motion for Mistrial
This is an outrageous development, especially in light of the current sensitive nature of the jury’s deliberations and the developments during the last 24 hours, including the jury’s notes. …Ms. Daniels is the Government’s chief witness… had an obligation to ensure that she did not purposely undertaken efforts to interfere with defendant’s right to a fair trial and due process. This obviously did not occur.
Ouch that’s one helluva Judicial #FAFO Response
To say the Court unbraided Avenatti’s Letter/Motion —well here, you can read it and then make your own determination. Personally speaking the “Defendant’a Motion is beyond frivolous” I can’t explain just how satisfying to read the Court’s order…
Defendant's motion is beyond frivolous. Ms. Daniels is not a party to this case and has a First Amendment right to speak her mind. Defendant provides zero basis to believe that anyone on the jury is even aware of the interview (the Court was unaware of it until Defendant's letter), let alone disregarded the Court's repeated instructions to avoid any news or information related to the case. The motion is DENIED. SO ORDERED.
ORDER as to Michael Avenatti (or see Scribd to pull down 10 page order) . And I highly recommend you read the 10 pages -the Jury sent the Judge four separate Jury Notes -but I’d like to specifically draw your attention to Exhibits 1-4
The notes received from the jury (Court Exhibits 1-4);
The notes received from the jury (Court Exhibits 1-4);
The supplemental instructions provided to the jury during its deliberations (Court Exhibits 5-7); and
The jury verdict form (Court Exhibit 8)
…We have one juror who is refusing to look at the evidence and acting on a feeling…We need assistance in moving forward. She does not believe she needs to prove her side using evidence and refuses to show us how she has come to her conclusion. Please help us move forward.”
As you’ll note the February 4, 2022 Jury Note was sent to the Judge shortly after 10:02AM EST but remarkably at 2:33PM the Jury sent their last and final note to the Judge stating they had reached a unanimous verdict.
The maximum sentence Avenatti faces, is up to twenty two years in prison, but (and this is really important please pay attention) —while some news outlets are stating Avenatti is likely to receive a much lower sentence than the maximum allowable. I’d like to remind you of “prior acts yo” ←meaning unlike in his Nike Extortion case, Avenatti did not have a criminal record, hence his thirty month sentence but now he has a criminal record and that matters. Meaning at sentencing the Court is given a very wide berth. And yes my “prior acts yo” is a bit of industry humor it’s also really accurate. In short the Court’s sentencing regarding Avenatti’s second SDNY criminal case (number 1:19-cr-00374) now he’s a convicted felon. And that might be worth remembering because I can’t see how the Court would ignore his previous guilty conviction… for now it’s best to wait and see the parties sentencing Memorandums…
Third Criminal Case USA v. Avenatti (8:19-cr-00061)
Off the bat I suppose we should quickly address the massive elephant in the room, this case was ruled as a mistrial because the Government failed to produce exculpatory evidence in its possession to Convicted Felon Avenatti (see April 2019 CDCA Avenatti Indictment -on August 24, 2021 the Court granted Avenatti’s Motion and Ordered a mistrial.
Additionally on January 19, 2022 the CDCA Court extended Avenatti’s release until March 2022
Avenatti v BOP, Trump et al $94,000,000.00
In short Felon Avenatti’s civil lawsuit against the Bureau of Prisons, Donald Trump, Bill Bar et al —he’s suing for $1,000,000.00 per day he was allegedly held in solitary confinement — I think it’s important to remind you that the SHU (special housing unit) isn’t solitary confinement. And I’d genuinely like to know if there are any prison records that affirm Avenatti’s allegations that the MCC provided him a copy of Trump’s Art of the Deal as reading material… yes this is why it’s imperative to read the entire document
When Claimant requested reading material, he was initially refused, and then provided one book, “The Art of the Deal,” purportedly co-written by Donald J. Trump. Claimant filed several grievances with the Bureau of Prisons but received no responses, nor was he afforded any hearing or process….
…United States is liable for the torts of intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment, false arrest, prima facie tort, negligence, negligent supervision, negligent hiring, and violations of Claimant’s rights under the United States Constitution and New York State Constitution to due process, exercise of free speech, and equal protection under the law, for which New York law provides private causes of action.
ORDER RE MODIFICATIONS OF DEFENDANT'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TEMPORARY RELEASE by Judge James V. Selna as to Defendant Michael John Avenatti (1): Good cause having been shown, it is ordered that Defendant Michael John Avenatti's current terms and conditions of temporary release are modified as follows..
Your daily dose of saltwater therapy
I need to take a few days off. I had about a twenty hour workday and didn’t arrive back home until 1:52AM (February 5) —my day started at 3:55AM (on February 4) for a split second I fell asleep behind the wheel. Thankfully my car has numerous safety features. For Example; LDAR, dynamic Radar controlled cruise, pre-collision system and lane departure. That’s my really long way of explaining my car alerted me.
And now I think you should be sufficiently caught up to speed - also if interested I uploaded several count filings to my Scribd account —but in all seriousness I’ve been up on/off for well over 26 hours. In the meantime have a great weekend and I don’t see myself publishing over the weekend because I have a lot of things already on my plate and I’m literally running on fumes…
Be Well,
PS in my sleepy state I thought I had included a gif - apparently I did not provide the prerequisite gif…
And lastly 😂👇🏻😂
This was the post I was waiting to read. I well remember the rise of this dude and your sage words about him on Twitter.
I cackled so loudly when I saw the verdict. Guess it's super clear now, why you warned us?
I knew you would likely comment on this or just go quiet, aware of your keen sense of right. I, for one, paid attention the moment you did your deep dive into Avenatti. And was thankful to you for setting the record straight.
Please take care- we out here always need you! Rest.