Dear Give-Send-Go this is going to be uncomfortable for you- PART I
Part I because there’s a lot of info I’m going to walk you through and I have limited space in the newsletter, so it makes sense to break this up into a mini-series of articles
GIVE-SEND-GO I have many questions
I need to be clear this isn’t personal. I am sure their are fine & upstanding “Christian” that work for Give-Send-Go What this is about is “following the facts” and ultimately “following the money” —no matter where they lead you. And this kind of research is tedious and incomprehensibly time consuming. As you know, facts are persistent little buggers and I do enjoy a decent intellectual challenge. Full Disclosure this took me three weekends to fully play out my murder board because some on the Employer Identification Number (EIN) made even my head hurt.

Since I’m not a reporter - I feel an extra obligation to quadruple check anything I write about. I’m mindful that words matter, as do facts, especially if you can prove your assertion with unimpeachable facts aka “receipts”
Notwithstanding some in the main steam media have previously written about Give-Send-Go. I highly recommend you read this March 2021 Guardian Article unbeknownst to me others have the same questions and concerns surrounding this “Christian Fundraising Platform”. For example this Daily Beast Article from December 2020 is a really well written and researched news article that you should also read.
To help you navigate my preliminary research - below are a few of the publicly available databases that I pulled from
and various State Corporation Commission
November 2020
Election 2020 Stop The Steal Campaign Created by: STOPTHESTEAL
Tax ID number: 31-1689961 <—that’s a very big red flag because you don’t accidentally flub an EIN - Give-Send-Go campaign also archived
According to the IRS Tax Exempt Database Tax ID Number aka EIN belongs to:
Mountain Heritage Inc. EIN: 31-1689961 | Saint Paul, VA
Setting aside the possibility that: “The funds from this campaign will be received by Chris Jackson” might have simply made a typographical error by inputting the incorrect Tax ID Number aka EIN what this actually did was it forced me to drill down on Mountain Heritage Inc. EIN: 31-1689961 previous IRS-990 filings. As I have previously explained if your tax exempt organization draws in <$50,000 per annum then you are not required to file a long Form-990. Do you see what I highlighted? In the taxable year ending 2018 Mountain Heritage actually disclosed for 2017 they received $80,062.00 yet in 2017 they filed a e-postcard
But wait there’s so much more - in their 2019 Form-990 see what I highlighted They reported an over 400% increase yet the money is largely shrouded in secrecy so it’s nearly impossible to figure out where the >$400,000+ came from
Beyond the notation of Collectables and market value
Stop The Steal Today
Campaign Created by: Troy Perez found here and archived to be fair both of these “Stop the Steal” Give-Send-Go campaigns did not raise any funds
Furthermore the following Five Campaigns did not raise a single penny also archived but you should read some of the Campaigns. For Example
We must stop the steal of our election now by Vanessa T Troung. The funds from this campaign will be received by Thy Truong. Archived
Help stop the steal by James Smith, The funds from this campaign will be received by Max Cochrane. Archived
Stop the steal caravan Campaign Created by: Josh Booher, archived
Trump Train Riders Stop The Steal Caravan to DC
Campaign Created by: Vinny Caldara, also archived
Based in part of Update # 1 I have reason to believe this is Vincent Caldara and boy do I have some files for you. Broward County, FL criminal cases
Broward County Case Number: CACE16005181
Broward County Case Number: 15010829MM10A
Broward County Case Number: DVCE15005774
His Facebook group appears to be largely abandoned -also archived
Protection and Team for Ali Alexander
I am starting to think that Ali Alexander is a career grifter and yet some how Give-Send-Go allowed him to raise more than $30,000+ also archived
BTC: 3EeodLugpAjg8ockYs9HiEoP9RsMqYBSeP
Because on March 24th I casually asked about Ali’s BTC WALLET 12RVoLcrrDSZBTLB8eEMEDRQKixQAUZqoJ
These two wallets consistently come up when searching Ali Alexander
StopTheSteal also archived and also archived
Filey ponders I see I’m late to the cryptocurrency nonsense party, but if the FBI doesn’t have a cyber team specializing in cryptocurrency- maybe you should look at Steve Bannon-s cryptocurrency too. Wait was that with my out loud voice ? My bad
In all seriousness, and this would go for 'many' groups that organized and were affiliated with 1/6/21, I wonder what happens with or how things change with groups that are fundraising for insurrectionists? For the insurrection, or almost 'purely' for anti-democracy causes such as over throwing the election, raising funds for the insurrectionists who are at large, etc. Do they maintain their status?
Along with every other bad thing from Trump and his minions, to ability to cheat and grift stand out.