Dear Lt Gen Flynn - you still receive a US Army Pension, right? UCMJ Article 94 UCMJ: Mutiny and Sedition
The fact I’m doing this on Memorial Day is not lost on me. In fact it makes me white-hot angry that once again Mike Flynn is spouting off insane QANON-MAGA and Trump’s Big Lie
This is what (disgraces) Lt Gen Flynn said:
Last night Flynn was a panelist for the God and Country Round Up which was advertised as:
Join your Patriot family for three days of incredible speakers, awesome entertainment, and pure patriotism! From the stage, you will have the opportunity to hear from some of your favorite Patriots and Digital Soldiers in both keynote speeches and panel forums. As you will see, we have a stacked lineup of amazing speakers and entertainment, but check back regularly for updates! The current lineup is as follows:
Keynote Speakers: General Michael T. Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Jason Sullivan, Doug Billings, Wayne Dupree, George Papadopoulos, Juanita Broaddrick, Evan Sayet
Special Guests:
Louie Gohmert, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Allen West
Make no mistake Flynn’s equivocation that his comments were taken out of context is demonstrably FALSE -irrespective of how he’s trying to clean up the filth that spewed from his mouth. Flynn is a goddamn disgrace. Period. Full Stop
Host Hotel:
Our host hotel for this event is the beautiful Omni Dallas (Downtown), located at 555 South Lamar Street, Dallas, Texas. They have generously given our group an exclusive discount on a secured block of rooms, so reserve your room(s) ASAP using the below reservation link:
If one of my readers could please ask @OmniDallas and/or @omnihotels the following questions:
Does your hotel usually host a QANON-MAGA SEDITION Event?
Does your hotel endorse sedition?
Was the revenue from hotel room booking worth the cost to our Democracy?
Here’s a preliminary transcript of the exchange - this is not a debate over Flynn’s comments being misunderstood

“…want to know why what happened in Myanmar can't happen here?" asked by an attendee -which was instantly meet with an uproarious applause from the crowd.
"No reason. I mean, it should happen here," Flynn said
oh and just in case you missed Flynn’s Attorney - check out the last forty seconds of this video - she said;
When Biden is told to move out of the White House - President Trump can resume his second term…
Flynn Signal Clean Up:
“Let me be VERY CLEAR – There is NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America, and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort," Flynn said in a post on Telegram and his brother really didn’t help clean up the massive pile of elephant dung he alone stepped in:

UCMJ makes clear what constitutes sedition:
10 USC § 894 – Art. 94. Mutiny or Sedition
a) Any person subject to this chapter who –
with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny;
with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition; fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.
b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.
So the question should be - when will the US Army initiate a Court Martial of Lt Gen Flynn?
because I’m getting really sick of the Flynns and I have previously stated my concerns about Flynn’s other brother - in this March 3, 2021 Article
IMPORTANT - during today’s hearing lawmakers, General Walker confirmed that Mike “QANON” Flynn’s brother General Charles Flynn - who is NOW slated to be promoted, according to this January 26, 2021 Army Times Article promoted to Command the U.S. Army Pacific out of Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
Also Mike Flynn is a disgraceful POS and if my information is correct the DOD-OIG is still investigating him for his Emoluments Violation see this 2019 Archived Twitter Thread
I said what I said and I had the documents to support what I said.
I was put on a 6 week suspension for something I said to Flynn on Twitter. Then permanently suspended right after the insurrection for pointing out Flynn’s brother had to have been notified of the need for national guard and it took him over an hour before he okayed NG. These people are so transparent. It was like watching the Keystone Cops. 😩
Wrote that tweet and included both @'s.