Good Morning and Happy Monday - your weekly Ask me anything thread now open...
Remember I’m of the train-of-thought that the only “dumb question” is the one that’s not asked...
“The darkness is at its deepest. Just before the sunrise”
For most of my adult life I have chased the elusive Green (also known as Emerald) Flash. This phenomenon typically occurs at sunset. But if the conditions are right, for example, the wind speed, earth’s position in relation to the Moon - then you can actually see the green flash at sunrise. In October of 2020, I checked NASA and the NWS and realized that there was a greater than normal chance to capture something that’s eluded me for most of my adult life.
So I decided to camp out at the beach shortly before 5AM, I sat still and I waited. Luckily I had set up my camera in advance of the sunrise. Seeing this in person was one of the more magical experiences in my relatively short life.
Imagine my glee after I realized I managed to capture the large rainbow of colors and watching the colors change. No Filter - No fancy camera settings beyond I opened the aperture to take about 22 frames per second…and this was the result. Enjoy
Also today is my “off” day because I normally have a mandatory teams and red team conference calls -which make me mostly unavailable on Monday mornings. So if you have questions, I’ll do my best to answer them. And of course if I don’t know I’m not going to insult you with platitudes and bullshit…so feel free to ask me anything.
Why don't people understand that ketchup is an abomination?
So many people do not believe. I’ve only witnessed at sunset. My mom saw it two days in a row years ago. She said, “I was beginning to think it wasn’t true.” Another friend didn’t believe. One day, she called to apologize. She and her husband witnessed the “green dot.” :)