John Earl Sullivan ongoing unjust enrichment- you can’t profit off of your crime-ing and dropping “insurgenceusa” it’s a shitty rebranding effort.
‘Just when you think he can’t sink any lower - he proves “yes he can” because back in February I was like wait so you sold your video footage and profited off death and destruction?
on Saturdays what do I do?
Why yes I spend my Saturdays doing the tedious, time consuming and monotonous research about a Defendant who should have never been released on bond. And before the naysayers start with their nonsense that I’m picking on him. NONE of this is personal - but in order to have a full understanding of his digital footprint post indictment…I decided to spend my free time doing the research…after all, most of his previous social media accounts were suspended - it appears in March 2021 John Sullivan decided to create several new social media accounts.
See the latter section of this previous article and then you’ll want to reread this article because the Court was clear and I genuinely think the Government could make a persuasive argument that Defendant Sullivan’s shitty re-branding doesn’t ameliorate his repeated violations of his “conditions of release”. I am trying to refrain from criticizing the USAO-DC. In the following article I will walk you through the tedious research I conducted in an attempt to sustain my assertion that Defendant Sullivan should be remanded;
Cash App, Venmo, BuyMeCoffee & Patreon
CashApp: $mejaydenx Cash App Account - which I archived
Venmo; I also took the liberty of archiving his Venmo Account too.
BuyMeCoffee - Previously I had archived his account, see John Sullivan’s BuyMeCoffee see theApril 2021 archive Unbeknownst to me someone else archived his BuyMeCoffee Account on May 13, 2021 and May 22, 2021 Archive
Patreon: his John Sullivan Patreon account was suspended in late January 2022 and it appears he created a new account after his February 16, 2021 release also archived
Around January 19, 202q Twitter suspended his various accounts. I’ve repeatedly referenced the archives, because at the time no one and I mean no one had archived his Twitter accounts, so I took the time to ensure his content would be memorialized.
Previously Suspended Twitter Accounts:
Twitter: <—I had previously archived his various Twitter accounts before I was unceremoniously suspended and linked to them in a previous article
@insurgenceusa (now suspended but aren’t you glad that on January 16, 2021 I archived his entire account, found here)
@realjaydenx (also now suspended and again aren’t you glad that I archived his account on January 10th here and again on January 15th, found here and then I archived it on January 18th, found here at which time Twitter suspended my account.
@activistjohn (again also now suspended and yet again aren’t you glad that I archived his account on January 15, 2021, found here)
This is exactly why when I was on Twitter, I would take the time to archive accounts before doing a thread of the criminal complaint and/or indictment because invariably all the content on the Twitter account would be lost.
Defendant Sullivan’s newest Twitter Account, also archived and also archived (via the Wayback Machine)
For the record this is what he tweeted after a Grand Jury in DC handed down a superseding indictment, you can read more about the SR1 and case updates here

New(ish) website;
In late February 2021 (after the Court admonished Sullivan and ordered him to completely disassociate with InsurgenceUSA) based on preliminary research it appears Defendant Sullivan registered see full way back machine archive (it’s been archived 14 times since late February 2021)
This is confirmed by a cursory search via WhoIs also archived …also his old website johnsullivan(.)org redirects to his new Jaydenx(.)net website
….on its face his new-ish website doesn’t appear unusual or worth researching. Until you take note of the “SHOP” button/pull down menu - also archived. Defendant Sullivan is literally selling the shooting death of Ashley Babbitt for $2,000.00 …talk about unseemly
In mid January 2021 Facebook suspended Defendant Sullivan’s -see full wayback machine archive
Yet on February 17, 2021 (one day after Defendant Sullivan was released from Custody and specifically ordered to disassociate with InsurganceUSA) he created this Facebook Page/Account (also archived)bFurthermore according to Facebook’s page transparency conforms the creation date and edits
But what I find most problematic is Defendant Sullivan is the creator, administrator and moderator of the following “private” Facebook Group also archived (I have no idea why archivedotis decided to save this in Russian but it’s definitely strange) or via wayback machine archive. It’s nearly impossible to see what he is posting in this group but it does have almost 1,000 members
Previously TikTok suspended his account @thejaydenx which now defaults to TikTok’s 404 message and unfortunately I did not archive his old TikTok account and it appears no one else did either*/*
Based on preliminary open source research it appears he created @iamblackjedi (see archive) a few weeks ago
In some respects finding his newly rebranded social media accounts was relatively easy. Why? Well this is why…
And lastly when will the FBI planning to interview Antionne DeShaun Brodnax, better known as Bugzie the Don?
And then I’ll just leave you this little known video
and with that I think my job is done here and yes of course I already sent this research to the FBI and USAO-DC because that’s what real patriotic Americans do, we don’t profit off of crimes and/or clickbait articles. Again I’m taking tomorrow off because I’m researching an easement project but felt like it was the right time to essentially unload the John Sullivan Files.
-drops mic and saunters away with pure disgust over Defendant Sullivan
Dang. I scrubbed a bathtub and was feeling pretty proud about that but omg!
you are a fricken true Patriot. UNBELIEAVABLE! make sure to watch your beach videos