Michael Aaron Carico and David Mehaffie (RD#1) a.k.a #TunnelCommander -case updated with BWC footage
Also YES people are finally paying attention to Rep Scott “White Supremacist” Perry but you do understand that many of the documents were previously provided to you by Moi -right?
Defendant Michael Aaron Carico
It is weird trying to wrap my head around a guy who by all appearances has a pretty decent acting and photography career would some how throw that all away and join other Domestic Terrorist in attacking our Democracy.
He made his Instagram account private but his photography Instagram account is wide open @mikeaaronphotography
His IMBd Theatrical REEL
IMBd profile https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4092239/ - his Amazon Prime-Video-o graphy profile is largely reiterative of his IMBd
his Facebook account is also wide open -this 2017 video -I don’t even know what to say but it’s interesting that on page 2 &3 of the Affidavit the footnote makes clear that the FBI agent checked and could find zero service record of CARICO ever serving in the Military
18 U.S.C. §1752 (a)(1) and (2) -Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds
40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(2)(D) and (G); Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building and Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building
Affidavit/Statement of Facts, See DDC-ECF or you can access it from my Scribd Link. Or you can access his file via this DOJ-OPA link
…The FBI interviewed CONFIDENTIAL HUMAN SOURCE (“CHS”), who admitted to being on the U.S. Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021, but denied entering the U.S. Capitol.1 CHS provided information to the FBI, including a video approximately nine seconds in length. Your affiant has reviewed this video, and I recognize the background as consistent with outside the U.S. Capitol Building.
Your affiant searched for CARICO’s name on the internet and found an Instagram account visible to the public bearing the username “michaelaaroncarico.” I have reviewed videos and photos posted to that Instagram account and I recognize the person pictured on that account to be the gloved individual, CARICO. The Instagram account shows several videos or photos of a person wearing black and brown gloves and camouflage clothing with an American flag patch on his shoulder
Subject 2 -investigation is still ongoing…
And I’ll bet you a cheeseburger that the person referenced in paragraph 14 is Defendant John Sullivan because I happen to know the exact video referenced in the affidavit and that’s not me making a guess —that’s me drawing for the countless hours of research and memory retention. 1
…I identified CARICO in the crowd of people in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. Below is a from the Rotunda screenshot (the red circle was added (Photograph 5) taken from surveillance footage to highlight CARICO ).. CARICO backwards hat, a camouflage shirt with an American flag on the shoulder…standing next to an individual wearing a white hat , who CARICO is wearing clothing consistent with that worn by SUBJECT 2 . Photograph 5
Your affiant also reviewed a video person present in the submitted to he FBI that was taken by another U.S. Capitol Rotunda on January 6, 2021. At this time, I do not personally know who recorded this video, but the person recording it repeatedly himself as a member of the press.
Photos and videos obtained pursuant to the search warrant on account show that CARICO entered the restricted grounds the CARICO Gmail and climbed to the top of the media tower, which was located near the inauguration stage on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. Photograph 10 shows the area around the inauguration stage as it looked on January 6, 2021, including the media tower on the far right of the image..
“Hey Nancy, go fuck yourself.”
and Subject #2 is screwed -because it’s only a matter of time before that person is arrested. Fun fact about geofencing —law enforcement can actually drill down on cellphones within close proximity to Defendant CARICO and they they can cross reference with an “exclusion list” (which are cell phones authorized to be in the Capitol -these are typically lawmakers, staff and Capitol employees) If you recall my long forgotten thread regarding USA v Chatrie —I was extremely critical about the potential civil liberties impact. Like I said I made an exception for Jan6th and I’m pretty sure I told my Twitter followers to BOLO for geofencing
Another video obtained from the CARICO Gmail account is approximately thirty seconds in length and taken from the media tower. In the video, CARICO and SUBJECT 2, along with others in the crowd, sing or yell the words, “the land of the free, and the home of the brave.” I recognize these words as the closing lines of the Star-Spangled Banner. CARICO then looks directly at the camera and says, “Hey Nancy, go fuck yourself.” Based on the proximity to the U.S. Capitol and the congressional proceedings occurring that day, I understand “Nancy” to be a reference to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
What I don’t understand is the recent reporting that Defendant CARICO was arrested in July 2021, so unless I’m reading the returned arrest warrant incorrectly (which I do not think I am) the Defendant was arrested in August, not July
August 13, 2021 MINUTE ORDER as to Defendant MICHAEL AARON CARICO (see DDC-ECF for Docket Report)
It is hereby ORDERED that Defendant MICHAEL AARON CARICO appear for an initial appearance on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. before Magistrate Judge Robin M. Meriweather. The hearing will be conducted by video teleconference; call-in instructions will be provided to counsel prior to the hearing.
Counsel for the United States is directed to ensure that counsel for Defendant has received this Order and will provide the information to Defendant. If Defendant does not have counsel, counsel for the United States is directed to contact the Office of the Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia and provide their office with the information contained in this Order.
…well we now know who redacted defendant # 1 is in yesterday’s article concerning the 4th superseding indictment…
Defendant David MEHAFFIE
United States v. Mehaffie
SDOH -MJ Case No 3:21-mj-00306
See SDOH-ECF for indictment or via Scribd link
Which is kind of problematic because as noted (yesterday) David MEHAFFIE (redacted defendant) was in a hand to hand assaultive behavior for 38 long minutes. And as noted Defendant MEHAFFIE was only charged with 5 crimes.
Which means the fact his Conditions of Release are unavailable to the public and that the Government didn’t seek Detention. Again my educated guess says all points indicate that Defendant Mehaffie “might” (operative word) be cooperating with the Government. And the reason I highlighted Count Twelve is, if the location (which I think was in the lower west tunnel) that means he was front and center in the hand to hand combat for thirty eight minutes.
Meaning he was one of many domestic terrorist that dragged Officer Fanone out of the police line and subjected him to taser shocks and a vicious beating which resulted in Officer Fanone having a heart attack, traumatic brain injury and PTSD. Also you’ll note, last month’s house hearing submitted Officer Fanone’s body worn camera footage into the congressional record.
If you’re not following @SeditionHunters -you should. They are doing phenomenal work and their research is pretty amazing
Here’s their file on FBI AOP #086
Since I largely went over Defendant Mehaffie (redacted defendant #1) charges in the August 12, 2021 article —there isn’t any reason to regurgitate what’s already been published as it relates to the charges, however I will whipsaw through the SDOH-MJ Case docket
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Peter B. Silvain, Jr:
Initial Appearance in Rule 5(c)(3) Proceedings as to David Mehaffie held on 8/12/2021. Nick Dingeldein appeared for USA. Jose Manuel Lopez appeared for Defendant. Defendant appeared via Video with his permission.
Defendant informed of his rights, pending charges, and possible penalties. Defendant informed of Court Hearing in District of Columbia on 8/17/21 at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Defendant released on Own Recognizance Bond with Conditions. USA presented an Oral Motion to Unseal the Case
ORDER Setting Conditions of Release as to David Mehaffie. Own Recognizance. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter B. Silvain, Jr on 8/12/21. See SDOH-ECF -Which appears to have restricted access and I’m no where near a terminal.
REMOVAL ORDER as to David Mehaffie. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter B. Silvain, Jr on 8/12/21 -see SDOH-ECF
To be clear we’ve discussed a few of the other co-defendants on the MCCAUGHEY III, et al case, see August 2, 2021 article
Because in the aforementioned article I embedded numerous court filings and even I can admit for a split second I doubted if I had previous covered this case. Once you pull back and see all nine defendants you’ll note every single one has either been RoR’d, released on an unsecured bond or temporarily detained only to be released by the Court - specifically Freddie Klein that domestic Terrorist was released because the USAO-DC didn’t present a valid argument to keep him detained pending trial
Geoffrey William SILLS et al (temporary order of detention -see EDVA-DCF)
June 17, 2021 Search Warrant EDVA-ECF, Affidavit EDVA-ECF (90 pages)
co-defendant Patrick MCCAUGHEY (was released, see June 2021 Order-modification, EDVA-ECF) remains on high intensity release. Status conference set for 8/5 at 10 am.
Co-Defendant ROBERT MOSS July 21, 2021 MINUTE ORDER: At the conclusion of Defendant ROBERT MORSS'S detention hearing on July 20, 2021, the Court ordered Defendant ROBERT MORSS held without bond pending trial
I genuinely thought I’d take a break from researching but nope here I am sitting in my little corner pumping out facts. Also I do think it’s super great that more people are paying attention to Scott Perry
Because that affirms my July 31, 2021 assessment that everyone was focused on Jim Jordon and very few were looking into Scott Perry. Folks still don’t understand how Jeffrey Clark and Scott Perry know each other
But the thing is this was actually known in late January 2021 but I’m going to give you another tip -you want to know how Perry and Clark know each other?

But perhaps you completely overlooked the June 15, 2021 trove of emails released by the House Oversight Committee - I even broke down the hundreds of pages and said this is really bad for Trump et al -for example
on December 28, 2020 PA Stare Sen Mastriano sent a letter to the “acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue” —the letter included
18 false and thoroughly debunked claims
I wish to god the House OverSight would look into the November 25, 2020 the Senate Majority Policy meeting who’s keynote speaker was none other than Rudy Giuliani. Because this meeting was requested by PA State Senator Mastriano
If you don’t know by now👇🏻

And what came from the November 25, 2020 Meeting?
The monstrosity of the Trump & Giuliani Big Lie
Senate Co-Sponsorship Memorandam - the common denominator between Rep Scott “White Supremacy” Perry and Jeff “I’m your Trump man” Clark is none other than Doug Mastriano
Who later released a statement on his Senate website that “yes so what I was at the Capitol on Jan6th”
“I followed the directions of the Capitol Police and respected all police lines as I came upon them..Even disingenuous internet sleuths know that police lines did shift throughout the course of the day. I followed those lines as they existed.”

Good lord that was a weird potpourri of “stuff”…whispers I have told you how Perry and Clark know each other …so the question is how deep do you want to go because I could go Allegheny County deep
Oh come on - by now you should know if I say I have it - of course I do
And lastly when will the FBI planning to interview Antionne DeShaun Brodnax, better known as Bugzie the Don? Brodnax Information - See July 2021 Modify Conditions of Release
I am truly at odds with how our justice system is dealing with these terrorists. If there continues to be little consequence where are we heading as a democracy?
Thank you for all your hard work File-y; you make us smarter.
"It is weird trying to wrap my head around a guy who by all appearances has a pretty decent acting and photography career would some how throw that all away and join other Domestic Terrorist in attacking our Democracy."
Same Filey . . . same. I've felt this way about a lot of these people. Many seemed to have pretty nice lives that include spouses, children, good jobs, etc. Why on earth would you throw all that away to become a domestic terrorist at the behest of the "Orange Idiot?" And of course, now we're seeing a lot of remorse, but it's not all because they now realize they did something wrong. Oh no. It's remorse that they're getting the CONSEQUENCES of their actions. Some have said they were wrong, but not too many. Most are just whining about being in jail. I read your post & some of the news stories & just sit here shaking my head & wonder WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU PEOPLE THINKING? Are you really so dumb & so naive that you thought you could really overturn an election? You really thought you could do what you did & get away with it? It's been over seven months and I am STILL flabbergasted by the hubris of these idiots!🤬