OH FFS Mossad had NOTHING to do with the Demolition of the remaining Surfside condo - amended
Seriously I can not believe he is doing this again, given he did this immediately after Judge Salas’ son was murdered and her husband was on a trauma operating room table. Asshole
Jesus. Bleeping. Christ. I beseech you to stop polluting your brain with this horrid QANON-for-the-left insane conspiracy theory on why Florida Officials green lit a controlled demolition
Archived because he will probably delete this but not until it gets the likes and retweets he intends it to achieve.
Facts First…
There is a thing called Global Reciprocity (that’s not the official technical term) —when ever there’s a major disaster - most civilized Countries send in specialized teams. It is similar to what occurred shortly after 9/11 - and further affirmed by the catastrophic earthquakes in Haiti and Mexico. Meaning urban search and rescue is a highly specialized field of work.
On July 27, 2021 Reuters Reported that both Israel and Mexico were sending their teams to Florida to assist both Local and Federal Teams —because these brave individuals will work themselves to the bone.
Urban Search and Rescue
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue US&R team, Florida Task Force-1 (FL-TF1) is available 24 hours a day, locally or nationally. In cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the State of Florida and other agencies, the task force can be mobilized once an affected disaster area exceeds their own response capabilities and officially requests outside help.
International Missions/Deployments- this is why Elite teams from Mexico and Israel deployed to help first responders in Surfside
The notion that Mossad is in any way linked to the “controlled demolition” is preposterous and unseemly. But then again we are talking about the same individual who decided to link Deutsche Bank and Russia to the murder of Judge Salas’ son —which also gravely injured her husband. For the life of me I do not understand why his followers believe a word he tweets. But this? The level of pure insidious insensitivity is by far the most egregious conspiracy theory he has ever tweeted. Below is a tiny snippet of Domestic Urban Rescue Groups that have deployed to help
Fairfax County rescue team engineer deploys to help in Fla. building collapse
Ohio Task Force 1 deployed to assist with rescue efforts in Surfside, Florida
Members of Florida's Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 8 from Ocala -task force deployment includes 12 members of Marion County Fire Rescue, eight from Ocala Fire Rescue and eight from Gainesville Fire Rescue.
4 Baltimore County Tactical Rescue Specialists To Assist With Efforts At Surfside Condo Collapse they deployed as part of @PATaskForce1

Controlled Demolition of remaining building
Over two days ago Mayor Daniella Levine Cava explained why she signed the contract with Controlled Demolition, Incorporated (CDI)* the factors considered
the remaining building was highly unstable
presented actual danger to rescuers searching and recovering
impending threat of Tropical Storm or Hurricane - Declaration of Local State of Emergency (Hurricane Elsa) - July 3
a controlled demolition is far safer than allowing the remaining parts of the building to collapse on it’s own
Search and rescue operations ceased on July 3 -allowing CDI crews to prepare a controlled demolition of Champlain Towers South condominium.
The Mayor signed an emergency order “authorizing the demolition of the building in the interest of public health and safety, as soon as the engineers sign off on the next steps to begin the demolition process.”
Because these are the F-A-C-T-s and not some insane conspiracy theory - the fact he’s trafficking in unfounded conspiracy theories is unseemly but not unexpected—even still it is disgusting and irresponsible of him. Because the amount of human suffering and unfathomable pain hundreds of families are experiencing — he is once again exploiting this for his own personal notoriety and its egregiously insensitive.
WHEREAS, the Remaining Structure is not structurally sound, and has begun to behave in ways indicating that it may collapse; and
WHEREAS, ongoing search and rescue operations at the site were forced to halt on July 1, 2021, due to the fear that the Remaining Structure would also collapse, and cause additional damage and serious injury or loss of life, including to the hundreds of search and rescue personnel on site; and
WHEREAS, in the event the Remaining Structure were to collapse uncontrollably, it could collapse into the roadway or onto adjacent buildings, putting additional lives and property at risk; and
WHEREAS, in the event the Remaining Structure were to collapse uncontrollably, it would pose an imminent threat to the health and safety of the residents who live immediately adjacent to the Disaster Site, as the collapse would cause the release of material and debris which may include hazardous organic and inorganic materials and which may also generate harmful airborne particulates and odors; and
WHEREAS, in the event the Remaining Structure were to collapse uncontrollably, it would pose an imminent threat to the health and safety of residents who live immediately adjacent to the Disaster Site, as such collapse could lead to additional fires, such as the ones which have occurred intermittently on the Disaster Site since the collapse; and
July 4, 2021 Update regarding the demolition of Champlain Towers South
The press release - which reads in part:
Between 10 p.m. on Sunday, July 4, 2021 and 3 a.m. on Monday, July 5, the vacant Champlain Towers South (8777 Collins Ave.) structure that remains standing will be demolished.
The unified command team has set up a "Blast Zone" (shown on the map in red) and a "Shelter in Place" Zone (shown in yellow), to prevent residents and visitors from getting too close to the demolition site.,
June 30, 2021 Press Release -Update on Champlain Towers South
* also fun fact Controlled Demolition, Incorporated (CDI) is in fact the very same company that carried out a controlled demolition of Trump’s failed casino earlier this year . See article embedded below
Southwest Florida Urban Search & Rescue
Is an elite team of highly specialized rescuers - and they have been providing timely and informative updates. Florida USAR Task Force 6
Southwest Florida Urban Search & Rescue (designated as FL-TF 6) is a multi-agency, multi-discipline search & rescue task force dedicated to serving the community of Southwest Florida, and its surrounding areas.
July 26th Surfside Structure Collapse – Update #2
July 27th Surfside Structure Collapse – Update #3
July 30th Surfside Structure Collapse – Update #4
USAR South Florida Task Force 2
Sent 80-plus members of their rescue teams to assist in the Surfside Condo Collapse - Florida Task Force Two (FL-TF2)
Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) investigation;
…announced it would launch a full technical investigation into what caused the partial collapse of the Champlain Towers South Condominium in Surfside, Florida, on June 24, 2021
NIST investigations are thorough and typically take years to complete. However, the team will provide updates on its progress to the National Constructive Safety Team Advisory Committee at its regular meetings, which are open to the public.
NIST encourages members of the public to submit any information, including video, photos or other documentation, that might help the investigation via a data portal that the agency has set up.
For the love of your own critical thinking, please consider stop polluting your brain with the nonsense this person tweets. Seriously think about the hundreds of family members who have no idea when rescuers will recover the remains of their loved ones. Yet some asshole on Twitter is trafficking in an insane QANON-for-the-Left conspiracy theory that some how Israel planned the “rush job” in the “controlled demolition” of what remained of Champlain Towers South Condominium.
He offers no proof. He consistently withholds documents. He has a history of purloining other people’s research and presents it as his own. Yet he lives for the “notoriety” of his Twitter celebrity. All while acting like a douche baguette. I’ll probably regret publishing this because it’s only a matter of time for his attack dogs and cult-like followers will come here and harass me - but someone had to finally set this dolt straight. But seriously he wants you to believe that Israel or more precisely Mossad had “something” to do with “the rushed” demolition of Champlain Towers South Condominium. I mean WTFINGF is wrong with him - besides everything
Amended because disinformation is dumb
I am by no means a DeSantis “friendly” FFS #DeSatan was in fact started by Moi because I had the copious receipts showing how #DeSatan was first, second and third in line for Federal Assistance concerning COVID-19 and do not even get me started about Rebekah Jones. Yup I took a lot of heat for being one of the few who said - she’s fooling a lot of people
But this disinformation tweet Archived… my retort is prove it
Because clearly most do not understand how the Emergency Declaration process. Meaning the Governor of the State is required to “declare” an Emergency. Before any federal help/aid can start to flow. So sticking to the facts that I can back up with actual receipts (again I do not like or respect #Desatan) but I do respect actual facts;
June 24, 2021 Executive Order 21-148 declaring a State of Emergency in Miami-Dade County
June 24, 2021 (the Governor is required to send a notice to FEMA see Notification of Emergency Declaration for the Surfside Building Collapse
filed simultaneously was Emergency Declaration Request for the Surfside Building Collapse
June 25, 2021 Governor DeSantis announced, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved an Emergency Declaration for the Surfside Building Collapse, which provides access to additional critical resources.
June 25, 2021 Biden White House Read out of telephonic conference with Florida Governor DeSantis:
The President approved the emergency declaration shortly after receiving the request from the Governor of Florida, ordering Federal assistance be made available. The emergency declaration authorizes FEMA to coordinate disaster relief efforts, reimburse response costs, provide equipment and resources to assist with debris removal and emergency protective measures in order to try to save lives, and to provide temporary shelter and housing for those who have been displaced
June 27, 2021 Governor Ron DeSantis met on site with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell regarding the Surfside Building Collapse response. Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) Director Kevin Guthrie requested an Administrative Declaration for Miami-Dade County from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide disaster loans to individuals and businesses impacted by the Surfside Building Collapse.
July 1, 2021 Remarks by President Biden on the Surfside Condo Collapse;
“I thank the governor, I thank my colleagues, my — Senator Scott and Senator Rubio, I thank Debbie Wasserman Schultz for their total, complete cooperation. There’s no — there’s no disagreement, no bickering. Everybody is on the same team. It’s what America is all about. It’s about pulling together, leaving nobody behind. And that’s what made me feel — the one thing that made me feel good about this is the — is a cohesion that exists. There’s no Democrat or Republican out there; they’re just people wanting to do the right thing for their fellow Americans..”
July 1, 2021 Official Florida Governor’s Office Press Release
July 2, 2021 - President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Amends Florida Emergency Declaration - made additional assistance available to the State of Florida by
authorizing an increase in the level of federal funding for debris removal and emergency protective measures undertaken in the State of Florida as a result of the Surfside Building Collapse beginning on June 24, 2021, and continuing.
Under the emergency declaration issued for the State of Florida on June 25, 2021, the federal share was made available for the Individuals and Households Program under Section 408 of the Stafford Act and assistance for debris removal and emergency protective measures, including direct federal assistance, at 75 percent of the total eligible costs.
The last time I checked FEMA, NIST, OSHA and SBA are all federal agencies - yes on June 24, 2021 there was some confusion on what if any Federal Resources Florida would request but the “refuse federal support” is bullshit disinformation - so if there’s any public reporting, government communications that at any point state DeSantis is refusing Federal Assistance or President Biden denied Florida’s request - then post them but trafficking in an conspiracy theory that #DeSatan is refusing federal aid is bullshit. And I’m genuinely sorry that some do not understand the actual Emergency Declaration process both on a State and Federal level. Seriously tired of the rampant and demonstrably provable disinformation.
And lastly I had to threaten my financial institution to litigate his unauthorized charging of my debt card for his “gametheorytoday” —For example he has 300+ individuals paying $10 a month for his gametheorytoday - approximately netting him $3K a month. He advertises his paid/premium content via promosocial - yet in the past 30 days he hasn’t tweeted a single thing. For accuracy he did tweet two tweets but then deleted two. So exactly what did some 300+ people pay for from June 6th to July 5th?
Miriam Webster’s definition of fraud:
specifically: intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right…
an act of deceiving or misrepresenting - a person who is not what he or she pretends to be
And predictably his attack dog is number one attack dog is out there barking this (archived) because that’s all she does. She enables his behavior. She attacks and smears the known victims of Garland. And also forced to delete hundreds if not thousands of tweets

She literally tweeted Garland “didn’t write this or say that” - weird -let’s just roll the tape - turns out yes he did
as for her specious allegation that I’m a stalker —well maybe if he didn’t intentionally trafficking in disgusting anti-Semitic tropes I wouldn’t feel compelled to push out facts. But you keep doing you Cathy & Eric and I’ll keep collecting evidence to pass on to my attorneys and law enforcement. Unlike both of you I don’t make threats. I have the financial means to litigate this in a Courtroom and just because you delete the evidence - Twitter was already served a preservation request and subpoena(s). You’re welcome and I see I’ve added on to the 3 story walk-in closet that I’m occupying in your heads.
You might also get a chuckle over the twitgrifter who wants to charge $4.99/mo so he can pay for his PACER research on data breaches.
As soon as I saw that post, my BS meter went off. Thank you for your sanity and letting me know I'm not crazy. Also... you should get the teacher of the year award for bs busting!