Remember those on Twitter that glorified Michael Avenatti and then plagiarized other people’s research
Updated with additional receipts and edited out two typos
I need to be clear - none of this brings me any gratification. I was harassed both online and in person. Some accounts gave Avenatti information to dox me. This resulted in him contacting one of my children’s schools. This also caused me to pull out of a field trip to the White House. I also had to explain to my client/employer why I was being doxed and harassed. I nearly lost my 16+ year contract with two clients. Meaning this had real life adverse implications.
I want you to remember and never forget the various Twitter-famous accounts who gave Avenatti a wholesale pass and amplified him to the highest pedestals —while others kept saying R-U-N don’t think about it just R-U-N as fast as you can away from Avenatti

The love fest went on for MONTHS

And she was so excited that Avenatti interacted with her. La sigh and insert eyeroll
In September of 2018 I point blank asked him what kind of attorney steals tens of hundreds of thousands from a paraplegic client - this was his response

I followed up by asking Avenatti about Jason Franks and what certainly looked like bankruptcy fraud. I can’t even properly describe the Twitter hate I was subjected to. I was called jealous and bitter. Which is hilarious because again in early April 2018 I was like stay the hell away from Avenatti. He’s a crook and he stole from his clients. He stole from his partners.
Julie Swetnick
Lest any of you forget what it was like to be attacked by all sides and it was unrelenting. It lasted weeks and possibly over a month. I kind of blocked it out because as a victim of sexual abuse - her statement did not ring true. All of this because I point by point noted Swetnivk’s sketchy past (literally linked to the IRS Liens and Montgomery County MD Court Records), the glaring inconsistencies in her sworn statement and boy that was such a fun time on Twitter. I don’t know what became of Sen Grassley’s two criminal referrals but I figured I’d remind you
Swetnick made her allegations in a sworn statement to the committee on September 26. In an October 1 interview with NBC News, however, Swetnick specifically and explicitly back-tracked or contradicted key parts of her sworn statement on these and other allegations. In subsequent interviews, Avenatti likewise cast serious doubt on or contradicted the allegations while insisting that he had thoroughly vetted his client.
Avenatti Twisted my Words and Pressured me..
That’s what one of the woman Avenatti trotted out as a victim during the Kavanaugh hearings —sad when she was contacted by the then Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. I can’t recall if Sen Grassley spoke to her or if he had the Committee’s General Counsel speak to her.
Avenatti submitted an anonymous declaration on October 2, 2018, purporting to corroborate allegations raised by Julie Swetnick. However, according to yesterday’s news report, the declarant denied making the key allegations, saying that Avenatti “twisted [her] words.”
Grassley is referring Avenatti for investigation of potential violations of the same statutes noted in yesterday’s criminal referral. More on yesterday’s referral is available here.
Do I regret saying R-U-N absolutely not. I knew that it would be a matter of time —so I sat there and took the abuse —knowing at the end of the day my research would prove who was right and who was wrong. I still have a bias towards the MSM who pushed this crook and charlatan on all of their programs and I swear there were times I was like he’s over saturated and it’s going to bite him.
Let’s not forget in April 2018 Avenatti wanted the WSJ to give him attribution for his leaking SARS which he unlawfully obtained

To see other prominent Twitter blue checks who gave Avenatti accolades - click here
And the only reason Garland caught holy hell is he spent hours on the phone with me while I explained the Bankruptcy Lawsuit, the IRS lien, the 2 other lawsuits and 2 CA bar Complaints -I send him all of the Court filings on those matters but I also I sent him Avenatti’s divorce proceedings showing him the Court granted the soon to be ex-Mrs Avenatti’s Order of Protection and allowed her to change the locks on his home. With the express caveat that he should not use those proceedings against Avenatti or I’d publicly call him out for violating our agreement. Garland then pass this research (which took me several days/hours to find and read and highlight the important parts) but no he passes off that research as his own and when I asked him why he purloined the research
“I’m a blue check mark and have more visibility then you plus I know how to deal with the harassment” this thread and the subsequent threads June thru Dec 2019 was largely based on my research. I cut off all communication with Garland in February 2020 because I found out he had lied to me on numerous occasions, I used one time favors by contacting the State Dept, USAO and ACLU on his behalf. Those are favors that I can never use for my actual clients —all because Garland completely mislead me and lied to me about his personal legal issues.

In May of 2018 I warned my followers that the Executive Summary Avenatti was selling was likely a product of UNLAWFUL SARS LEAKS. To be fair in late 2019 Dirk tweeted out something like “no one should be following Avenatti”

Avenatti bragged that he worked with Trolls to mass report my account because I was one of very few people in April of 2018 where I said R-U-N do not think twice if you trust me R-U-N away from him. To be fair in March 2018 I was vaguely intrigued by him but unlike some on Twitter I did my research.

I have and will continue to have a deep redline - I don’t bring other people’s children or their ex spouses into the public court of public opinion. Michael Avenatti with the help of the trolls re-doxed me, he contacted my child’s school and people like Gina Bradbury and Tracu B’More gave him my PII to further dox me and put my children in harms way wanna see my receipts? Here
this is the tweet 35 minutes before Twitter suspended my account

This is the now deleted but this is when he amplified a full on dox

This is the November 2019 Archived Twitter Thread
So I heard Avenatti sobbed during today’s hearing - that saddens me because the impact on his children will be ever lasting. And I genuinely feel bad for his children -even though he also made a call to CPS about my children. So yes I can be extraordinarily snarky - but this mother fucker and the trolls nearly cost me my foster daughter too —but unlike these individuals I can feel sadness for innocents involved. Come for my children one more time and I swear on my ancestors I will make you regret doing that.

Avenatti still facing TWO criminal trials
criminal complaint - Department of Justice —I am genuinely vexed why the SDNY Nike case was what folks focused on. I mean it’s not every day a bi-costal attorney is charged in two Federal Districts. That said back in 2019 I repeatedly stated the CDCA case is where the action is.
In my industry if the freaking affidavit has multiple pages just for the table of contents and the affidavit itself is over 130+ pages then here’s what you should know. A criminal case that’s either entirely on paper or >85% on paper —the Defendant is screwed. In my industry we have a saying “paper has no emotion” meaning the CDCA FBI & IRS Agents probably had 2 full Iron Mountain Trucks for the files on their case (okay that might be a tiny exaggeration). I mean we know based on the rolling discovery that the Government circa Feb 2020 et seq has handed over several terabytes of data. But I get it the Nike Case was super sexy - whereas paper, irs documents, bankruptcy documents, payroll etc isn’t as sexy bur if I were Avenatti I’d fall on my sword and get on my knees and beg the USAO-NDCA to offer me a plea deal. But then again I”m not Avenatti because I pay/file my taxes, I don’t use donation cites to pad my pocket, I’ve never engaged in bankruptcy fraud and I’ve never stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from my clients. Avenatti stole from at least four female clients. But he’s a champion of women.
And to those who harassed, stalked, plagiarized and made my life hell-ish this gif is for you -
on a more entertaining note here’s a link to Avenatti and DMs
I remember this and what was so distressing, is the level of danger you were placed in. Looking back, so many were convinced that those accounts were above reproach. The confounding part of your being targeted and taken off of Twitter, is that your account was the only one providing documents and factual information. In all of the years I followed you, you’ve only offered threads with receipts and your suspicions about Avenatti, were based on your research. One thing that disturbs me to no end and continues to bother me, is the plagiarism. So many of those so called “in the know” accounts decided they didn’t want to believe EG was an abusive serial twitter predator but what about the plagiarism? I struggled with the odd explanation by LB that never called EG out for those abuses. But, as researchers, why wasn’t plagiarism, a hard red line for ditching EG? Stealing someone’s work and passing it as their own, should’ve been the last straw.
I’m glad Avenatti will be held accountable. I too feel bad for his kids. This is a much better platform for you to share your gifts.
Maaaan, I remember the thick of all that sheeeit and as an observer, being totally lost. I chose you, of course, cuz….spicy always has the receipts! Am sad there was so much hell for you and the fam. Sorry.