Someone should help Lincoln’s Bible and give the girl what she wants RIGHT BOOKING NOW - amended
You need to sit down and omertà because your little hissy fit Twitter-thread rant shows you do not understand a goddamn thing. You don’t know how much work goes into this kind of investigation
If someone could be so kind as to educate Lincoln Bible that would be super swell and much appreciated. Queen of disinformation and misinformation and pretending she knows everything about everything all while enabling the QANON-for-the-Left garbage.

Because the fact you “WANT ANSWERS NOW GODDAMNIT” that’s super swell and rich considering you’ve trafficked in disinformation and misinformation for years
The fact you don’t understand how criminal investigations actually work or the process which are governed the Federal criminal rules of Procedure
Also aren’t you the one who said Trump would be arrested on January 21, 2021 - aren’t you also the one who said
or when you talked about the DOJ-OLC memo -

And yes while you are correct that the OLC memo is simply a memo - it hasn’t been challenged or adjudicated. But that shows you simply do not understand our Common Law aka Judicial System, CFRs or the weight and constraints of our Constitution or the legal framework the OLC used to formulate said memos. I know reading is hard but here I sourced each of the memos and provided a quick summary of the 2000 memo. You’re welcome
1970’s OLC Memo -
Office ofLegal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice in 1973 and 2000, during the Nixon and Clinton administrations.
- in a 1973 memorandum made a determination based on the constitution and law and CFRs - whereas the 2000 memorandum summarized and expanded upon the earlier one
2000 OLC Memo
the OLC concluded that a sitting president was “immune from criminal prosecution because it would interfere with the executive branch’s ability to perform its constitutionally assigned duties and thus violate the constitutional separation of powers” so maybe instead of calling House Democrats “cowards” you should perhaps read both memos and maybe ask informed questions…
or your incessant “dear world” insert Trump, insert mob, insert Russia and then insert “money laundering”… For years I believed your disinformation and misinformation that Trump and Kushner were already indicted. You fooled me for a long time - now I know you are full of it and you consistently give your followers false hope and an all you can eat buffet of disinformation and misinformation.

Of all your threads this one always stuck with mr because for years you’ve trafficked in “Trump was installed” or “Trump is mob” or “Trump is already under indictment” weird - remind us again about all of your “facts” and “assertions” what’s actually panned out? Because you fooled a lot of us with your tweets as if they were “Bible” but your win/loss ratio well the facts speak for themselves

…you demanding the DOJ tell all of us what’s going on …that’s either a ploy to remain relevant, stir up anger in your cult like following or you simply do not have one iota of how the criminal justice system actually works. The investigation is ongoing and there are several places Americans can go to be informed with hundreds of court filings, and unlike you I actually read every page of the Court filings…so go back to tweeting about R.I.C.O which is hilarious because you didn’t even know there are two separate USAM for R.I.C.O. and it requires the approval of the actual Attorney General.
Oh and speaking of Attorney General Garland, once again you’re factually incorrect and proffer nothing in the way of facts to support your specious tweets/thread - see Senate Roll Call Vote, see PN78-7 — Merrick Brian Garland — Department of Justice - the “delay” was in part caused by the 2nd impeachment but it’s not my issue you don’t know where to go look for the information you are now demanding. Seriously sit down and stfu
But the last time I checked the FBI is still under the Department of Justice and they recently released ten new videos and they regularly update their “Most Wanted Page”
But today you went way too far. Some of us actually do the research, give our readers access to root/original documents -to help them make an informed assessment. Whereas you withhold documents and then spin fantastical tales about our intelligence community and your access to members of that community.
Also if you insist on your 5AM fire side chats - 1) buy a new robe, your terry cloth blue robe appears to have seen better days, and 2) FFS at least wash your face so your faithful cult members don’t have to see the eye-boogies, and 3) your shtick is tired and you attacking the DOJ well that’s a whole new low, even for you.
I read their tweets and get totally lost in their conspiracy theories. Every day it gets more weird. I was sorely disappointed when one person joined their banter for a found her truly reputable in the past. I am tired of their veiled threats with no follow through.
Now this made me laugh snort. I saw her tweet and just shook my head.