Steven Cappuccio -USAO-DC didn’t file a Pretrial Detention Motion (yet again) MPD Officer Hodges deserves so much better than USAO-DC ineptitude -amended
I do not understand why this is so hard to comprehend, if you are indicted for physically assaulting numerous law enforcement officers -domestic terrorist should NOT be released. Period. Full Stop
This isn’t going to make sense, but if you give me about five minutes I will actually help you make sense of it…and I’m going to warn you I am red-rum irate. The fact that the USAO-DC did NOT even file a Pretrial Detention Motion is unacceptable. Defendant Steven Cappuccio was released on a $50,000 bond. and I apologize in advance for the yelling
Officer Hodges’ testimony cited the definition of Domestic Terrorism. Defendant Steven Cappuccio is a domestic terrorist that beat the crap out of Officer Hodges and the USAO-DC couldn’t be bothered to file a Pretrial Detention Motion.
Notice in the USAO-DC Capitol Violence database, Steven Cappuccio is listed?
Original Jurisdiction v Arresting Jurisdiction & “cr” v “mj” cases
As the database confirms (at the time of publication) there are no court documents in the database. But that’s when you need to look at the arresting jurisdiction. And only then you can obtain the various court filings which now includes a superseding indictment. I’ve explained, and sometimes it feels like “ad nauseam” that DDC is the Original Jurisdiction but you need to search the arresting jurisdiction for the MJ-case.
United States v. Cappuccio WDTX MJCase No 5:21-mj-00895
On August 10, 2021 the DDC transmitted an Arrest (pursuant to Rule 5/Rule 32.1) of Steven Cappuccio to the WDTX.
Defendant Steven Cappuccio Relevant Court Filings
Superseding Indictment See WDTX-ECF -or via Scribd fact is this is the fourth superseding indictment
Also you’ll note one defendant is redacted but before we drill down on Redacted Defendant because there are a few clues in the SR4:
Redacted Defendant (RD #1)
Count Twelve charges RD #1 with 18 U.S.C. §111(a)(1) and (2) -Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees. But I’d like to draw your attention to what I highlighted, notice the exact time frame? 2:40PM to 3:18PM that means RD #1 engaged in 38 minutes of assaultive behavior. That’s important and once you compare Steven Cappuccio charges you’ll understand why I highlighting (both figuratively and literally)
Count Thirty Four - charges RD #1 (and the eight other co-defendants) with violating; 18 U.S.C. 1512(c)(2) and (2) -Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting
Count Thirty Five -also charges RD #1 (and the eight other co-defendants) with violating 18 U.S.C. § 231(a)(3) -Civil Disorder
Count Fifty Two - charges RD #1 and his/her co-defendants with violating 40 U.S.C. 5104(e)(2)(D) —Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building and 18 U.S.C. §2 1
and lastly Count Fifty Three - charges RD #1 and his/her codefendants with violating 40 U.S.C. §5104(e)(2)(F) —Act(s) of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Building and 18 U.S.C. §2 -Principals
Have you figured out why I am drawing your attention to Redacted Defendant? Here’s a hint, look at each defendant and each count in the fourth superseding indictment…all of Redacted Defendants codefendants are charged with substantially more counts. Meaning that the Redacted Defendant is only charged with Counts 34, 35, 52 and 53 So reread Count Twelve - 2:40PM to 3:18PM that means RD #1 engaged in 38 minutes of assaultive behavior. To be clear the following statement is an educated guess, on my part. And you are more than welcomed to disagree with me —but my educated guess is Redacted Defendant #1 is likely a cooperating defendant. Again that’s a guess on my end and eventually I’m certain we will all find out who’s right and who’s wrong.
Newly Indicted Defendant Steven Cappuccio…
Count twenty-eight -Defendant Cappuccio violated 18 U.S.C. 111(a)(1) and 2 -Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding Certain Officers and Aiding and Abetting - note the specificity of time - January 6, 2021 at or around 3:08PM to 3:10PM
Here’s the FBI Video showing Defendant Cappuccio assaulting Metropolitan Police Officer Hodges
Also see count Thirty …
If you haven’t already watched the Four Law Enforcement Officer’s Congressional Testimony - then perhaps take the time to read this… law enforcement deserves so much better than what the current “acting” US Attorney in DC is doing. It is infuriating that so many Domestic Terrorist are being released. FFS they tried to over throw our Government, they delayed the Constitutionally required Electoral College Ballot Certification for hours. They attacked our Democracy. They attacked hundreds of law enforcement officers. Many of whom are still dealing with the trauma they endured. I am beyond disgusted by the USAO-DC -I quadruple checked both dockets -the USAO-DC did NOT file a Pretrial Detention Motion; WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. F…
MPD Officer Hodges Testimony
“A man attempted to rip the baton from my hands & we wrestled for control. I retained my weapon. After I pushed him back, he yelled at me, 'you're on the wrong team!'...another [shouted], 'you will die on your knees!'"..When we were marching up through the crowd, they were all shouting at us, calling us traitors, telling us to remember our oath, stuff like that…”…They attacked us. Fists, trying to steal our equipment, pushing, hitting, kicking, that kind of thing."
“It was clear the terrorists perceive themselves to be Christians. I saw the Christian flag directly to my front. Another read ‘Jesus is my Savior. Trump is my president.’ Another ‘Jesus is King.’”…“My perpetual confusion, I saw the thin blue line flag, a symbol of support for law enforcement more than once being carried by the terrorists as they ignored our commands and continued to assault us,”
this is when Officer Hodges recited the statute which defines domestic terrorism

18 U.S.C. United States Code, 2009 Edition
Sec. 2331 - Definitions;
5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
Count Forty Two -Domestic Terrorist Steven Cappuccio charged with violating 18 U.S.C. 1752 (a)(2) and (b)(1)(A) -disorderly and disruptive conduct in a Restricted Building with a deadly or dangerous weapon -but YIPPEE the USAO-DC didn’t file a Pretrial Detention Motion.
What kind of message is the USAO-DC sending to other Domestic Terrorist? Besides hey we have you on multiple videos and CCTV physically assaulting a law enforcement officer but it’s cool -you’re a angry white guy and your loving wife will be your custodian. What in the freshest of all fresh hell is this madness? If you can post a $50K unsecured bond ($5K) then you won’t be remanded into custody pending trial. Because you didn’t really mean to hurt law enforcement and you didn’t really engage in acts of Domestic Terrorism.
See ECF for Unsecured Bond Filed as to Steven Cappuccio in amount of $50,000.00
See ECF for ORDER Setting Conditions of Release as to Steven Cappuccio (1) Unsecured $50,000.00. Signed by Judge Henry J. Bemporad
Don’t even get me started about Freddie Klein either because I don’t have anything constructive to add. Beyond yes at least the USAO-DC filed a detention motion but for some reason the Court wasn’t convinced by the arguments and let this domestic terrorist out.
And to be brutally candid I am absolutely disgusted that Freddie Klein was released.
At any rate I shouldn’t have started this article because at the moment I’m too mad to call it a night —if the preliminary research is correct Steven Cappuccio was in the US Army for 12 years. Again I’m sorry for yelling. I just can’t believe that the MSM isn’t accurately reporting that the Domestic Terrorist Steven Cappuccio was released into the custody of his wife and paid a $50K unsecured bond ($5K) -also I’m probably taking tomorrow off so don’t be alarmed if I’m silent for a few days
Amended August 13, 2021
If you think I’m being entirely too harsh on the USAO-DC allow me to remind you of the USAO-DC complete ineptitude as it relates to Defendant Haynes’ girlfriend who was repeatedly beaten, strangled and sustained other “malicious injuries” —no one wants to talk about these really blatant acts of ineptitude;
USAO-DC did not file a Pretrial Detention Motion
Read the Dates of the Various VA arrest warrants
then compare the dates to the original affidavit
the court on July 30, 2021 issued an arrest warrant
The USAO-DC filed “an emergency motion” on August 6, 2021
Defendant Robertson - the USAO-DC did not file a Pretrial Detention Motion
And while Defendant Robertson was released —he managed to purchased 39 guns
Defendant Ryan Samsel and nope you betcha USAO-DC no motion to detain this violent woman beating trash-box human being. He was on FREAKING PAROLE when he decided to add Domestic Terrorist to his resume
And it wasn’t until late May 2021 when USAO-DC decided to oppose Samsel’s Motion to be Released
Defendant Ryan Samsel mini case update:
MINUTE ORDER (see DDC-ECF for docket report):
Upon review of the Motion for Substitution of Counsel 42 it is hereby ORDERED that a virtual status hearing is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on August 16, 2021 before Magistrate Judge Zia M. Faruqui. Counsel for the United States,
Defendant's current defense attorney, both attorneys now seeking to represent Defendant, and a representative from the USMS and the jail's medical unit shall appear at the hearing
I mean these are the recent cases I’m aware of (do NOT get me started about Freddie Klein or Ethan $1M NORDEAN) and keep in mind that I’m not tracking all of the 580+ defendants. Again I don’t know what the “acting” US Attorney for the District of Columbia is thinking but he needs to be replaced because clearly the USAO-DC doesn’t think Jan6th was a protracted act of thousands of domestic Terrorist and they seem to either not fully understand the awesome responsibility that comes with their office or they don’t think the Defendants are domestic Terrorist.
I really should stop before I write something I might later regret —I swore I’d take a few days off but nope here I am raging like a Tasmania Devil. Inside joke my colleagues call me Spaz when I get mad and so does my family—to give you a visual of what I am doing right now👇🏻
18 U.S.C. §2 has an interesting provision -unlike an accessory after the fact (§3) those who aid and abet “punishable as a principal” - meaning it has the same consequences on an individual who orders (hence principal) or intentionally assists in committing a federal crime. Most don’t understand this distinction and I figured I’d take a moment and explain because it’s kind of important
a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.
(b) Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the United States, is punishable as a principal.
Must be so demoralizing for law enforcement!
This is the Menorah Mask Guy!?Just arrested today? Been waiting for this. He's an animal - much like his friend Pizzo-whatever. Both should be put away. No mercy. And somebody needs to kick the USAO-DC where the sun doesn't shine.