I swear this particular song ran on loop as I started researching this article because yes this reminds me of what’s happening in DC ever since the dawn of the tea party… which has morphed into the QANON-Party…
(whispers I should really stop writing or researching after 2AM - insomnia is one of the long haul symptoms that’s becoming annoying)
And the walls kept tumbling down (oh where do we begin?)
In the city that we love (the rubble or our sins?)
Gray clouds roll over the hills (oh where do we begin?)
Bringing darkness from above (the rubble or our sins?)
The Membership requirements:
Shall provided your DNA report verifying that you are not a descendant of; Native American, Latino, Asian, African American - your DNA must prove you are of 100% European descendants.
New members shall be restricted to white and male -only-
New members shall have a median age of 47 years, at the time of your application.
Shall pledge absolute and unconditional fealty to Donald Trump,
Must be willing to use our constitution to wipe your posterior,
Shall coordinate with Oath Keepers (Gosar looking at you), III’ers, Proud Boys because “they are just tourist”
Thou shall refer to and diminish the deadly January 6th Insurrectionist as a peaceful group of terrorist, I mean tourist.
New membership requires a complete abdication of common sense and critical thinking.
Members are required to emulate the behaviors and beliefs of Donald Trump
At all relevant times should members become embroiled in or identified as s target of a criminal investigation - you will be responsible for the cost of your representation, notwithstanding should Donald J Trump also becomes a target, then you are required to pay his legal expenses.
Rep Andy Biggs
If someone ge so kind to deliver a message to @RepAndyBiggsAZ I would very much appreciate it. (see comments for message)

Rep Mo Brooks
Mo “it’s time to kick some ass and take down names” Brooks - I suppose he was otherwise preoccupied swearing warrants - If one of my readers to tag @RepMoBrooks
Rep Andrew “tourist” Clyde
Let’s be clear here - @Rep_Clyde lacks the intestinal fortitude, ethics, and common decency, to shake the hand of Officer Fanone. This MPD Officer literally put his body in between the Violet-Trump-Mob and lawmaker - yet Rep Clyde refused to shake his hand and Officer Fanone stated - in part:
“I think he was trying or did record the last few moments of our very brief encounter”

Rep DesJarais is a human garbage dumpster fire.
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, @DesJarlaisTN04 -released the following statement on his decision to vote no:
Representative DesJarlais voted no on H. Res. 479 because he believes it is fiscally irresponsible to continue to create new paid holidays for federal workers while the majority of hard-working private-sector employees get left to pay the bill.
Juneteenth is a state holiday in the vast majority of American states. The only thing making this holiday federal does is spending $600 million dollars to pay federal employees to not come to work.”
Rep Paul QANON-Oath-Keepers Gosar
To say that Rep Gosar is a fringe Oath-Keepers- QANON rancid pile of human garbage, that’s me being “nice”. Seriously Arizona why do you keep re-electing his garbage pile. The “esteemed” Oath Keepers supporter literally stated in his Statement:
Juneteenth is more debunked Critical Race Theory in action. I reject racism. I reject the racial division people are promoting. I voted no because this proposed holiday does not bring us together, it tears us apart.
Rep Ronnie Jackson
First off I completely forgot he ran for Congress and some how managed to be elected. Responding to the USAToday reporter -Rep Jackson said the following, in an effort to knockdown the growing criticism
“We have enough federal holidays right now. I just don't see the reason in doing it… "I don't think it rises to the level I'm going to support it."
Rep Thomas Massie
Can you hear that thumping noise —that’s the sound of my head slamming onto my desk - his “rationale” is a byproduct of the White Rich-Man who do not have a modicum of self awareness nor a grasp on our Country’s History. Whispers Massie is an unrepentant racist, womanizer, and for the record Massie didn’t just hear Steve King make racist remarks. THEY BOTH DID IT ON THE HOUSE FLOOR, in the CloakRoom (it’s where members pop in and get a beverage and/or light snack.
I fully support creating a day to celebrate the abolition of slavery, a dark portion of our nation's history. However, naming this day 'national independence day' will create confusion and push Americans to pick one of those two days as their independence day based on their racial identity,
Rep Thomas McClintock
While not directly linked to his June 16, 2021 “no” vote on S. 475 the Juneteenth Act…you have to watch his June 16th floor speech “Mother’s Law” and by the time I reached the 2:38 minute marker I genuinely said out loud:
Oh look there’s a misogynistic douche-baguette who thinks women can’t be trusted to make sound appropriations delegations because “ear marks and Representatives are inherently biased” <—on the latter I agree but the prior? Hard Pass - 1956 called and Tom they want you to omertà with your espousing archaic patriarchy malarkey…
Rep Ralph Norman
Oh. My. Gawd. What. In. The. Freshest. Of. All. Fresh. Hell. Is. This. Madness?
sidenote does Kevin QANON McCarthy have a happy hour “boys only” where they sit around rate female staffers, get inebriated and then McCarthy hands them back their cellphones so they can drunk tweet? Seriously 11 out of 14 of these White-Rich-Old(er)-White Men a/k/a “douche-baguettes” sure seem to let their racist and ignorant flag fly at full mast. And nearly all of the statements were published after 9PM…

Also his thread is riddled with disinformation and misinformation - he states as a “fact” that Obama cost tax payers $660 million for the extra day off around Christmas. Yet to acknowledge his dear Orange-Cheesus did the same thing —nearly every President from the late sixties to present have given Federal Employees either half a day or a full day off during Christmas. Wait didn’t the GOP (Trump) say Obama was leading the “war on Christmas” how dare he -how dare President Obama wish Merry Christmas every year he was in the White House. How. Dare. He.
Rep Mike Rogers
Beyond the logged Roll Call Vote - he hasn’t released a statement and a preliminary review of his social media footprint —I can’t find any public statement.
Rep Matt Rosendale
Presented sans commentary or opinion —beyond Res Ipsa Loquitur…I mean and I can not stress this enough; What. In The. Actual. F_ck is this venomous disinformation word salad of QANON- cray cray is this?
“….The Left has made up what was primarily a Texas holiday, which they are now acting like they recently discovered, in order to continually make Americans feel bad and convince them that our country is evil….
This isn't an effort to commemorate emancipation, it’s very clearly tied to the larger hard-left agenda to enshrine the racial history of this country as the prime aspect of our national story. They do not want to highlight all the good this country has brought to the world--flight, our Constitution, the defeat of communism and Nazism, the internet--but instead our racial sins. America is good and efforts to cast the country as otherwise should be opposed.
Rep Chip Roy
I am genuinely having a hard time wrapping my head around the notion that we (mainly the Republican Party) have dozens of actual racist members of the House of Representatives walking the hallowed grounds of Giants among men/women. This fresh crop of unrepentant racist AF individuals makes my stomach turn. It’s as if Trump tapped into the hate and fear that most rational and sane individuals would never contemplate tapping into. Trump gave these people the wink and nob “it’s okay to be a racist ___ -don’t worry I got you” Trump gave them permission to allow their racist flag fly high and long
I could not vote for this bill, however, because the holiday should not be called “Juneteenth National Independence Day” but rather, “Juneteenth National Emancipation [or Freedom or otherwise] Day.
This name needlessly divides our nation on a matter that should instead bring us together by creating a separate Independence Day based on the color of one’s skin. We asked Democrats to work with us on the floor to change the name to one that properly recognizes the importance of the day without creating a separate “Independence Day,” however, Democrats refused.
Rep Tom Tiffany
Similar to others I haven’t had any success in finding any public statement as to Rep Tiffany’s rationale to vote “no” on the Juneteenth Act. However you might want to read his May 19, 2021 Twitter Thread - the ratios are almost as whacked as the contents of his short thread…

And with that I believe you are officially debriefed on the June 16, 2021 House Roll Call Vote 170.Now if you’ll excuse me I have some bonbons that’s require my immediate attention —Filey
These are ignorant men and I cannot believe they serve in Congress but they do and we're sorrier for them. Our country's governing body is overrun with racist seditionists. Ugh.
Loved the way you called it like it is in this piece. I laughed all the way through it because how can you not? These creeps are glowing down and President Biden is keeping all his promises. Watching him get down on one knee with Ms. Opal Lee brought tears (happy ones) to my eyes.
“Oh look there’s a misogynistic douche-baguette who thinks women can’t be trusted to make sound appropriations delegations because “ear marks and Representatives are inherently biased” <—on the latter I agree but the prior? Hard Pass - 1956 called and Tom they want you to omertà with your espousing archaic patriarchy malarkey…” ⚰️😎👋