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This is really sad for the victims of Pulse Nightclub. Was thinking similarly today that if a few landmark cases were won & awarded large amounts of mo way from social media platforms, there might be more motivation in taking a hard stance against terror. We saw that YouTube is taking a minor step w/regard to Covid. Zuckerberg could shut hate groups, Q-Anon & extremists down in one day. He is fully complicit in the growth of domestic terror. Newtown families have this same enduring burden. My heart aches for victims of these mass shootings & violent crimes. I’ve said it so many times-gun violence puts you in a club that you don’t want to be in. The terror lasts long after the event. I applaud anyone who is willing to take on social media & hold them responsible for allowing hate, terror & extremism to fester & grow. Ironic that Pulse was aligned with Isis as we now watch the post insurectionist extremist/Covid denying anti-vax era aligning with Taliban & using Taliban’s language. We have the power to change this. It takes one or two cases as you said. Democracy & public safety is worth saving. Thank you Filey. ❤️

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