2022 midterm Oct Surprises; Republicans are the shameless party of Racism, Misogyny & Rage. Period. Full Stop
2022 Midterms Oct surprise: Republicans let their KKK Hoods fly like a flag of white privilege. LA Dems need to get their house in order. Forthwith because what happened is utterly reprehensible.
Point of Personal Privilege:
Hiya! Did you all miss me? Because I certainly missed you. Although I’m pretty sure I had previously disclosed; that the first two weeks of October, publishing a daily article would be hit or miss. Largely due to the fact, last week on my way back from New Orleans I received an inflight email notifying me of 2 unexpected client meetings. At the present time I’m 15K+ feet in the air heading back to Washington DC. I managed to change flight so I could be home to pick up my kiddos from school. Conversely in less than 11 hours, I’m heading to Boston for a quick same day trip. Which means I need to be at the airport by 4:35AM. Thankfully there are numerous non-stop flights from DC to Boston. Whereas Savannah to DC, not so much. Again I’m sorry if my recent absence created undue concern for my readers, that wasn’t my intent
As many of you know; late Sept into early Oct, tends to be extremely busy. Gearing up for lobbying lalapalooza, while triple checking the pre-session lodging of various bills is “on track” —isn’t for the faint of heart. My IRL friends and family have become use to this. If you had previously followed me on Twitter, then you know the pre-session scramble is the precursor to Thanksgiving thru St Patty’s Day. As this is when the General Assembly is in session. Simply put getting new legislation passed and/or analyzing proposed legislation, while balancing your clients needs and concerns is akin to dancing on a knife’s edge. Moreover this also explains why I tend to spend the majority of Oct at our beach house. After all, a fully decompressed Spicy tends to make me an even more tenacious pitbull.
I was sitting in my seat and realized I had about 107+ minutes of free time. What better way to spend that time by writing and editing this article?
So let’s dive into the Republican Party’s enthusiastic and shameless embrace of the Donald J Trump doctrine. Hey remember that time in March of 2017 when someone was land-blasted for having the temerity of saying: MAGA is a Cult & Trump is their “dear leader” fun times I tell you, super fun times.
LA City Democrats: get your house in order. Forthwith!
I think my track record is relatively solid. And I’m proud of the fact that I tend to be an equal opportunity critic. I detest hypocrisy. Meaning I don’t shy away from calling out my own party. But in call seriousness (pardon my language) what in the actual f_ckity f__k was Nuri Martinez and her colleagues thinking? To use a racially charged and disgusting pejorative name while referring to another Council Member’s child. It is absolutely beyond the pale. I tend to agree Martinez’s resignation, as the council’s president is woefully inadequate. To be clear Martinez nor the other LA City Council members have yet to resign from the City Council (at the time of publication of this article) However the newly released (additional audio) —which the LA Times published (shortly before 1AM on October 11, 2022)

Additionally the LA City Council has a regularly scheduled meeting for October 11, 2022 —you can read the current agenda here. The very fact that Martinez has yet to resign her City Council seat, speaks volumes. Her “apology” —there are literally zero acceptable excuses to explain why she referred to the fellow Council member’s African American child as a “monkey” —irrespective that she used the Spanish word for monkey. It’s a racist pejorative term. It’s disgusting. And it’s antithetical to America’s real values.
“In a moment of intense frustration and anger, I let the situation get the best of me and I hold myself accountable for these comments. For that I am sorry,” Nuri Martinez October 10, 2022 statement to CNN
Not that this matters, if Martinez was a “Republican” with zero doubt, I would have had the identical and visceral reaction. After all basic human decency, respect of your colleagues and your colleagues families, especially children are off limits. It is never acceptable to use racist terms, irrespective of any situation.. . Lastly who ever is counseling Martinez, they need to be fired, immediately. Martinez would be wise to immediately hire a crisis management firm. Given crisis management 101 dictates:
You never and I mean you never ever preface an apology. To do so negates said apology. While low key rationalizing/explaining why you opted to be a racist.
You take full accountability for your words/actions, while acknowledging the pain and violation of trust your actions/words have caused.
You then explain future actions you will undertake, which typically highlights an earnest effort to; educate yourself, mindfulness of the power of words and then you endeavor/promise to never act that way.
That’s literally crisis management 101. And yet Martinez opted to blame shift others for her voluntary racist comments. Again Martinez should resign her City Council seat, immediately. I do wish more of the mainstream media would explain Martinez merely resigned as City Council President and on October 10, 2022 she did not resigned her City Council set. That’s a distinction that is generally lost on the average person.
The Republican MidTerm 2022 October surprise(s)
I was contemplating the not so, unexpected October surprise(s) —because if you’re running for political office, best practice is you hire an opposition research firm. You then task them to do opposition research on your opponent. And if you’re a serious candidate, you ask said firm to create an opposition report on yourself. The goal of doing so, is you & your campaign team can anticipate what your opponent will target in the full body contact sport, colloquially know as “running for elected office” —Yet failure to do so, typically means you as a candidate (and your campaign) will be caught flat-footed when your opponent decides to air all your dirty laundry. By running opposition research on yourself, this means that you can anticipate what your opponent will use in negative political ads and how to out maneuver your opponent.
Which now brings us to Herschel Walker. Who has a colosseum filled to the brim with his filthy laundry. And by filthy, Walker has more skeletons and dirty laundry than the vast majority of candidates, potentially combined.
Walkers’ ex-wife & son unspeakable injustice.
While a vast majority of the general electorate does not have access to some of my research tools. In kind, I decided to test how readily available public reporting of Herschel Walker’s many and I mean many disqualifying scandals. When possible I will embed reputable archived news articles:
In 2008 ABC News - Walker was on a Book Tour, see Google Books link for a pdf of his book: Breaking Free : My Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Walker goes into granular detail of his mental health diagnosis where he openly discussed his multiple personalities. This could be Walker’s exit ramp. Somehow explaining his documented history of domestic violence and his unwillingness to be a “good Catholic and pull out” ←yes that’s kind of vulgar but humor helps when explaining really uncomfortable situations.
Tellingly Walker never disputed his ex-wife’s allegations of repeated domestic violence. Something a PAC highlighted during their August 2022 blistering ad:
In 2021 the Atlanta Journal-Constitution published this article, concerning yet another intimate partner who (alleged) she too was a victim of Domestic Violence
Also see this May 2022 ABC News article: Herschel Walker navigates allegations of past violent behavior
“Police report: Herschel Walker’s ex-girlfriend [Myka Dean] claimed he threatened her life… Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker he threatened to “blow her head off” and then kill himself.”
See Associated Press’ July 2022 article: As Herschel Walker eyes Senate run, a turbulent past emerges
See August 2022 Super PAC’s ad where Walker admits to numerous occasions of domestic violence.
“blow her head off”…strangulation, guns and threats
Again Domestic Violence should be a disqualification for those seeking elected public office. If you or anyone you love is the victim of domestic violence, please know there are resources for you, found here. Conversely it’s an interesting paradox when the allegations are made by your own adult son. As I’m confident many of my readers are fully aware of Christian Walker’s scathing mic drop moments. See CNN’s recent reporting which dives deeper into the complicated father/son relationship. 👇🏻ICYMI👇🏻

Senators Rick Scott & Cotton stumping for Walker.
The very fact that Scott and especially Cotton quadrupled down and gleefully announced that each of them are hitting the campaign trail, stumping for Hershel Walker. Frankly it’s not a surprise. Notwithstanding the brazen temerity isn’t just notable, it’s sadly emblematic of how the metastasizing cancer that is Donald J Trump… appears to have completely engulfed the Republican Party, writ large. For Senators Scott & Cotton to stump for Walker during the home stretch of the 2022 midterms. There’s no other way to rationalize their support of Walker other than to conclude the Republican Party tangentially supports domestic violence and pathological liars. If there’s an alternative explanation, to this kind of overt misogynistic and egregious behavior, then I’m all ears.
Here’s the thing, Hershel Walker was always a problematic Senatorial Republican Candidate. This was widely known, as evident via the previous embedded links. The point is…(and please pardon me for what I’m about to say next)
…Republican are the party of domestic violence excusers…all in a bid to hold power.
The very credible facts elucidated, show a pattern of Hershel Walker long and documented history of being violent with his intimate partners. Not the least of which being an absentee father to his numerous children. And while some might pivot to the stereotypical trope that “black fathers are absent” —I think that would be intellectually lazy to say Hershel Walker is a “stereo typical blank father” —to do so creates additional injustices for his ex-wife, ex-girlfriends and his children. All of whom are victims. Equally problematic is the impact Walker’s absence has on numerous children.
See 2014 report: ’72 Percent’ Documentary on Fatherless Black Children, see 2009 report,
also see 2012 Report which discusses black fathers and incarceration) the point is, data suggests that fatherless homes disproportionately impacts the African American community.
Many of you might recall the numerous threads I created concerning our Country’s recidivism rate. I’m not saying Walker is part of the recidivism data, because to date he’s never been found guilty of domestic violence, and that’s an important fact to not overlook. What I am saying in incarceration and recidivism also disproportionately impact the African American Community.
Also see Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics: Recidivism and Reentry
Again these are not opinions, these are stone cold sobering facts.
If you take the time to read Walker’s 2008 book, coupled with numerous interviews where Walker voluntarily acknowledges his violent history. Then any rational politician knows Walker is the worst kind of candidate. (speculation alert) and while it’s possible I am incorrect, something tells me that Walker will use his mental health (DID) as a way to literally disassociate himself from his domestic violence and abortions. Yes I’m saying there are more than one abortion. It’s not the hypocrisy that’s unacceptable, it’s the message Walker’s candidacy presents.
Walker’s history of pathological lies…
Again in no way am I making light or attempting to weaponize mental health struggles. As many of you know I’m innately an over-thinker. The only logical conclusion I can come up with is Walker will soon lean in to his previous DID diagnosis. Perhaps this is how he can rationalize his heinous and hypocritical behavior. But how can Herschel Walker explain the reasons for all of these well documented lies?
Washington Post: As Herschel Walker’s GOP profile rises, the falsehoods mount
The Daily Beast: Herschel Walker Claims to Own Companies That Don’t Exist
The American Independent: Herschel Walker in paid partnership with marketing company accused of preying on veterans
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Herschel Walker said he worked in law enforcement — he didn’t
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Herschel Walker said he worked in law enforcement — he didn’t
Washington Post: Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker promoted a ‘mist’ that he claimed would ‘kill any covid on your body’
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Herschel Walker’s business record reveals creditor lawsuits, exaggerated claims
11Alive: Herschel Walker mocked businesses that took PPP money, even though he used it himself: report
Your needed palette cleanser:
My hotel was less than 18 miles from the beach. Before my morning flight back to DC, I decided to treat myself to an ocean sunrise…. Because I’m acutely aware of the heavy nature of this article, it makes sense to offer my readers with a moment of “namaste” because the next portion of this article will be equally heavy. So enjoy this morning’s Ocean Sunrise from Georgia.
Republicans: fully embracing their racist tendencies…
Yes I understand that’s a really loaded statement. Notwithstanding I think it’s a disservice to “sugar coat” the brutal truth and facts. Donald J Trump is the metastatic cancer that has completed taken control of the Republican Party. For Example:
Tommy Tuberville’s overt racism;
“They want crime. They want crime, because they want to take over what you got. They want to control what you have," Tuberville told the crowd. "They want reparation because they think the people that do the crime are owed that. Bulls---. They are not owed that." See YouTube Video
There’s no other way to describe Tuberville’s recent comments other than pure unbridled racism, and there’s zero surprise that the NAACP. In fact the Alabama chapter of the NAACP released a scathing statement, read more here. Additionally I would highly recommend you read yesterday OpEd by Jennifer Rubin: Republicans can’t keep getting away with racist and sexist comments. It’s a very well articulated OpEd and bears the ugly truth about where the Republican Party currently resides.
Additionally it might be informative for you to read this 2017 Splinter News Article: Here Are All the Racist Things Done by Republicans Who Now Condemn Racism —largely because that article establishes a “baseline” and it shows just how the Republican Party has devolved into open racism as their SOP. Perhaps I’m in the minority but the Republican Party use to be “low key racist” (one of the many reasons I opted to leave my Father’s Party in 2008) as a person of color and a parent to non-white children, I could not in good conscious align myself with a political party to consistently traffics in “the othering” —my spouse who’s a white man was the catalyst for me to do some self reflection. To examine my previous blind allegiance to a party that’s predominantly controlled by older wealthy white men.
“…Then They Came For Me - And There Was No One Left To Speak For Me’
In 2008/2009 my spouse asked me: “…are you okay with a political party that views our children as less than” —at the time we had an infant and I was elated that our Country had elected its first (and hopefully not last) African American President. As many of you know America is the only Country I know. I worked hard for my naturalization. I was raised with the idea that “only in America” everyone is equal and that our country was a land of promises. That if you worked hard you would be rewarded and nothing was unachievable .
The sad reality is that’s not the case. America’s history is incredibly complex. We have dark and I mean really dark chapters of our history. The fact is in 2022 America’s “equal rights for all” isn’t a reality. There are various institutions which are seeped in racism. For Example our Criminal Justice system is largely rigged against people of color. This has created a decades long cradle to grave ecosystem system, and it disproportionately harms communities of color. In my view if you really are a good and patriotic American, it is your obligation to call out racism.
History teaches us and if you’re a true student of history:
The subtext of that infamous Martin Niemoller quote is: silence equals complicity. Meaning if we ignore our history we are doomed to make the same onerous mistakes. See Holocaust Musem’s video, embedded below...
…but more importantly though is, how indifference to overt racism may actually hinder confronting racism, with the common goal of a “more perfect Union” —and on November 8, 2022 you have a choice (see voter registration info here); either you side with a party that crawled into bed with a morally and ethically bankrupt con-man (who’s backed dozens of Republicans candidates) or, you decide that America’s future will strive to actualize Dr Martin Luther King’s
We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice -–Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution.” Speech given at the National Cathedral, March 31, 1968.
Again the choice is yours and I genuinely hope you choose wisely.
Postlogue…isn’t always prolong. You have the power to effectuate real and meaningful change:
You have the power and that power is found at the ballot box. Either you want a better America or you want to regress to the darkest chapters of our Country’s history. I know what side I’m on, do you?
Again I’m off to Boston tomorrow for a quick in-out trip…which means my work day starts at 4AM tomorrow and I’m currently booked on an early evening flight back to DC. This having just landed in DC a few hours ago, I took the kids out of school early because they haven’t seen much of me in the past 11 days.
Thereafter I’ll be heading down to our beach house. At which point my schedule will avail myself to publish articles on a far more consistent basis. Again I sincerely apologize for being out of pocket.
The reality is when a client requests an in person meeting, then you have to go. Notwithstanding yesterday was an incredibly brutal day. It’s been almost six months since my (former) boss’ suicide. While crying is largely considered unprofessional what exactly do you do when your client cries? Well I can tell you what I did; You sit there and let them know their feelings are important and hold their hand. While convincing them that you know it’s scary, largely because of the “unknown” —and then when that business meeting is over you drive to the ocean and unleashed numerous primal screams. All while staring at an amazing ocean sunset. However having a flock of seagulls shit on your head. It’s comical and levity that I needed.
Until my boss’ untimely April 202w death I can’t recall any bird pooping on me. Yet since his death I’ve had four different occasions where a bird pooped on me. Now I just look up at the sky and say “okay I get it but who’s going to pay for my dry cleaning…” yes that’s actually my inner monologue. I know this article was a heavy read so ICYMI here’s last nights sunset from a Georgia beach (it’s weird I kind of feel like I’m cheating on mid-Atlantic beach) but self care is the most important care, right?
…at any rate I hope this article was informative or at the minimum provided you with some thought provoking questions. Again you have the power and that power is at the ballot box. So for the love of our Country, I genuinely beseech you to use your constitutional power on November 8, 2022 and if you’re unsure if you’re registered to vote → https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration
Be Well -a very tired Filey
Thank you for all you do. Yes, I missed you even though I knew you’d not be around much this time of year. It’s really unbelievable to me how members of the GOP bend and twist themselves to rationalize words and actions of those such as Herschel. He’s such a disgusting slimeball in so many ways. Ugh
Take care of yourself
You have a beautiful soul. I love reading your articles. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I am also a naturalized citizen. I wanted to share with you that Emmett Till's cousin Joshua Harris-Till asked me if I wanted to see the prescreen "Till" movie, and I felt honored he asked to share this experience with me. There are horrible incidents in the film that I had no clue about. I don't want to give away any more of the movie in case others want to see it, but would you know why it took 67 years for the Emmett Till bill to pass? It was passed in March 2022. Joshua tried to make a speech afterward, but every time, he started crying. I got up and started hugging him but had no explanation for what had happened to his family. I'm trying to educate myself in law and politics, but this was something I could not ask him to explain to me.