I tried my best to remain factual -while understanding that some of my readers/followers might not fully understand the mechanisms of a GJ or SGJ...and I thought it might be helpful/instructive, especially with the citations of the NY Criminal Rules of Procedure. I get it that people want “Weisselberg” to flip but I agree with you I thin…
I tried my best to remain factual -while understanding that some of my readers/followers might not fully understand the mechanisms of a GJ or SGJ...and I thought it might be helpful/instructive, especially with the citations of the NY Criminal Rules of Procedure. I get it that people want “Weisselberg” to flip but I agree with you I think that might be setting some up for major disappointment... which is why I reached back to the 2017 NY-AGO’s deposition excerpts because the transcripts provided a long list of likely witnesses. I like having documents to support my assertion(s) plus those transcript excepts kind of pulled the curtain back to kind of get into both Weisselberg & McConney’s heads.
I do think that prosecutors could made a second run at Weisselberg leveraging perjury in his 2017 Depo. New York laws enumerate 3 degrees of perjury but the SOL is five years. Meaning August-October 2022 👀👀
my guess is Trump Sr if push comes to shove he’ll shank Weisselberg, McConney, Rhona, Jr & Eric. I always thought it was odd that only JarVanka moved to FL but that’s more speculation on my end. I agree “we will see”
I agree with you. If one thing remains consistent, Trump has loyalty to no one and he will throw anyone under the bus to save himself. We’ve seen time and again, people demonstrate unyielding loyalty to him only to get burned...it’s like repeatedly putting your hand on a hot stove. Each person in the inner circle always believes they are the exception. Look at Giuliani...and so many others. Weisselberg may not bend now, but eventually it could bite him in the end. Thug Michael Cohen learned this lesson too. Trump won’t be loyal to his kids either and would turn on them in a heartbeat...he’s a sociopath who lacks any emotional connection. People want a movie-type ending to this saga and justice moves slow. We want justice to protect the innocent and remain true to the law. It’s frustrating but better to build a solid case on facts rather than throwing caution to the wind. It will be ongoing for years.
I tried my best to remain factual -while understanding that some of my readers/followers might not fully understand the mechanisms of a GJ or SGJ...and I thought it might be helpful/instructive, especially with the citations of the NY Criminal Rules of Procedure. I get it that people want “Weisselberg” to flip but I agree with you I think that might be setting some up for major disappointment... which is why I reached back to the 2017 NY-AGO’s deposition excerpts because the transcripts provided a long list of likely witnesses. I like having documents to support my assertion(s) plus those transcript excepts kind of pulled the curtain back to kind of get into both Weisselberg & McConney’s heads.
I do think that prosecutors could made a second run at Weisselberg leveraging perjury in his 2017 Depo. New York laws enumerate 3 degrees of perjury but the SOL is five years. Meaning August-October 2022 👀👀
my guess is Trump Sr if push comes to shove he’ll shank Weisselberg, McConney, Rhona, Jr & Eric. I always thought it was odd that only JarVanka moved to FL but that’s more speculation on my end. I agree “we will see”
I agree with you. If one thing remains consistent, Trump has loyalty to no one and he will throw anyone under the bus to save himself. We’ve seen time and again, people demonstrate unyielding loyalty to him only to get burned...it’s like repeatedly putting your hand on a hot stove. Each person in the inner circle always believes they are the exception. Look at Giuliani...and so many others. Weisselberg may not bend now, but eventually it could bite him in the end. Thug Michael Cohen learned this lesson too. Trump won’t be loyal to his kids either and would turn on them in a heartbeat...he’s a sociopath who lacks any emotional connection. People want a movie-type ending to this saga and justice moves slow. We want justice to protect the innocent and remain true to the law. It’s frustrating but better to build a solid case on facts rather than throwing caution to the wind. It will be ongoing for years.