My dear friend. First and foremost, heal. Working on word pronunciation is great exercise, you'll master those three words in no time and direct them in the right direction.
Thank you for your kind words concerning my efforts to shed light on the PRC espionage, influence and theft -- their perfidy is beyond legion and they are really qui…
My dear friend. First and foremost, heal. Working on word pronunciation is great exercise, you'll master those three words in no time and direct them in the right direction.
Thank you for your kind words concerning my efforts to shed light on the PRC espionage, influence and theft -- their perfidy is beyond legion and they are really quite good at it. DOJ's hanging the laundry out yesterday was in fact a seminal moment timed with precision as XI cemented his third term in China to send our own message.
Highighting the use of double agentry both in the briefing and criminal complaints was and is masterful as now all contacts and "assets" will be scrubbed by the PRC I/Os - karma baby.
Last, but not least - thank you for pointing your readers to my Twitter account, they are all welcome, be forewarned since January 2017, the F-bomb has permeated my vocabulary.
Be well, heal quickly and keep us informed and entertained.
My dear friend. First and foremost, heal. Working on word pronunciation is great exercise, you'll master those three words in no time and direct them in the right direction.
Thank you for your kind words concerning my efforts to shed light on the PRC espionage, influence and theft -- their perfidy is beyond legion and they are really quite good at it. DOJ's hanging the laundry out yesterday was in fact a seminal moment timed with precision as XI cemented his third term in China to send our own message.
Highighting the use of double agentry both in the briefing and criminal complaints was and is masterful as now all contacts and "assets" will be scrubbed by the PRC I/Os - karma baby.
Last, but not least - thank you for pointing your readers to my Twitter account, they are all welcome, be forewarned since January 2017, the F-bomb has permeated my vocabulary.
Be well, heal quickly and keep us informed and entertained.