Actual Domestic Terrorism -3 men pleaded guilty to conspiring to attack Power Grids in America…
…Unsurprisingly three engaged in a Domestic Terrorism Plot was in Furtherance of White Supremacist Ideology…
Court Documents for Defendants:
The following three defendants: Christopher Brenner Cook, Columbus, OH; Jonathan Allen Frost, West Lafayette, IN, and of Katy, TX and Jackson Matthew Sawall Oshkosh, WI. Part of this reminds me of my previous The Base research. For example see the various archived twitter threads below.
Incidentally I literally wanted to reach through the internet and smack the stupid out of a certain Blue QANON who after at least 4+ hours on the phone with me -pretended his research was his. It was not. At the beginning of the calls he didn’t even know what “The Base” was, in fact he made a joke about “Ace of Base” -I had to explain the origins and pernicious sprawling tentacles of this Domestic Terror Group and yet he fooled hundreds of thousands by dishonesty presenting that research as his own. Again it was not
See May 2020 archived research thread found here
See June 2020 Burn it down, burn it down.” DOJ charged four men;
Dylan Shakespeare Robinson, Davon De-Andre Turner, Bryce Michael Williams, and Branden Michael Wolfe—with conspiracy to commit arson and other crimes in the attack at the Third Precinct -archived twitter threadSee October 2020 various threads of Homeland Security Reports and FBI Testimony found here and here
Or via TWUnroll archive
According to the recently unsealed court filings, in late 2019, Defendants Frost and Cook met in an online chat group. Defendant Frost shared the “idea of attacking a power grid”with Cook. Several weeks later Defendants Cook and Frost started to recruit others to join in their plan to attack various powers grids in America…
“…These three defendants admitted to engaging in a disturbing plot, in furtherance of white supremacist ideology, to attack energy facilities in order to damage the economy and stoke division in our country..The Justice Department is committed to investigating and disrupting such terrorist plots and holding perpetrators accountable for their crimes.” Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen.
“These defendants conspired to use violence to sow hate, create chaos, and endanger the safety of the American people…As this case shows, federal and state law enforcement agencies are dedicated to working together to protect this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” said U.S. Attorney Kenneth L. Parker for the Southern District of Ohio.
Again according to the Court documents (see criminal information), during the course of planning the domestic terror attack, defendant Cook began circulating his “reading list” for his white supremacy book club. The books Cook suggested other coconspirators read “promoted the ideology of white supremacy and Neo-Nazism” ….Shortly thereafter and during the recruitment step, Defendant Cook, brought Defendant Sawell to join the conspiracy. Defendant Sawell further assisted Cook with online recruitment efforts, specifically targeted recruits for the operational security and organization. The conspiracy started in October 2019 and into at least March 2020
As alleged in the Criminal Information. each defendant was assigned a substation in a different geography region of the United States. The plan was to attack the substations, or power grids, with powerful rifles. Yes their plan was to shoot up various electrical grid substations via high powered rifles (see pages 2 and 3 under the Forfeiture section, which itemizes the list of firearms)
The defendants believed their domestic terror plot would cost the government millions of dollars. While causing mass unrest for Americans in the regions where they targeted power substations.. Furthermore the defendants had multiple conversations…
“about how the possibility of the power being out for many months could cause war, even a race war, and induce the next Great Depression.”
Below is a forfeiture list for Defendant Cook
A black Armalite Platform Carbine firearm bearing no Serial Number;
An IKEA brand box containing 2 face masks, a Balaclava, and a disassembled AR15 firearm kit bearing no Make, Model, or Serial Number;
Approximately 3 Remington 12-gauge shotgun shells;
Approximately 50 rounds of 9mm Luger ammunition;
Approximately 84 rounds of Tulammo brand 7.62 X 39mm ammunition;
Approximately 2 black Duramag 7.62 X 39mm magazines; and
Approximately 6 Tulammo brand 7.62 X 39mm shell casings
…and while you might think that Defendant Cook had a sizable arsenal to carry out his domestic terror plot - in some respects Defendant Frost had multiple “ghost guns” (non serialized guns) but as you’ll note under Section B of the Forfeiture —it wasn’t just ARs, it also included silencers, materials for several IEDs, grenades and a massive cache of weaponry and ammunition (see pages 2 thru 4 of the criminal information) and for the record if you notice 18 U.S.C. § 2339A that statute is expressly for “Providing material support to terrorists” -the Elements of the Offense - the Defendant has agreed to plead guilty are as follows:
Count 1, Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorists a) Two or more people agreed to commit the crime of providing material support or resources knowing that such material support or resources would be used in preparation for, or in carrying out, a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1366(a), Destruction of an Energy Facility; and b) The defendant knowingly and voluntarily joined in that agreement.
Forfeiture list for Defendant Frost:
A black Armalite Platform Carbine firearm bearing
no Serial Number;Approximately 50 rounds of 9mm Luger ammunition;
Approximately 84 rounds of Tulammo brand 7.62 X 39mm ammunition;
Approximately 2 black Duramag 7.62 X 39mm magazines; and
Approximately 6 Tulammo brand 7.62 X 39mm shell casings.
c. A Smith and Wesson 9 mm pistol, SN: 42490;
d. A Rugar Mark IV, 9 mm pistol, SN: S00076647;
e. An AR Pistol with
no identifiable Serial Number;f. Approximately 13 rounds of assorted ammunition and 2 empty magazines;
g. Two grenade shells;
h. A Black Silencer, bearing no identifying numbers;
i. A Silver Silencer, bearing no identifying numbers;
j. A Flash adapter;
k. A Recoil spring;
1. A Buffer weight;
m. A magazine release;
n. Three incomplete suppressers bearing no identifying numbers…
..suicide necklaces… Defendants commitment to dying in furtherance of their mission.
As further alleged in the Court documents - in late February of 2020, the co-conspirators met in Columbus, OH. The purpose of that meeting was to further discuss the operations of their domestic terror attack. Defendant Frost then provided Defendant Cook with an AR-47…after the meeting both defendants took the AR-47 to a shooting range for additional training…
Frost also provided Cook and Sawall with suicide necklaces during the Columbus meeting. The necklaces were filled with fentanyl and were to be ingested if and when the defendants were caught by law enforcement. Both Cook and Sawall expressed their commitment to dying in furtherance of their mission.
Statement of Facts is a riveting read:
Included in each defendant’s plea agreement, statement of facts, for example Defendant Cook and his co-conspirators;
As explained in the various Defendant’s Statement of Facts -the Defendants were assigned a specific geographical region, for example:
COOK was responsible for the Northeast,
FROST was responsible for the Southwest, and
SAWALL was responsible for the Midwest;
two others, one of whom a juvenile, were responsible for the Southeast and Northwest…
The plan was to attack the substations, or power grids, with powerful rifles that would penetrate the transformers, which members of the group estimated would cost the government millions to recover. In addition, the defendants believed that time associated with replacing the substations would cause confusion and unrest for Americans in the region. There were also conversations about how the possibility of the power being out for many months could cause some serious change or straight out war,
even a race war;additionally, that without power across the country, it could cause the next Great Depression… (emphasis added)
…people wouldn't show up to work, the economy could crash and there would be a ripe opportunity for potential (white) leaders to rise up. One theme of the group discussions centered around the need to create disorder to bring the system down, which would cause people to doubt the system and create a true revolutionary force against the system.
No really read page 3 of the statement of facts (see Defendant Cook’s plea agreement) one of the defendants “accidentally” overdosed on Fentanyl and one of the “juvenile recruits” lost their cell phone. Which was later discovered by an unnamed individual, who not only viewed the contents of the phone but alas answered the phone. When Defendant Cook called that lost phone, the individual picked up and told Defendant Cook that they were handing the phone over to law enforcement…
The maximum penalty facing each Defendant is 15 years in prison with lifetime probation. So when individuals decide to attack the countless men and women of the FBI and more broadly our Department of Justice - understand that the FBI has certainly made mistakes. On the balance the countless men and women of the FBI are always standing watch. And that is something that I’m exceeding grateful for…and I bet you are too. Again you can read each of the Court Documents via the DOJ’s OPA Press Release

And of course your daily saltwater therapy…to be clear I’m going to be offline until Friday early afternoon. Meaning it’s unlikely I’ll publish an article until my workweek concludes…
These fools really want to burn down our democracy so they can enact their crazy fascist ideologies. Thank all that is good these guys were caught.
Have a sane rest of your week. Ha!
When you're ready, I would love to know what you think about the two prosecutors who resigned from the trump case.
Something is afoot in NY...