Feb 23, 2022Liked by File411

These fools really want to burn down our democracy so they can enact their crazy fascist ideologies. Thank all that is good these guys were caught.

Have a sane rest of your week. Ha!

When you're ready, I would love to know what you think about the two prosecutors who resigned from the trump case.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by File411

Reading this sends a chill down my spine. On days when I ponder how dark this rabbit hole goes, another depth of terror is revealed. May there be no moment of piece for these terrorists. I shudder to think of others with the same malicious intent. These are in chartered waters. Bless the FBI and those who keep us safe. This is terrifying.

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What the fuckity fuck is wrong with people ? I am white....white people are just plain cray cray. This is beyond the pale. These people are not able to be reprogrammed...These people were willing to die for this and also kill others innocent people just doing their jobs....

Yes. What is going on in New York? This doesn't sound good at first glance...stay tuned.

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Reading this sends a chill down my spine. On days when I ponder how dark this rabbit hole goes, another depth of terror is revealed. May there be no moment of piece for these terrorists. I shudder to think of others with the same malicious intent. These are in chartered waters. Bless the FBI and those who keep us safe. This is terrifying.

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Truly a shocking story. So electric. * hangs head in shame *

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