"...it is the insanity that has morphed the so called “tea party freedom caucus” into just straight up Domestic Terrorist Sympathizers because that’s what the House Republicans have debased themselves." I remember where I was 12 years ago when a group on work colleagues started talking about the Tea Party movement and Grover Nordquist. It was a disturbing thing to listen to, full of hate, grievances and racial prejudice and rabid idealistic devotion to Nordqust. The group had asked for and were granted a half day off that day to attend a Tea Party rally at the state capital, the company president was also attending with them. I hoped they were just a small bunch of idiots, I never dreamt of the possibe nationwide morph this tea party movement would undergo, horrifying, and yes, now full on "domestic terrorists". The golden boy of the company, like a son to the company president and a rapid spewer of all things tea party, went on to rip off this small company for 10's of thousands of dollars, caused the company to close, the company president to retire early, and all of us to lose our jobs unexpectedly and be forced onto unemployment. There's a special place in hell for some of these terrorists. Many of us went onto work in the same industry so did golden boy. As is sometimes typical in the business world,

our former company president kept quiet for some reason about the rip off and golden boy became manager at the new company, I too worked at this company but as a worker bee. Everytime I'd be around him I'd stare him down with my "I know your secret " stare. He was not my boss, but about once a year he'd try to get me fired anyway. I finally squealed to HR about his past. He got fired. Sorry not sorry. There's a special place in hell for some of these terrorists. There I said it !

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This one I had to stop reading, maybe just a bad morning. Reminded me of the suicide of Jamie Raskins son, I still wonder if he hadn’t been reading about the upcoming plans adding extra stress, and the craziness of those days. I was still on pins and needles waiting until Biden took the oath of office, and wasn’t surprised the violence that day at all.

My spouse and I were in the second ward that morning so I could get medical treatment. I had kept insisting on rescheduling, but my spouse insisted I was being paranoid. In the end it worked out, we were in the clear by shortly after noon so before the violence broke out. But walking into the appointment we had to go through crowds of these people, and I was worried for my spouses safety in particular, given the demographics. Stressful day.

I hope the DoJ continues to roll these scum up, including any funding that may have been illegal.

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I am not sorry at how much I loathe them.

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I've been waiting for you to go off about some of those higher up. Do you think that funding organizations (not just the fund me pages, but those that helped get people there, supply necessary equipment are going to be in the barrel?

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Hi Spicy, any chance you can get in touch? It appears we have some investigation crossover...

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