This is pretty amazing. What hits hardest, is the feeling that these 15 counts for Weisselberg are just the precursor. They would not reveal everything with this indictment but have more than a solid case. This seems like the beginning of dismantling the Trump properties & assets. For so long, Trump has improperly gamed the system. He won’t be able to get out of this. There aren’t any loans coming & whatever he owes as outstanding loan payments or even taxes, will bite him. He’s run out of options. He will stall with trying to slow down litigation as he always does but they seem like in this initial indictment, a solid case with plenty of receipts. My guess is Jr will be first family member indicted. Thank you Filey. Thank you for allowing all of us to marvel at your work and uncompromising adherence to facts. Feels like a great day.

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Exactly which is why I pointed out that this indictment stops the stature of limitations clock - and there are at least two other Sr Trump Org Executives implicated - but paragraph 9 thru 20 made me literally scream for joy - specifically paragraph 9 because it out right implicated Trump - via cutting checks from his personal account — today seems like the 1st time many of us took a deep breathe and then started snort laughing

Hells YES July 1 2021 <—best day of 2021 thus far

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Very well done - the magic number was achieved >$1M of unreported income --- side letters are bad, bad, bad - can I make that point any stronger - bad!

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Well I’d disagree because count 15 is also super duper bad —the Prosectors are alleging that Trump Org & Weisselberg intentionally destroyed evidence in September of 2016 - that was the cherry on this scrumptious sundae 😂

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This is simply delicious. Thank you!!!!

🍷 🍫 & 🍿

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Watching this flimsy house of cards fall is so gratifying. Destroyed evidence in 2016?! Morons.

And those personal checks. They definitely show how much control trump kept over the business despite him always saying otherwise.

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Re: "in my view you should also be looking at McConney"

Once again, Mic, you called it.

via Dr. Dena Grayson:

CNN just confirmed that “Unindicted Co-Conspirator #1” is Trump Organization SVP/ControllerJeff McConney, who knows where *every* dirty ruble is.

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What was going on in September 2016?

Michael Cohen's secret recording of the hush money scheme

Trump Alfa Bank server goes silent

Destruction of entries in the Trump Organization general ledger

Tip of the iceberg, indeed.

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Would tax laws of rent free housing also apply to family or ex-wife and kids?

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Possibly - hence why the Former Mrs Weisselberg (Jennifer) his DIL testimony and documents might have filled in some of the gaps…

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I actually was referring to the former Mrs. Junior.

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Vanessa? Gawd I completely forgot about her - but I don’t think it’s relevant because she’s filed and paid her taxes - but I could be wrong - although it’s an excellent question

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