When your accounting firm kicks you to the curb at the beginning of tax season, you know you’ve got problems.

What happens to Weisselberg now? He’s in a terrible position.

One thing that goes through my mind is tgat for years, insiders knew Trump was a fraud & tax cheat etc. Probably a naive or silly question -Does Mazurs have any legal issues surrounding the time it took to jump ship?

This is huge news! Thanks Filey!

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Wondered this too- if they’re still on the hook, they’d have to do a big investigation and nail the ones involved? Can they take a deal or have they taken a deal with NYAG?

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Holy Shit....Mazars knows something big is coming down the pike but it's too late and they cannot outrun the stench coming. This warms my worried heart given the situation that is about to go sideways in Ukraine.

But her emails....if only someone told us... oh yeah....she did....and so did you Filey....strap your straps in guys....this is going to be interesting...

Pray for Ukraine...for the EU, for USA and for Navalny (Putin likes to play the shell game)

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Ooooh. Juicy. Thx!

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BTW the daily beast link took me to Breitbart Biden article for some reason

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Shittlestix thanks - I fixed it with the update - you’re the best

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No prob :) 10 years of accounting statements is lot. Can't recall if they were all audited and approved without reservation? Wonder if Mazars is headed to a Arthur Anderson / Enron like implosion a la corporate criminal charges?

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I’m pretty sure Mazars is scared shitless of NYS DFS and that they finally did an internal audit but Trump’s hubris of filing (Jan 22, 2022) financial statements—meant Mazars had to make a choice:

-go down as a co-conspirator with Trump et al

-or cut him loose and speed dial the NYS DFS

Because they are an agency you never want to be on their radar if you are you are forked

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Might be worthwhile to see if Mazars jetisons any partners involved with the Trump file, down the line. Or reports them to licensing agency, law enforcement, etc. Lots of pressure internally to bring in work therefore malleable. Also what non-related clients might have received similar treatment? Can imagine would be a target of various criminal orgs especially in building subs like concrete etc Partner malleability in Houston led to AA demise.

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Roger that -I actually started dumping a bunch of files into my Mazars but your tip on the satellite orgs is super duper awesome.

What’s that sound you hear? Oh that’s my PC, Laptop & Tablet running a bunch of searches <snort>

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You guys are 20 steps ahead of anyone else

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Very fun (ie informative) to read this convo!

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Filey you delightful little spice bomb. This just about had me wiggle dancing as well. That being said. I wouldn’t be surprised if blue anon takes credit and gaslights everyone when/if he is finally arrested for the easements (not their sure fire mob bet). I could see that. Alas, appreciate all the docs and info! Seems he’s in a shit load of debt too. I suspect he isn’t sleeping well and that makes me v happy.

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YES!!!! Filey to the HOOP!!!! Plus, the Full Moon! Hot Damn!

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BTW, I'm frikking dancing. I prayed he would go down because he had the temerity to run his biggest con to become president of our country.

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I am so glad to be part of the Spicey Fan Club!

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Matt Calimari Jr- has this name come up before? Was he living in a Trump property as a benefit?

Do you think that the reporting about Melanie’s non existent charity that she’s raising money for was in the news coincidentally?

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Until today’s NY OAG filing it was “anonymous source” that some newspapers used but today’s filing makes it abundantly clear that it’s totally real and it’s part of the New York County DA’s ongoing criminal investigation and the Grand Jury was empaneled in 2018 <—that’s predicated on the Index Number which typically uses the year in their index number. See my super power of paying attention to tiny details actually pays off (sort of)

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Eagle eye!😜

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Uhhh… I’m sure I’m being overly paranoid, but do those grand jury folks get some sort of security or anonymity?

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What a spicy gem you are!

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Today but tomorrow I could be a huge PITA 😂🤣😂

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You live another day! Make it everyone’s problem spicy. 👍🤣♥️

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Oh my f****** GOD Filey!! I'm probably going to hell because I'm sitting laughing my ass off about this! 🤣🤣🤣 Man! What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when they told #TraitorTrump that Mazars was dumping him and telling people not to rely on the financial documents produced by them on his behalf for the past NINE FREAKING YEARS including the years he was POTUS!

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Like another reader, I immediately thought of Arthur Anderson/Enron. In that case, neither survived. AA Dallas closed because of the stench of Enron, then AA was bought out.

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I read earlier today about a firm where the lady who falsely stated metals analysed for the USN had passed full testing, worked for Kansas City-based Bradken Inc.

"Bradken fired Thomas and initially disclosed its findings to the Navy, but then wrongfully suggested that the discrepancies were not the result of fraud. That hindered the Navy’s investigation into the scope of the problem as well as its efforts to remediate the risks to its sailors, prosecutors said. In June 2020, the company agreed to pay $10.9 million in a deferred-prosecution agreement."

I'm happy to stand corrected but I guess this is Mazars situation. Oh look we found this is wrong. Shock horror. We made mistakes. Mazars make sufficient self-admissions to repudiate their work for Trump or they get saddled with the criminality, I guess, of aiding and abetting. (And you know Trump would then blame Mazars and not himself.)

So if Mazars don't admit their error in full like Bradken failed to do you get hit with being part of the problem. And that may well cost you a criminal indictment.

In other words, admission at any time before being found out is an attempt to lower the legal and financial consequences for yourself. And (i) if you try to cover it up you won't be able to separate yourself from the ship going down. (ii) you only distinguish yourself from the ship (Trump Org & fam) and repudiate your previous undertakings unless the writing is on the wall. Since the hit to Mazars business will be incalculable.

How many firms that sail close to the wind let alone thought they could break the rules with impunity realise hey Mazars are not standing by me. They will cut me lose if criminal investigations are on my tail and Mazars will, for all intents and purposes, sell me out to save themselves.

My only regret with your reporting Spicy is that the criminal actions Trump and his family, associates, have undertaken are not prosecuted. It's like prosecuting Al Capone for tax evasion and not his other criminal activities. Yes, to be teleological is the mature approach to take. But the view of the law that

"It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done”

to me means prosecuting Trump and assocs for the criminal evil they have done.

Nonetheless, with your reporting and integrity you have provided us with knowledge and facts that at least some justice will be done. If it breaks him and his family that is no small feat. Your clarifications and detail have allowed us to see the wood from the trees.

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To be clear Mazars essentially said: it’s not us, we got our info from Trump & Trump Org and soley them. Basically pointing the finger at Trump. This is why I went back and updated the article after I read the filings was because I didn’t properly articulate that initially

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Righto, thank you. My wife is a project accountant (LNG plants and such like) and she becomes somewhat irked when accountancy is referred to as nothing more than number management or merely tabulating received data. Accountancy for her is all about the qualitative nature of the data and thus its integrity. So the accountant when lodging - at least in Australia - cannot simply say 'these are the numbers given to me.' If there was no onus on Mazars to be responsible for the data - only the formulation of it according to statute - then I'm a bit surprised they are making such a public distancing especially with the potential impact that may have on their business. I guess it comes down to what the Accountancy firm is actually responsible for in that State jurisdiction. Thanks again.

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Thanks for this, File-y. Popcorn is ready to pop!

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As long as that orange colored excrement and his family faces jail time and heavy fines I don't care if mob ties do or don't come into the picture.

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Delicious news

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