Get some much needed rest.
Avenatti will get his commenpunce (? Spelling?). He makes all lawyers look bad.
You are an embodiment of a person who rises above, and so we can all learn from that.
You need a vacation.
Basta la vista baby! (not my own words, borrowed from a twitter comment)
OMFG I totally forgot about my BASTA La Vista Baby <—that might have been one of my better missives - Johnny Cochran from JeffCo comes in a very close second. Also I immediately pulled into a gas station and grabbed a cup of coffee so I could make the last 86 miles quasi-alert
As someone who used to take call in a former life, I understand where you are coming from. The last thing I wanted to do at 1 in the morning was look at someone's swollen leg after sleeping a few hours (ultrasound at a VA facility). Opening up windows driving home in the dead of winter to stay awake only to get up in a few hours and do it again. Be careful. Stay safe, stay well !
Get some much needed rest.
Avenatti will get his commenpunce (? Spelling?). He makes all lawyers look bad.
You are an embodiment of a person who rises above, and so we can all learn from that.
You need a vacation.
Basta la vista baby! (not my own words, borrowed from a twitter comment)
OMFG I totally forgot about my BASTA La Vista Baby <—that might have been one of my better missives - Johnny Cochran from JeffCo comes in a very close second. Also I immediately pulled into a gas station and grabbed a cup of coffee so I could make the last 86 miles quasi-alert
As someone who used to take call in a former life, I understand where you are coming from. The last thing I wanted to do at 1 in the morning was look at someone's swollen leg after sleeping a few hours (ultrasound at a VA facility). Opening up windows driving home in the dead of winter to stay awake only to get up in a few hours and do it again. Be careful. Stay safe, stay well !
Oh and No Basta !