3 hours and 19 minutes. Imagine how much can happen in that span of time, in this situation. It's an absolute miracle that this tragedy didn't take more lives, cause even more destruction of property... Dear God, thank you for saving these brave men and women. Amen

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It really and I mean really bothers me - I’m glad that General Walker was candid and had zero gumption to “tow the line” - today’s testimony contradicted Joint Chief’s statement and the DOD “representative” To me General Walker was clear and unequivocal - as in zero questions about his credibility

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Love you, Ma'am. TY for your efforts.

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WAIT...is this really YOU? If so OMFG you found me - again. Sending you a virtual hug and hoping you & yours are doing awesome-sauce

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Yeah after a month of you being gone from twitter I started to ask when you were coming back and Hunter C linked me to this space. =]

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Thanks, File. We may never know all of it, but we're certainly beginning to see the general shape of the sedition.

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Word - but I still think we will find out how complicit Trump & Miller were here

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As always with the past 5 years, file under the orison, "Fuck, I hope so."

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Thanks 🙏🏼 Your insight is invaluable and I’m happy to share your work on Twitter 💃

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Chuck Flynn's delay isn't supported by a functional - let alone believable narrative.

As for his promotion - as the DoD held back 2 Female Gens from becoming 4 Stars bc of Trump, the same sensitivity via negativa should be shown to Gen Chuck Flynn by retaining his rank and giving him command of the Chipmunk Detail either in the middle of the Sahara or in Antarctica. The President is entitled to an expectation of placing his national security perception above individual process.

A Court Marshall won't make a martyr out of him. It will force the cabal to pull their heads in. Indeed, the Trump cabal should be identified and removed from the levers of power. Will a Court Marshall occur based on inference, of course not. Certainly not without a concrete charge. Could it be counter productive by creating a senior General cabal that looks after, promotes its own? A civilian consideration Biden's experts will make. But the extent of this Flynn group - why sell out America - is to what end. General's are far too versed in the narrative of the Republic, or like Flynn the traitor is it a perverted grab for power merely justified by false belief. I have no idea what motivates them. Has the Southern Strategy evolved into some form of esoteric virus that supposedly intelligent people repurpose into self justification on the basis of RW entitlement?

The NY FBI who set Comey up, threatening to release HRC's emails was a RW Trump cabal. I don't know if they were individually identified but their collective action was. I never thought they were institutionalized, merely rogue actors. Well, there be the wrong perception, now

Does Pres Biden's team need to ask themselves, how big/influential are those with shared values of insurrection. On what basis, shared beliefs are they linked or even united? Are Flynn & Flynn sibling conspirators or - in reference to the High Command's unity - is it more deep seated. Do rational intelligent people stop thinking bc they are oh so tired and merely start believing bc it's easier or self-justified? That is so antithetical to what makes you a General in the first place.

Apols for rambling in your space.

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