DC - National Guard Major General William Walker’s damning testimony
HERE IT IS - What some of us said would happen - THREE HOURS AND NINETEEN MINUTE DELAY FROM THE PENTAGON but Gen Charles Flynn and his brother’s Qanon oath?
Some of us told you to hold your fire at the US Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police and the DC National Guard. That it would be advisable to wait for the facts and after action reports to come out. Well HERE. WE. ARE.
Documents for the March 3, 2021 Senate Hearing surrounding the Jan 6th Insurrection
Witness statements/testimony;
Major GeneralWilliam J. Walker, USA Commanding GeneralDistrict of Columbia National Guard - Download Testimony his written statement is something you should read - but his oral testimony, specifically answering questions from lawmakers - deeply profound and slightly infuriating because it’s clear General Walker had his troops ready to go but the Pentagon waited over three hours. By the grace of God - we could have had a mass casualty event and some how no lawmakers were killed or injured (for the record I would never endorse or encourage that kind of lawless behavior). I don’t think people understand just how close we as a country came to the brink of losing our Democracy. This is why I’m NOT ready to put the Jan 6th deadly insurrection into “the rear view mirror” I had two friends of mine, who are staffers and they were terrified. One of whom texted me asking to go to her house and watch her children until her husband came home. She was absolutely terrified.
Robert G. Salesses -Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary for Homeland Defense and Global Security U.S. Department of Defense Testimony-Salesses- if anything his testimony alone gives rise to why DC should become our 51st state.
Jill Sanborn -Assistant Director, Counterterrorism DivisionFederal Bureau of Investigation - U.S. Department of Justice Testimony-Sanborn as it relates to the FBI - I would caution anyone trying to blame them for the Jan6th deadly insurrection. See yesterday’s article, found here.
Melissa Smislova -Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Under SecretaryOffice of Intelligence and AnalysisU.S. Department of Homeland Security -Download Testimony I would like to know why DHS didn’t send a critical alert or at least put (unlawful) former “acting” DHS Secretary Wolf under oath because he needs to testify, forthwith.
I also think it’s important to remind you - the Department of Defense is on record for not standing up a rapid response team. Whereas the Commanding Officer of the DC National Guard had already stood up the DC Air National Guard. General Walker discusses this in further detail when Senator Klobuchar asked a series of questions.
Furthermore, the inference is they (DOD) didn’t have any actionable intelligence that Jan6th would turn into a protracted act of Domestic Terrorism. Additionally the US Secret Service didn’t have any intelligence that it would be unsafe otherwise they might have not let Vice President Pence go to the Senate Chamber. And remember the Secret Service agents had less than one minute to safely evacuate Vice President Pence (and most overlooked this but Vice-President Elect Harris was also in the Senate Chamber) -
Trump’s mob stormed our Capitol and chanted “hang Mike Pence” - YES the FBI via their Norfolk Field Office sent “raw intelligence” to DC Police and US Capitol but that was sent on the evening of January 5, 2021 and last week (former) Chief Sund testified that FBI “raw intelligence” was never sent to him.
DC National Guard Commanding Maj. Gen. William Walker, was sent a “new” memo on January 5 - which Major General Walker disclosed this memo changed the chain of command
“It required me to seek authorization from the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of Defense to essentially protect my guardsmen…”
“The approval for Chief Sund's request would eventually come from the Acting Secretary of Defense and be relayed to me by Army senior leaders at 5:08pm, about three hours and nineteen minutes later."
General Walker goes on to explain what the January 5, 2021 Memo and the restrictions it placed on him and his command - again “every second, every minute counted” and the DOD waited 199 minutes. An eternity - which resulted in over 140 officers sustaining injuries - some are permanent. You can read more here
“no civil disturbance equipment could be authorized unless it was came from the Secretary of Defense ... the secretary of defense, told me I needed his permission to escalate to have that kind of protection…the January 5 memo was unusual."
Truly every second mattered, every minute mattered - Yet Disgraced Gen Michel Flynn’s brother General Charles Flynn - worried about the “optics” and the fact General Charles Flynn is now being promoted. That doesn’t sit well with me, at all
On January 8, 2021 the Defense Department via this Press Release, provided the American People with a detailed tick-tock
Planning and Execution Timeline for the National Guard’s Involvement in the January 6, 2021 Violent Attack at the U.S. Capitol
The Department of Defense posted a detailed planning & execution timeline for the National Guard’s involvement in the January 6, 2021 violent attack at the U.S. Capitol. The document can be found here.
On page 3 of the DOD’s document - surrounding Jan6th note the time that the DC National Guard finally mobilized - this isn’t about General Walker this is squarely on why did the DOD change protocol? Who ordered that change in protocol but I’d like for you to watch Senator Portman’s questions to the DOD representative who answered they did not have a quick reaction team on standby. This matters in both context and content and pay attention to General Walker’s response to Senator Portman’s questions
IMPORTANT - during today’s hearing lawmakers, General Walker confirmed that Mike “QANON” Flynn’s brother General Charles Flynn - who is NOW slated to be promoted, according to this January 26, 2021 Army Times Article promoted to Command the U.S. Army Pacific out of Fort Shafter, Hawaii.

Additionally I think it’s important to remind you (again) disgraced Gen Mike Flynn’s bother General Charles Flynn was worried about the optics. It took the department of defense over three hours to approve the DC National Guard General Walker’s request. My question is simple - why?
Not to belabor the points - the GOP and Trump have forfeited the right to the claim of “the party of the Rule of Law” - those seeking to blame the US Capitol Police or Metropolitan Police or the FBI or the DC National Guard - for the January 6th Insurrection aka act of Domestic Terrorism - stop. just. stop your anger should be pointed towards Donald J Trump, his obsequious sycophants and frankly the top brass at the Department of Defense.
Lest we forget “acting” Defense Secretary Miller’s January 15th Press Release
199 minutes delay by the Acting Defense Secretary
"The American people deserve transparency about the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2020. The DoD IG Report will be but one of many efforts to provide that transparency and the Department will do everything it can to ensure that review is fulsome, thorough, and holds parties to account. We are proud of the efforts of DoD personnel to secure the Capitol on January 6th when called upon on and throughout the Presidential Inaugural events next week."
I urged you to hold your fire because I genuinely think what we are going to find out is Trump sycophants inside the Department of Defense and if folks want to really know what the Acting Defense Secretary did, Congress should bring him, Kash Patel and Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick in and force them to testify. The truth and facts matter and for now we are only scratching the top layer out of many.
3 hours and 19 minutes. Imagine how much can happen in that span of time, in this situation. It's an absolute miracle that this tragedy didn't take more lives, cause even more destruction of property... Dear God, thank you for saving these brave men and women. Amen
Love you, Ma'am. TY for your efforts.