Fucking Derek's.

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Hey now not all Dereks are bad - just saying

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Happy belated Mr. Derek. (Not the Derek in the article)

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Thank you Derek for obediently going where the police officer directed you to go and when you were told. Once inside the Capitol, you conscientiously told others not to be vandalizing the people's house. 

I have read the case against Derek (https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/Derek%20Jancart%20Statement%20of%20Facts.pdf) and it reeks of lies, they only have proof he was exactly where the police directed him and many others to go, because of the rioting around them. Derek did exactly what normal and good people do, I would have done the same in that situation, and in my lifetime I have many times followed police instructions to go around incidents. And I have seen several video of this exact act of directions to the crowd, by the police at that time.

As for the dishonest government officials who knowingly made false accusations against you, rest assured God will give them their reward in time. They know assuredly, they themselves are the criminals. For those posting disinformation about you, they will also receive their reward, from God. If a judge falsely finds you guilty of any crime, woe to that Judge, the Lord will be your revenge. For you, Stuart M. Bronstein, yes you, who knowingly and absolutely made these false charges against Derek (Case: 1:21-mj-00246, Assigned to: Judge Harvey, G. MIchael, https://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/content/magistrate-judge-g-michael-harvey), your only hope is repentance. If you have any sense at all you will immediately confess your sins to God and confess to the Judge of this case your very own moral criminal activity. I myself worked as a Federal Employee for a long time and I was never given an order to make false statements verbally or in writing, against any person. If someone ordered you to make these false accusations, then it was your duty to not follow those orders. In your case the title "Special Agent" is akin to special moral criminal. The false accusations in the case seem to be written to throw as much mud as possible, hoping to get something to stick, which is a despicable moral crime. I find Stuart M. Bronstein's behavior to be heinous and traitorous. Justice would be for Mr. Bronstein to pay for the cost to the people, for the seventy people they had there to arrest Derek early in the morning, for Mr. Bronstein to pay the legal fees he has cost Derek and for Mr Bronstein to apologize to the community and Derek. We need justice for the early morning disruption and justice would be for Mr. Bronstein to make amends for all the other problems he caused with his false accusations. Seventy people to early morning arrest a kind individual who followed the officers instructions to move away from the violence? So much evil in our government. I know why the Bronsteins' of the world do their wickedness, it's for promotions, which give them more power to do wickedness and a larger paycheck.

Thank you Derek for being at the Capital, in a lawful, peaceful and patriotic way, in support of President Trump and our great Republic, recently soiled by Mr. Stuart M. Bronstein. And thank you for protecting the Capitol with your thoughtful counsel to others, telling them to not be destructive of the people's Capitol.

Woe to you workers of iniquity, you who harm the righteous for evil pleasure and riches, may ruinous trouble come upon you all.

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