In all seriousness, and this would go for 'many' groups that organized and were affiliated with 1/6/21, I wonder what happens with or how things change with groups that are fundraising for insurrectionists? For the insurrection, or almost 'purely' for anti-democracy causes such as over throwing the election, raising funds for the insurrectionists who are at large, etc. Do they maintain their status?

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Fair points - in general I think that the Government is building a RICO case against the Proud Boy but I think Oath Keepers are in real jeopardy “the enterprise” - which is why I tend to focus on the oath keepers https://file411.substack.com/?sort=search&search=RICO

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I think that is a REALLY wise way to proceed, and while it's not sexy, paper tells an undeniable and emotionally 'removed' story. It doesn't ask you to take a side. I always think back to the one previous guy supporter from the Manafort trial, and it was just point blank, "Here is what all the documents said, they had him dead to rights. That one knucklehead that held out on the other charges was an idiot."

On topic, re:RICO!!!! I found it particularly delicious this week (as it involved my city of Chicago) to see more details laid out from the September 'rumblings' we got that vance 'might be looking' at the Trump Tower loans. When we saw the request, and oh so polite email between him and the person from our public records office who would be more than happy to put the final nail in the coffin and was (professionally directing them everywhere they 'might want to look' and almost saying, might I move your mouse for you and show you?) informing them "All mortgages are online and public records since 1985, and you could find anyone that you would want to look for, for that property." Lightbulb!!!! It was always a question, of course banks could choose to forgive 'some' of a loan during the financial crisis, but his was SUPER shady. Now you can bet they are going to cross reference every bank employee and family member who TOUCHED that account by previous guy tower condo loans or units, all across the country! All his loans. Loan forgiveness for condos! That is a hell of a LOT of RICO!!! and I'm here for it!

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I’ve always held a bit of skepticism re Vance. I genuinely didn’t understand why some tried to portray him as the Mueller 2.0 because Vance has comported himself in ways that are questionable.

Remember when Avenatti was indicted and I kept tweeting - you’re looking at the wrong case... everyone was focused on the SDNY indictment and I was like - erm.. H-E-L-L-O the CDCA had a freaking table of contents. I know you get it because you’re right paper trails are hard to dispute. As you so aptly put it - no emotion in paper it’s just stone cold facts. And everything tells me the Government is slowly building a case for RICO. I remember on the day of the insurrection you and I exchanged a lot of tweets and it ultimately came down to “follow the money” and “follow the paper trail” because I still want to know; -who funded the bus caravans

-who paid for the hotel rooms, airline tickets and communication devices

Saying dark money is the intellectually easy guess. Notwithstanding my preliminary research shows it’s far more complex and cryptocurrency was involved. Which begs the question can the Government prove an enterprise and can they conclusively link the cryptocurrency or other funding... I think they can because if I can link it - imagine what the DOJ has as far as research tools.

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I think it would asinine for people to 'turn on a dime,' given Vance's history, and specifically with this family, and think that he is going to be a savior, but that is the one saving grace of 'paper.' Also, he has been much more of a protracted fighter in this than I gave him credit for, and I want to vomit as I use the term 'fighter' with said connotation to previously mentioned nahvenatti. Bringing on Pomerance is hopefully a positive sign, and they seem to be getting everything they can and judging who will be the 'Rick Gates' of the trials early....and who should be a 'hard pass.' I remember you and I always used to say, "If you are going to commit crimes and cooperate, be like Rick Gates," and then he turned around and wrote a book and did the rounds and tried to lie and revamp a feckless career. Douche nozzle.

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Along with every other bad thing from Trump and his minions, to ability to cheat and grift stand out.

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"I’m mindful that words matter, as do facts, especially if you can prove your assertion with unimpeachable facts aka “receipts”"

Yes, ma'am, and I assume this is why folks are afraid of the Filey Arsenal of Facts.

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I'm so happy you gave us more on this. I was looking at the Give-send-go page. what a bunch of scammers on there! I have a HUGE problem with so-called non-profits. I wish there were a department that investigated them!!!

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