The only thing I add here, is those of us with Marines in the family, know that their training is different than other services. They spend 13 weeks in boot camp and they are considered first responders. They cover land, air & sea. It is considered an elite fighting force and the hardest achievements to get through the training. I still have the weekly calendar…checking off the days for a family member. So the idea that all of this training was used to turn on the govt he was trained to defend & protect, is beyond painful to read….

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Harkrider, a veteran & Marine who served overseas took an oath before he left boot camp to serve his country against foreign and domestic enemies. His wanting to modify his gps monitoring is beyond ludicrous. He’s got a pension from the same government he sought to overturn. The irony is killing me. His text messages work against him as this was premeditated. Armed & dangerous, he sought to unlawfully enter the Capitol with weapons of war. He was going to murder people. So sorry he has to keep paying from his government pension that $110 a month gps monitor on …issued by the government. When you text that your plans are too sensitive to be relayed by text messaging, chances are, you’re not getting your gps monitor off. I hope they also figure out who his inside DC contacts are. As we enter the post Trump era, it feels more daunting than ever, to find these Q-crazy traitors. We must hold them up by example that we take their unpatriotic garbage seriously & that we will punish them. Great work Filey!

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I believe you are correct in saying Trump nasty talk worked on us and caused many to disrespect family, friends, and communities. I have been on the receiving end and witnessed people become “haters” of people they shouldn’t hate. I’ve also witnessed a lack of empathy. I see people who won’t say they are sorry when they should be sorry. I’m seen a lot of ugly gossip used to elevate one over the other. I appreciate your expertise and time you take to help us understand this horrible breakdown of civility and citizenship.

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It's very gratifying to read that trump is being named as the ongoing problem and spewer of dangerous disinformation. What's sad is how many vets have joined this cult and are now breaking their oaths for a traitor. The Cyr part is pretty funny. "He" in stalking me and my friends lolol. However, them coming here to threaten you is awful. Can't we have one safe place from fools?!

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Yes!! So glad they put it in writing. Trump is STILL harming our country. Hoping he will pay for this at some point (by indictment and arrest).

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File-y, your thoroughness absolutely amazes me! We are so grateful for all of your hard work!

"I swear on my ancestors I will burn you to the ground and your great grandchildren will never know your name." <--I laughed out loud...But I believe you! Please be good to you and take care. The work you do and share is important and there are others who don't like it. Thank you and be careful!

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