Sometimes time lapse videos are the panacea to North East Winds blowing - but eventually when the sun does go down - so do the winds.
and yes the projects on the house are coming along rather nicely - today I had the awesome experience of whispering at one of the littles “you do not get to use a nail gun as a toy - have you lost your every loving mind …there is no time allotment for an emergency room visit, are we clear?”
—the whispering freaks my littles out because I grew up in an Irish Catholic family and yelling was the main form of communication - therefore as an adult I opted to do the opposite of what I grew up on.
Love the little glimpses into who you are really!
Looking good! Imagine your already strategizing to deal with them planning to jump from the stairs into the pool like you might have? And if you're out for a run keep your head up for those vehicle mirrors that sometimes jump out in front of folks ...