Love the little glimpses into who you are really!

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Well according to some I’m a bored alcoholic chain smoking housewife who also works for MAGA, DNC, Judicial Watch, at least 4 other PACs and I work for a US House representative or a Senator and I do not work for a law firm - because I don’t have a LinkedIn account <snort>

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Jesus the beatings you’ve taken. 😞

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Looking good! Imagine your already strategizing to deal with them planning to jump from the stairs into the pool like you might have? And if you're out for a run keep your head up for those vehicle mirrors that sometimes jump out in front of folks ...

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So gorgeous. I'm telling myself I saw the green flash.

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no kidding - whispering, what a great technique! More poor babies got the frantic PUT THAT DOWN, ARE YOU KIDDING ME! treatment

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This is coming along nicely.

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enjoy your coast time. whispering to the littles. i grew up in the Irish house—no church but tons of booze.

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That's an exciting high staircase!!!!

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Offt - but there’s another level aka the widow’s watch - the structural engineer came today. I had to sign off on the building permit. Hoping by the end of this week they install the support beam and then I can resume my nightly cocktail up on the watch.

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Ah Hahaha my father used to do what we called the "grey monkey"... He would say our name very sternly and slowly, andl "I want to talk to you" and when we would sit and he'd fold his arms and lower his chin and just look at me like one of those blue eyed gray monkeys and I would burst into tears. The conversation always ended in a lecture on "being circumspect."

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I tried to not do what I thought were "wrongs" of my parents. idk that it worked out so well. I do however hear what great kids I have, from people that don't know me.. lol

And, what a lovely pool! I hope you have some time to enjoy that as well! Temps are rising!!!

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That’s truly a testament of exceptional parenting - crossing our fingers we just replaced six solar panels - so I’m watching the pool temperature rise from 69 to 73 -I jumped in yesterday and it was instant regret

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73!! brrrrrrr... ours is gas and is a consistent 88 with the solar cover on in summer, it gets even warmer. Perfect escape, any day of the week...

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Glad the projects are moving along! Thanks for the video and the “whisper”-story, what a great idea to handle it this way.

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