Ahhhhhh Joliet. Town of my B.A. a crummy mall with an Auntie Anne's (maybe still?), our state prison, the creepiest most FU haunted house BASED on our stated prison?????....Ahhhh Joliet....

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Yep... down the road a piece from our area.

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I actually felt guilty I didn't give any respect to the many cornfields. Flat, flat cornfields that felt like they went on forever....lol ....Fun Fact I was the Easter Bunny for the Joliet Park District 1996-1997.....a VERY short 5'0" Easter Bunny....

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This subthread gives me life 😂

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as I was reading this I wondered what ever happened to that wastewater pond in Florida that was threatening to collapse last week... There is so much that needs to be done to save our planet and our humanity. Maybe the martians will save us all! ugh

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FLDEP stated they are filing suit against sue HRK Holdings - but if I’m going to be intellectually honest here - the EPA kind of owns some responsibility because they gave FL & HRK permission to dump - see 404 program here https://floridadep.gov/

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I recall, but isn't 404 a federal thing? wasn't that one of angry oranges policy flips?

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There are two agencies the EPA and Army Corp of Engineers - from a practicality and enforcement standpoint neither agency has executed any meaningful action(s) since 2005 but that’s why I said it’s a problem because the polluter will point to some indemnification via the 404 program https://www.epa.gov/cwa-404/enforcement-under-cwa-section-404

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There's a landfill not far from where I am. I used to work about 2 miles from there. Going to work in the morning the smell would get stronger and stronger as you drove up the hill. We'd try to hold our breath from the parking lot to the door. We actually called DEP a few times, but they never did anything because the family that owns it is connected. They're trying to expand, and people are jumping up and down to try to stop it, but there's no way we'll win. They just have too much money and political friends... It sucks that our environment will suffer because a few men can't get enough money...

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Thanks for pulling this, I admit I’m continually appalled at just how low the bar is for a sprawling company in biz for so long...we don’t have time for can kicking. Do you have any insight into the Chevron/Donzinger(sic) ordeal?

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I genuinely think the 2ndCCOAs did the right thing. Donzinger used bribes and the Ecuadorean Judge should have been immediately removed. The fact is Donzinger wrote the opinion (colloquially known as ghost writing) ..in short I’m not a fan of Chevron but on this issue it was truly a miscarriage of Justice and Donzinger was rightfully disbarred because he violated his oath as an officer of the Court

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