Feb 13, 2022Liked by File411

You literally made me snort, Filey.

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And mah job here is done (for now)😂

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Me too!!! 😭😳🤣

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I freaking love your video!!!! 🤣♥️✨

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Not even kidding I snort laughed the entire time I edited the last minute of the video. Remember that twitter video of Madonna’s Crazy for you -with pictures of all the people around Trump who were indicted. Some of my finest work <snort>

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Oscar worthy! 🏆 ~ who are you rooting for today’s SuperBowl?

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Snort and spew tea on my screen! You are the Best! Hope you got all of your ingredients and enjoy the impending storm if it comes. Relax and be good to you! We appreciate all your work and especially the darkside. You always give us truth and docs.

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Basta to the basta boy.

In my next life I am coming back with your discerning palate.

Enjoy your weekend .

Hope everyone had a nice weekend wherever you are and whatever you do.

Peace peeps

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BASTA-La-Vista comes in as a very close second to Becky-with-the-shittyhair —I mean when I was on Twitter I came up with historical nick-names like Swamp Donkey

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OMG snort laugh...swamp donkey ! That's awesome !!

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I rather like your version of hoarding. Meanwhile I am not enjoying the nearly 90 degrees over here. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Avenatti in the Santa Ana jail, which is not far from me, I don't he'd do well in that environment.

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by File411

Cheap entertainment, that. I do it, too. Hoarding only makes the inflation seem worse. Stay safe. Enjoy the Veuve and pear-gorgonzola 😘

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I think I’m raising little foodies and I make bake brie with an apple walnut compote —if the Drs ever told me that I have to give up cheese, I’d still eat it because they told me in 2019 I had to give up raw fruits and veggies. But it’s actually nice that I can now start eating solids. The milkshakes were terrible. But my spouse’s attempt to purée my dinners was nice -setting aside the late night accidental purchase of cases of ensure and boost. Thankfully Amazon flagged the purchase and let us cancel it <snort>

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by File411

Baked brie with apple walnut compote 😲

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It’s the walnut oil with the compote that makes it delicious - I trade off between that or ham & puff pastry with a Dijon Honey glaze <—it’s like a deconstructed Croque Madame minus the egg. When my littles were babies/toddlers I refused to be a short order cook so they learned to eat what I made or else😂

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Hot dang! They lucked out with that option, then. Sounds heavenly.

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Our g-kids are same ... M&D were chefs in pre-kid life, and we always take them to nice restaurants, rarely order kids menu, instead do a lot of sharing. Oysters, octopus, sushi, etc. They are, ahem, not cheap "dates" 😂

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Avenatti is a sociopath with zero conscience about his actions. L.A. County sounds quite suitable.

We are snowed in here today too! I’m not a fan of storm panic as it always hurts the most vulnerable. My friend is raising 2 grandchildren & the WICK products always disappear first making it difficult to stretch her dollars. How much toilet paper does a person need for a day inside?

Your menu sounds delicious! Thank you for keeping us entertained w/Avenatti updates!❤️

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by File411

You are super mega petty and I lurves it!

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I appreciate you so much! Great way to start my day😁

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My pleasure

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Hahaha… He landed in DTLA lock up instead?

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