Thank you for the reminder and the updates… oh yeah and #GoTeamBidenHarris.

I hope you’re getting some rest. You’re nice vacation break before this was ruined by your accident. Take good care of yourself. ♥️

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Thank you for posting this, Filey. AML is reshaping the real estate industry in ugly ways so I hope these all cash transactions are given greater scrutiny. It doesn't help when escrow or closing agents are unaware or unwilling to perform due diligence. Thank you for the Ocean view as well, much needed.

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I’m so glad you saw this because of all my readers I knew you’d find this article extremely interesting. I do think there’s a flaw in the proposed new rule making —it’s one thing to mandate financial institutions reporting but there needs to be State & Local mandates to disclose who’s buying the high end real estate in all cash. Our firm does a lot of work in the real estate arena and that was immediately what jumped out at me once I read the two proposed new rule making. I hope that makes sense

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and when I say ugly I mean, can we please go beyond the semi-annual certifications and apply the principals?

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Will read with interest :). Here there's been all sorts of offshore money into real estate. Meng et Al ... This public inquiry has been ongoing too. https://cullencommission.ca/

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Links to previous reports. https://cullencommission.ca/introductory-statement/?ln=eng

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YOU ARE A GODDESS!... Impervious to long days when legal analysis is needed. Thank you & love your FEELING SPICY gif! (& Ocean Therapy, of course!) Filey, have you read any of Adam Klasfeld's reporting on Reza Zarrab's recent activities in FL? Adam reported through Law&CrimeNews & Miami Herald about Zarrab's various enterprises (WHILE being a govt protected witness for impending Halkbank trial). It seems he's in a trend of money laundering involving race horses (& apparently using this as a dodge because animals are much more difficult to attach as assets). He's been in steady communication w old criminal contacts in Turkey & seems to be abusing his government protection under other business aliases. Thought it might interest you & love to hear your thoughts based on this great FINCEN info you've provided! Take care, brilliant one, & enjoy the holidays!!!

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Long long overdue. Let's hope some of this infiltration can be halted. Sick of Florida purchased by crooks. They long ago destroyed S. FL.

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