Jun 10, 2021Liked by File411

Jeez Louise Filey! I'm glad you have a mind like a steel trap because mine is spinning like a whirligig in a tornado! 🌪️🌪️🌪️ But I think I'm taking away the most salient point . . . CONSERVATION EASEMENTS! That's the thing to be on lookout for. Again, thanks for another great article. I sure hope your family don't resent the time you spend explaining this stuff to us. But you really are doing a public service. 😊

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Jun 10, 2021Liked by File411

'He [trump] will go down for tax evasion by way of Conservation Easements & Insurance Fraud.' MUSIC TO MY EARS...😎 TY for showing us the VIABLE legal pathway to take down mobsters, Filey!💛

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Jun 10, 2021Liked by File411

I had to stop and read as soon as I saw Conservation Easments (eyeing that lovely state, Florida). Way to go, Filey.

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Jun 11, 2021Liked by File411

Hey hey hey - I find tax fraud, insurance fraud, and wire fraud extremely sexy - haha

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I don't give a flyin shit WHAT they get him on. I want them to get him and nail his dick to the wall. (I was gonna say ass, but I want it to hit him where he thinks he's king)

What happened on the E Jean Carroll suit is disgusting. I'm more than just a little disappointed in AG Garland and the DOJ today...

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