1994 saw Clinton signing the assault weapons ban. I’m 2004, it wasn’t renewed and allowed to lapse. The ban saw 43% downward turn in gun violence. In 2004, we had the Bush admin. Gun violence doesn’t ascribe to a political party when it happens but one party threw aside the statistics in favor of their 2nd amendment stance. I hesitate saying rights because when the founding fathers decided on right to bear arms, they had muskets & fighting for freedom & independence from King George. I don’t think the founding fathers could wrap their heads around a world where an AR-15 & other weapons like it, can spray huge rounds of bullets for mass murder.

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Back then muskets were used for hunting and livestock protection much of the time. On this week's Bulwark pod David Frum details gun ownership in Ontario.

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What a nice surprise; thank you for this! The JR-15 makes my stomach sick! I hope the beach has done you well.

I own a gun; I live in the country in North Central Fl. with 3 mentally challenged men. I took one of the guys into a pawn shop one day to look at a trailer for hauling hay they had advertised. While I was discussing this trailer with an employee, another employee was trying to sell a gun to the gentleman with me. I went to the employee after I took my guy away from him and said he is mentally challenged. Said employee replied it was fine, he could purchase if he had the cash! We left, my guy talking about the gun and me in disbelief. Why, why would someone want to sell a gun to someone they were told is mentally challenged?!? Or children? Or those 18-22 year olds. What has happened to this Country?

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Thx as always :).

Interesting to see all the excuses when the obvious and only solution is to decrease the number of firearms to the level of the rest of the Western world.

Shouldn't the originalist Court be rewriting the laws back to the firearms available at the the time of the Constitution? Single shot muskets was the tech off the day I think?

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I mean you do present a logical & fact based argument. I think the Federalist Society would have difficulties in a persuasive counter argument. With the rise of ghost guns, gun show loopholes, DV loopholes (although the Senate sought to plug that hole) and pervasive access to “military like” weapons —the assault weapons ban brought down gun violence. The issue is (in my view) targeting guns for kids, means the JR-15 is <$1000K less expensive than the AR-15 but it’s the design and marketing, which I find absolutely repugnant. I really do hope the House Oversight plans to “invite” Schmidt Tools to the next hearing. One of the reasons I left the NRA was their Eddie the Eagle program/propaganda —the early indoctrination of children and guns was (and still is) a red line for me. Because in the geopolitics Re Roe v Wade <—you can’t be “right to life” and still do nothing about the near weekly school shootings. It’s a paradoxical & intellectual dishonest argument made by Gun Toting pro lifers. And it drives me batty. Mainly because of the blatant hypocrisy

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Unfortunately John and the Supremes are corrupted to the extent that they proffer opinions in line with their sponsors, then try to justify them in any way necessary.

Wonder if Coach K's debt financing will ever be revealed?

Does the Constitution guarantee ammunition?

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Well I blame Congress for the indemnification of Gun Manufacturers but to your point on Ammunition Companies 👇🏻

Absolute Liability for Ammunition Manufacturers.” Harvard Law Review, vol. 108, no. 7, 1995, pp. 1679–96. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/1341813. Accessed 8 Jul. 2022.

Granted that’s criminal liability— as for civil liability case in point the $73M for the Sandy Hook parents 👇🏻


But the other factor that no one really talks about is the insurance policies which allow both the Gun & Ammunition manufacturers to escape actual justice, all while reaping insane profits. 👇🏻


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Thank you. Will read with great interest! Btw oldest nephew a recent addition to the DC Fed bureaucracy.

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Wee Tactical, replete with “cool” skulls. Christ, the truth is right there in front of our faces…

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Link to report:


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🤓🙌🏻🤓 you know me lurves data and reports

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Lolol. I DO haha. Have a great weekend :)

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Been meaning to forward this link to you. Report on money laundering out here. Final report dropped in June. PDF link on the home page to final report. 1900 pages worth:


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The ad for baby AR15s is absolutely chilling what with the skulls with mohawk/ponytail and pacifiers. Creating a nation of little killers for what?

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Right now I actually fear 18-22 white males more than any other demographic. Because I’m also kind of sick at the perverse pivot if the gun-man is a white male —> “it’s a (undiagnosed mental health issue” but if said gunman is African or Latino American —then it’s the racial trope of “they are hardened criminals, thugs” and I know that’s probably uncomfortable but I’ve noticed the disparity in both MSM reporting and Cable news pundits.

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I don't understand why anyone wouldn't do all they could to stop mass shootings.

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