Hi and Happy New Year —I don’t know why Twitter reinstated my account but THEY DID
And I’m here for it, all of it. A few updates and a lot of embedded links because sharing is caring and sometimes I care…
Filey’s Husband fulfilling my role as her secretary…
Hey all, just a brief update.
Filey has been having some challenges lately but still progressing in a positive direction. The first 90 days after her stroke are critically important to her recovery. Accordingly as a family we have decided that she focuses solely on her recovery until January 12th which is the end of the first 90 days. I am aware she has created a Twitter account. She created it with my approval with the condition that she limit her time on that platform. Again the first 90 days is very important post stroke and she agreed to not come back to Substack without me typing for her until January 12th. Although she has bugged me every day and multiple times a day, an agreement is an agreement and Filey never recants her promises (she also may have forgotten she gave me passwords to all her stuff).
Twitter did WHAT Now? No Way…
In the spirit of full transparency on December 23, 2022 a trusted reporter DM’d me via Twitter —at the time that DM went to my email inbox. I didn’t realize that my (previous) account was slowly re-updating. At the time, I didn’t have the ability to respond to his DM. Thereafter on December 31, 2022 a very long time instagram follower ping’d me —thus alerting me to what certainly appears to be Twitter fully reinstating this account, see the retweet here —note January 7, 2021

Jan 6th House Select Committee… drops a lot of Docs
While many of you might expect me to do a lengthy and deep dive, the reality is my brain is still recovering from the stroke. Thusly I don’t have the intellectual stamina to do my customary deep dives. Don’t get me wrong, I want to but I also know that’s the last thing the Drs & Med Staff want. As previously explained the first 90days after a stroke are the hardest especially when considering “spontaneous recovery” —not to say after 90 days I can’t recover —medically speaking that 90 day window is pretty important.
Notwithstanding I know that my readers are very smart but some might not know how to source the breathtaking crushing documents the J6HSC recently released —if you look past my typo in this twitter thread then you’ll note I’ve taken the liberty of scanning some documents

Links to Document Repositories, Depo Transcripts,
How many documents, where & how you you find them, because information is knowledge and knowledge is power…and any decent researcher and/or reporter should have zero qualms with showing you “their homework”—if they do or attempt to withhold documents —please let me know, it feels like an eternity since I factually drag QANON and/or Blue QANON into a fact filled thunderdome. (Snort thunderdome gets me every time) but in all seriousness I’ve embedded the most useful links and nope
Supporting Materials -
Documents on File with the Select Committee
CH-CTRL0000000062 - (Cassidy Hutchinson production),
CH-CTRL0000000069 - (Text between Hutchinson & Tony Ornato)
CM00015477 - (Cleta Mitchell Production)
Video of Rudy Giuliani “leaning in the States” with testimony of AG Barr, Acting AG Donoghue
Video of Arizona being called for Biden. Trump knew he lost
'Team Normal' v. John Eastman -Videos. Marc Short; Jason Miller; Eric Herschmann. Thursday, December 22, 2022.
But if you’re going to ask me —“where’s the juice …the good stuff…” well that’s easy - go to the GPO page and use the drop down windows —I know that some readers might be intimidated by the sheer volume of documents. In order to help you overcome that understandable fear, I actually tweeted a video to show you exactly what to look for… see tweet but I’m going to belabor this point:
Go to the Government Printing Office (GPO)…
For Example I was reading the Cassidy Hutchinson’s production —keep in mind she dumped Stefan Passantino as previously reported here or here
—to be clear in early 2021 some of us did say that the NARA, Trump. SCOTUS & J6HSC were all headed on a path of total and complete annihilation and subterfuge greasing the rails. I was pretty clear and confident in my finding of facts, because the reality is: some of us really do pay attention to important things (read more here) Lastly I’ve embedded the pertinent datapoints as it relates to Passantino & Trump because those two are thick as actual thieves…
See February 2017 Memo to all Trump White House Staff concerning the importance of the PRA, via this national archives link (oh look there’s STEFAN C. PASSANTINO once again you can read my recent Feb 7th article on James O’Keffe & the purported Biden dairy, found here)
See February 16, 2017 White House letter to NARA naming designees of Trump White House Documents via this NARA Link notice who Trump designated- why yes the same Stefan Passantino
See March 7, 2017 - Letter from Senators McCaskill and Carper to Archivist David S. Ferriero concerning the Trump Administration and the PRA
See March 30, 2017 - Archivist response to Sens. McCaskill and Carper previous letter/inquiry
See October 2, 2017 Internal Emails from the White House Counsel’s office -reminding staffers of their PRA compliance via this NARA link
See October 2, 2017 White House email: Compliance Reminder; PRA
See January 18, 2018 - American Oversight letter: Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity and potential alienation of records
See January 23, 2018 - NARA response letter to American Oversight: Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity and potential alienation of records
See January 19, 2021 White House Letter to NARA superseding designees
Additionally in June of 2022 many of my readers knew that my constant invocation of PRA, NARA and Trump (read more here) meant that Trump undoubtedly had already mishandled (possibly) thousands of classified documents. Importantly here is many of you should have been aware of Cassidy Hutchinson’s bombshell testimony provided you had read this April 2022 article
Specifically when I mused that “Cassidy Hutchinson is an American Patriot” because a plain reading of Speaker Pelosi’s April 2022 filing, we knew, factually speaking that Ms Hutchinson’s testimony was beyond compelling —she kept her oath and I genuinely think those in the Trump White House (especially his senior advisors or counselors) didn’t just violate their “oath of office”—they blew right pass it in their incomprehensible obsequious and servile behavior to assuage an out of control authoritarian, who knew he lost but decided to gas light & deflect after the deadly mob attempted to hunt down members of Congress. My final thought: I am continually amazed that so many gloss over the fact that “the Congress” was and still is a victim of Donald J Trump’s Domestic Terrorist that he almost single handedly radicalized.
Summary— for now I’ll see you after Jan 12th
For now I’m going to 100% focus on January 12, 2023 as that will officially mark the end of the 90-day (potential) spontaneous healing. Which is my roundabout way of saying: it’s unlikely that I will publish a Substack article until after the 12th. As previously mentioned my number one job and priority is to fully recover from the damage the strokes caused *and yes*in November 2022 it was confirmed that I had a series of additional mini-strokes. I made a promise to my family and medical team that I would focus the entirety of my energy on helping my brain heal from the damage it sustained due to the strokes. In short yes I’m happy to say I’m back but I’m going to be back in a limited capacity, at least for the foreseeable future. Don’t get me wrong, intellectually I need proper stimulation and right now that’s difficult due to my transient long & short term memory issues.
Fun Fact: in my state the DMV *the actual DMV not to be confused by the DC colloquialism of (DMV =DC, MD VA) by law requires drivers who had a stroke their license is temporarily placed on hold for 3 months. Thankfully my stroke did not cause an automobile accident. Conversely if it had, then by law my state would require me to take both the written and driving exam. I mean holy shittlestix can you imagine me being forced to take multiple test to prove I don’t present a medical danger…
…However the catch here is none of my nine+ doctors have given me the green light to drive. So my spouse isn’t just my social Secretary but he’s also my chauffeur, prep cook and let me tell you —“In sickness & health…” are pretty important wedding vows and you’ll never really know until you find yourself paralyzed on one side & that requires said spouse to wipe down there. Apologies for the TMI but the rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated…
.. I’m still here and NOPE I’ve never cheated on my spouse and never will —he’s stuck with me “sine die” (snort) —again I’m glad to reconnect with my Twitter followers and very appreciative of the support and encouragement. I hope this article saved you some stress trying to hunt down the transcript, document production and more importantly helped you distinguish facts over fiction.

Lastly you can find me on: Twitter @File411 Instagram @File411DC (I typically post two IG videos a day), and Srcibd File411 —unsurprisingly some but hurt individuals targeted my YouTube account. I’m in the appeal process to reinstate that account because if you’re going to fraudulently report an account resulting in a suspension don’t be a derp and use the same IP addresses. And ever time that human garbage can publishes a shitty A.D.D video or incongruent rage thread I report it for misinformation and disinformation because I can’t stand actual grifters & plagiarist. Happy 2023 and here’s to a brand new year.
Be Well
PS here’s a previous Instagram reel -ENJOY
So happy to hear from you Filey!!! How are you doing after your unfortunate and untimely medical crisis? I've been thinking of you and am so happy you are back in the saddle. Take care of yourself. Your husband was awesome when he stepped in for you. You are a remarkable person!
Talk about a happy New Years Day surprise! I am so glad to hear from you. So many of us think of you and only want the best for you. I am sorry I will miss your tweets but that hell site became to much for me with all the Musk antics so I deactivated my account. It has been the best thing I have done for me in years! We all must take care of ourselves and rely on those around us to help. Both my husband and I have had to use that part of our vows “in sickness and in health” many times. Lol
One thing that truly helped was when we installed a Bidet! That was a game changer! 😆
Here’s hoping to a continued improvement and a joyous new normal!