Words matter, or at least it should. The Trump-MAGA-Republican Party is the party of unapologetic Domestic Terrorist. Period. Full Stop.
To be clear this assertion is strictly limited in scope to the ever so narrow MAGA-Republicans. Between the Trump-MAGA Republicans complicit silence to their vulgar laughing at Speaker Pelosi
Filey’s Hubby Here: I wanted to provide you with an update leading into this latest article. Filey is still having significant speech issues and issues with motor functions in her right hand and face. It’s been almost three weeks and she couldn’t keep anything down until yesterday. IV port is now installed and she is able to keep smoothies down (she won’t let me forget about the cumin) Needless to say, her left hand is getting overworked. She is also not resting well and needs more relaxation time. With that said, I have asked her to take it easy and take a break from Substack until Saturday. Her article continues below
Rhetorical Questions: albeit these are necessary, yet uncomfortable questions…
Back in early 2017 I asked a series of questions. These questions were immediately met with scorn, accusations that I was being overly dramatic and ultimately I opted to demur any further meaningful discussions. It seemed to me, (at the time) most on twitter didn’t have the capacity to understand why I would refer to Donald J Trump & his increasingly violent MAGA-Republicans as:
Trump is a deranged and dangerous cult leader
MAGA-Republicans fealty to the *church* of Donald Trump above their own God.
Trump’s rhetoric has always leaned into physical violence, political violence and racially motivated violence.
Trump and his MAGA-Republicans are domestic terrorist, who repeatedly target their perceived political enemies.
I had previously argued (in early 2017) that MAGA-Republicans have supplanted their vaunted “Christian Evangelical” beliefs by willingly crawling into bed with a thrice divorced, four time anchor babies (Trump Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Baron) credibly accused sexual predator.
What’s the difference between Donald J Trump, MAGA-Republicans and Osama bin Laden & Al-Qaeda?
Not much. Setting aside that bin Laden was killed during the Obama administration, and Al-Qeada (thankfully) never fully bounced back as one the world’s deadliest Terror Networks. Nonetheless until, we the people have an open and honest conversation about Trump and his MAGA-Republicans then the increased violent rhetoric will become so loud that it will be deafening. Arguably we are pretty damn close to crossing that dangerous and reckless rubicon. And that should scare the ever loving #shittlestix out of you.
Fact Check True: Biden: MAGA-Republicans are semi-fascist.
As sure as we know the sun will rise in the East and the sun will set in the West, it’s largely indisputable Biden’s accurate labeling of Trump and MAGA “semi-fascist” would undoubtedly usher in over-the-top and unhinged histrionics coming from Republican “purported” Leaders, like Kevin QANON McCarthy, Sens Cruz, Paul et al.
Last month I explained why Biden’s accurate labeling wasn’t directed at the whole of the Republican Party. Predictably certain Republican “leaders” decided to ignore the actual content and context. And then feigned “outrage” and incomprehensibly “moral superiority” as certain Republican leaders gasped and clutched their invisible pearls. Below is what President Biden said, thus the context and content are not mutual exclusive:
“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something — it’s semi-fascism.”
During an August 26, 2022 political fundraiser, President Biden delivered a blistering and likely one of the harshest rebukes of “MAGA-Republicans” —again, he was speaking specifically about MAGA-Republicans. Biden opined about the increasingly “extreme MAGA philosophy" which continues to pose as an existential threat to our shared Democracy.
President Biden drew an accurate parallel when he stated "like semi-fascism." —At no time did Biden ever label the entirety of the Republican Party. That is a very important distinction. Predictably the MAGA-enabling “news outlets” (Fox News, Breitbart, the NY Post, the JewishPress just to name a few) collectively lost their ever loving minds and apparently what spares intellectual honesty they have left. Who knew that “semi-fascist” would launch a tsunami of OpEds. With an estimated (calculative) ratio of 8:2 with 8 being hair on fire “how dare you” —“I take umbrage to being called semi-fascist”
The data doesn’t lie and you know the facts:
There is one thing to espouse your beliefs and/or *opinions* (even unhinged conspiracy theories. It is an entirely different discussion when you have facts, data and files to support your assertion and/or information. Have you ever wondered why most federal court filings (I’m speaking about both Civil and Criminal Rules) often state; “…upon information and belief…” that’s not a random statement. Those are purposefully used words which are typically predicated vis-a-vis “good faith”
Data from @CapitolPolice threats of violence made towards both chambers of Congress exploded exponentially from 2016 to present. And when I say “exploded exponentially” again the data doesn’t lie/ For Example:
2016 = 902 credible threats
2018 =5,206 Netting a 477% increase
2020 =8,613 a 855% increase of 2016 v 2022
2022 (which we have at least 90 days of zero data) =9,650 —an astounding 970% increase 2016 comparison to 2022
Also see the May 2022 recommendations House Homeland Security Info & recommendations to improve US Capitol Police improvements and then see the US Capitol Police -OIG May 2021 Report —now ask yourself what mitigating factors likely contributed to the astronomical increase. I’ll give you a hint, their names are Donald J Trump and MAGA-Republicans.
These individuals are the very same election deniers —that traffic in despicable conspiracy theories, extremely effective gaslighting and then pulling the classic DARVO , read more about DARVO here and here (Sidenote yes I’m still appealing YouTube’s takedown of my account after two of my most pernicious stalkers admitted in writing that they and others fraudulently targeted my YouTube channel —it must suck to be that bitter and obsessed with me that years later I’m still living inside their heads rent free —snorts & snickers at them, again)
Additionally I’d also recommend you see the data from the @fbi —here again the data indicates indicates a massive increase in RMVEs which falls under Domestic Terrorism: May 2021 Report: https://fbi.gov/file-repository/fbi-dhs-domestic-terrorism-strategic-report.pdf… https://fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism…
Again as you note: From 2016 to present a TEN TIMES INCREASE in threats made to members of Congress. Moreover Donald Trump has attacked Speaker Pelosi some 800 times I personally couldn’t tabulate the data for Republicans writ large because it’s hard to quantify googolplex. The other issue is Speaker Pelosi is a goddamn gladiator —that woman has an iron spine but what’s most offensive is the ongoing misogynistic demonization of Speaker Pelosi. It’s just plain wrong and it’s abjectly disgusting reading/seeing other Republican so,an engaging in this kind of reverse sexism. Also see Defendant Depape Affidavit is chilling and obviously another reminder of the deadly January 6, 2021 Domestic Terror attack.
Domestic Terrorism is the single most threat to our Democracy
I make zero apologies for saying on January 6, 2021 that Trump and MAGA-Republicans are domestic terrorist. I mean I’ve been fairly consistent. You can read the previously published and sourced to the teeth articles below -or generally see the dozen or so articles here
Dec 2021 - “..the clock is ticking so the House Select Committee needs to use their time wisely”
Dec 2021 - Why has Mark Meadows not been indicted for aiding and abetting a domestic Terror attack?
Dec 2021 - US Park Service Permits re Jan6th “rally” DOD, DHS, FPS FOIA doc production. UPDATED Budowich TRO DENIED - Domestic Terror Threats
Spy name is: DoubleODipshit”… came to DC with a mini arsenal of firearms, thousand of rounds of ammunitions and high capacity cartridges
Also see the previously published March 2021 Substack article embedded below. Because facts matter or at least they use to —yet somehow our Country’s willingness to tamp down dangerous conspiracy theories has now gone mainstream and I’d argue the more,wec
Your midSubstack timeline cleanser -the 4th video cracks me up but then again my sense of humor appears to be intact.
Trump-MAGA Republicans own this…
At what point did we as Americans just accept political violence as our new national normal? I’m old enough to remember there was a point in time where condemning violence was the “right thing to do” —that unequivocally condemning any political violence wasn’t rare. Nor was political violence toward our elected leaders used as a cudgel to “beat the other party” in a gross attempt to score a fleeting moment of political gamesmanship. This use to be a nonpartisan issue.
A while ago I published a semi-comprehensive list of political violence in America see Fun Fact March 1, 1954 Shooting in the House Chamber… fifty year prison sentence of Defendant Lolita Lebrón
The more recent examples (not an all inclusive list) of the increase in actual political violence. You’ll note this shouldn’t be viewed as a Republican or Democrat issue. This is secular to Trump and MAGA-Republicans The absolute condemnation of any political violence For Example:
January 8, 2011 the senseless & horrific shooting of then CongressWoman Gabby Giffords and her staffer. Both sustained near life ending injuries.
June 14, 2017 - see Congressman Steve Scalise, Three Others Shot at Alexandria
October 2020 -the plot to kidnap & likely assassinate Gov Witmer and a gentle reminder the kidnapping plot also included Gov Northam
August 2021 - “MURDER THE MEDIA” just some ‘tourist’ graffiti -‘cause Jan 6th “the best day of his life
January 3, 2022 -nearly one year after the January 6, 2021 deadly domestic terror attack against our Democracy & the many broken promises from Corp America (whispers they resumed funding to the Sedition Caucus)
February 23, 2022 - Actual Domestic Terrorism -3 men pleaded guilty to conspiring to attack Power Grids in America…
June 8, 2022 - the Department of Justice unseals criminal complaint of Defendant Nicholas John Roske allegedly making assassination threats toward Justice Kavanaugh
July 2022 — Rep. Jayapal on Recent Death Threat & Gun Violence Epidemic
Again there is no place for political violence. Period. Full Stop
US Capitol Police Chief’s new statement…
The point is there were changes made after Rep Gifford’s shooting, after Rep Scalise’s shooting, after January 6, 2021 —but after the heinous and premeditated attack on Speaker Pelosi’s husband —the USCP Chief once again requested additional funds and other changes to better ensure the safety of our law makers. Because every lawmaker does not receive mandatory security once they leave the protection of the Washington DC bubble —for the most part (unless you are leadership you do not receive funding for security and must seek permission to purchase things like bulletproof vests)
In other news…
On a Sidenote I’m nit exactly a fan of Rep Liz Chney but I unapologetically have a great deal of respect for her and her recent positions. Her recent interview is absolutely stunning in a good way. And she recently put her “money where her mouth is” by infusing a bunch of cash. Add that she’s on the campaign trial for a democrat in Michigan —she gets a bipartisanship A+ rating from me —I just don’t agree with her other public policies…
“The committee is in discussion with President Trump's attorneys and he has an obligation to comply," she explained. "We treat this and take this very seriously."
"This is not a situation where the committee is going to put itself at the mercy of Donald Trump in terms of his efforts to create a circus," the lawmaker added. "We haven't made determinations about the format itself but it will be done under oath; it will be done potentially over multiple days. We have significant questions based on the evidence that we've developed and what we know already about the extent to which he was personally and directly in every aspect of the effort."
…SCOTUS News/Headlines…
In other judicial news, earlier today SCOTUS essentially told Senator Graham “hard pass on the subpoena issue” the November 1, 2022 Order reads in part:
The application for stay and an injunction pending appealpresented to Justice Thomas and by him referred to the Court is denied. The order heretofore entered by Justice Thomas is vacated.
That’s SCOTUS essential]y punting on the Senator Graham subpoena issue —remember that special grand jury is also running out of a self imposed Dec 2022 deadline insofar as the next likely step will be convening a Grand Jury (see Jan 2022 article here because facts matter)
SCOTUS in the matter of Trump’s Taxes…
I know I keep saying this but you need to understand that just because a Justice might grant a order —especially if they are assigned said Circuit it’s not something to freak out about. By now if I say something to the effect “calm down I’m not worried” that’s me telling to please chill out. In the nearly five years I’ve been on Twitter and subsequently Substack I can’t recall any instances of a SCOTUS case where I got it wrong. As Chief Justice Roberts order states:
…Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, case No. 21-5289, is hereby stayed pending further order of the undersigned or of the Court. It is further ordered that a response to the application be filed on or before Thursday, November 10, 2022, by noon (EST)
What I’d like to explain is this particular case it’s obvious to me that Chief Justice Roberts is fully aware of the 117th Congress’ clock is running out of time. Which is largely affirmed by the November 10, 2022 responsive deadline. Again the false notion that SCOTUS will side with Trump -NOPE- and here’s why: “shall furnish…” however should you doubt the veracity of my assertion—then let’s do this one more time:
July 30 2021 —Justice Department re Trump’s Taxes -OMG the slip opinion -Trump Taxes MUST be turned over
December 14, 2021 —Donald Trump’s bid to withhold taxes -DISMISSED by a judge he appointed. Major WIN for House Ways & Means only one instance found
But it’s been like screaming in to the abyss—either you want to believe what I’m telling you or you don’t. Although blindly believing the cadre of Blue-QANON and QANON I’m told can be hazardous to your health —and might result in someone’s inner monologue going something like this:
‘’Stop. Just. Stop..; being dumb and pull your head out so I can administer a proper throat punch because friends don’t let friends blue-QANON together”
Also -so this happened because I’m clearly a sadomasochistic and I thought to myself —#Shittlestix why not —note that Twitter Blue will enable me to become verifiable verified (holy crap I must be crazy) but keep in mind my Substack is also covered by actual copyright. I guess we’ll see how long this last (takes enormous deep breath 😂😂😂😂😂😂….😂😂😂😂

And your daily saltwater therapy. Like my husband noted I’m taking a few more days off because the progress from my stroke is only incrementally getting better but as my Dr recently told me: your brain is working overtime repairing the brain damage you sustained during your stroke. Your brain is rewiring itself. Until later this week you can find my “proof of life” via my Instagram Account —until then -
Dear Filey's Hubby - please tell Filey we only want her to get better and she should put her physical AND mental health above all! Yes, we do like her posts, but would rather she focus on her health. Having said that, thanks, Filey for your update...when I see your emails in my inbox they're the first ones I read.
Stay strong Filey! Hugs!
You’re doing a great job, Husband! Give File-y all our love and best of the best wishes. Once you get Cumin under your belt, go for Turmeric!😉