Not going to lie but this really cuts deeply. Each piece of information is more crushing than the last. The general public cannot possibly fathom how close we came to losing our democracy and how we continue to be under this threat. There is a poison in our midst and we best be ready to combat this with truth and swift justice. As we exa…
Not going to lie but this really cuts deeply. Each piece of information is more crushing than the last. The general public cannot possibly fathom how close we came to losing our democracy and how we continue to be under this threat. There is a poison in our midst and we best be ready to combat this with truth and swift justice. As we examine the last days in the Whitehouse, with visits from The Proud Boys, Michael Flynn that wack job Sydney Q Anon lawyer, we are gaining a clear picture that Trump and I’ll was determined to find a way to overturn a democratic election and had they had a few more willing accomplices, we’d be in a tragic and treacherous situation. We have much ground to recover, much trust to restore and much work to fight the propagandists who perpetuate the big lie.
The day of the attack I took a lot of shut for saying we were a hair’s whisper away from a mass casualty event. I can’t get over the sheer terror in my friend’s voice asking me to go to her house and watch her children. She was literally whispering and I could feel how terrified she was. My other friends who are USCP I’ve worried about them because PTSD can come on like a freight train. So I completely understand everything you’re saying. I’ve vacillated from just red mad to profound sadness but my friend’s voice haunts me. She was absolutely terrified
I can’t imagine…I felt horror and fear and live in New England…it was surreal to watch. The only comparison was when I was sitting with a 4 month old & 3 year old when I saw the twin towers get hit on morning news & half of our extended friends & family were in NYC working…our neighbor worked at Port Authority and never came home, leaving behind 4 kids under 11. I still feel the panic creep in. We lived in N. NJ where everyone commuted to the city…husband was in W Orange giving coworker rides our way because bridges were closed. That morning haunts me…trying to locate the family members etc…and trying not to freak the baby or toddler out as I sat there…it was the most helpless feeling. I felt that same terror in my whole body on 1/6. It was worse because the terrorists this time, were American citizens….the enemy wasn’t a Saudi National extremist, but our own citizens…this is what keeps me up at night.
Not going to lie but this really cuts deeply. Each piece of information is more crushing than the last. The general public cannot possibly fathom how close we came to losing our democracy and how we continue to be under this threat. There is a poison in our midst and we best be ready to combat this with truth and swift justice. As we examine the last days in the Whitehouse, with visits from The Proud Boys, Michael Flynn that wack job Sydney Q Anon lawyer, we are gaining a clear picture that Trump and I’ll was determined to find a way to overturn a democratic election and had they had a few more willing accomplices, we’d be in a tragic and treacherous situation. We have much ground to recover, much trust to restore and much work to fight the propagandists who perpetuate the big lie.
Thanks Filey. ❤️
The day of the attack I took a lot of shut for saying we were a hair’s whisper away from a mass casualty event. I can’t get over the sheer terror in my friend’s voice asking me to go to her house and watch her children. She was literally whispering and I could feel how terrified she was. My other friends who are USCP I’ve worried about them because PTSD can come on like a freight train. So I completely understand everything you’re saying. I’ve vacillated from just red mad to profound sadness but my friend’s voice haunts me. She was absolutely terrified
I can’t imagine…I felt horror and fear and live in New England…it was surreal to watch. The only comparison was when I was sitting with a 4 month old & 3 year old when I saw the twin towers get hit on morning news & half of our extended friends & family were in NYC working…our neighbor worked at Port Authority and never came home, leaving behind 4 kids under 11. I still feel the panic creep in. We lived in N. NJ where everyone commuted to the city…husband was in W Orange giving coworker rides our way because bridges were closed. That morning haunts me…trying to locate the family members etc…and trying not to freak the baby or toddler out as I sat there…it was the most helpless feeling. I felt that same terror in my whole body on 1/6. It was worse because the terrorists this time, were American citizens….the enemy wasn’t a Saudi National extremist, but our own citizens…this is what keeps me up at night.