Thank you for this piece

Happy to see all the co-sponsors of H. Res 789; not surprised to see the GOP stepping away. The White Supremist Caucus exists, it's name hasn't yet become a meme (it will, just as soon as the MSM knight it) and in my humble opinion the Censure is insufficient, but I am just a voice that is old, tired and hoping we move quickly to the future where racists mofos (yes I am in that mood) like this ass are no longer representative of our populace, because our populace will eschew these individuals (we have work on the latter point, some heavy lifting in fact).

Well done,


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Indeed - I just updated it (I was traveling back from the State Capitol and I literally researched, highlighted and edited that article at a rest stop on I95) I didn’t have my laptop with me - do you know how hard it is to do that via a smartphone? (snort) so I had to wait to get home to pull up todays House Rules Committee hearing. See video https://youtu.be/m3VGo9VmslY

I assumed that AOC’s operational budget included funds for security —apparently AOC has to pay for her own security…that was absolutely stunning to me and I truly wish more people understood the impact this has on her and her staff… but I think we are both in agreement bring stripped of committee assignments just seems really lenient. I think a very solid argument could be made to expel him from the House Chamber. Hope Springs eternal, right?

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Springing HOPE ... can't come too soon

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Hilarious but probably what they’ll do next:

“Perhaps Gosar, MTG and their ilk should just go ahead and create the “White Supremacy Caucus” —in fact just ask former representative Steve King how that worked out for him, spoiler he’s no longer serving in Congress.”🤣

I used to hear some white co-workers voice disgust at the formation of Chicano & Black correctional officer/workers associations back in the 90s.

“Why do they get to exclude us? How would they feel if “Caucasian’s” formed a White Correctional Workers Association? we already have CCPOA.”

I’d say “well, you’re free to join these associations because you are not excluded.” And I’d get the side-eye real quick. I don’t think they ever will get the point because they refuse to look inward at themselves and confront their own fears. Zero ability to walk in others shoes.

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I mean if the shoe fits - wear it

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He is a pathetic sort of man and a bully. He must have been bullied relentlessly when he was young. Now, he thinks he can threaten without consequence. I cannot imagine sitting in a dental chair with his looking down at me.

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Honestly, I don't know why this wackadoodle hasn't been kicked out long before now. I can't really say whether I think he belongs in a padded cell or a jail cell. Even his own family can't stand him and wants him kicked out of Congress. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gosar-s-siblings-want-their-brother-kicked-out-congress-they-n1271023

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And he reposted it by virtue of retweeting someone who had shared it. He should not be welcomed anywhere - least of all, Capitol Hill.

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