Dear Readers/Followers —just to reset your expectations

My current goal of personally responding to each comment. I deeply appreciate and respect each you. I think it would be rude of me to essentially ignore your comments. After all you’re the reason “she persisted” However it might take a day or so to respond/catchup to your individual comments. I apologize for my unanticipated delay. I promise I’ll personally respond but it might take a hot minute. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

XO -Filey the #NorthKoreanSpy 👈🏻😂🫠😂

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Wouldn’t dream of unsubscribing! Happy to follow you on this new journey and cheer you on. If anyone can make lemonade out of these rotten lemons it’s you File-y. With ya 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻

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Me lurves you. Always have and always will 😍🙌🏻😍

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My husband told me to tell you that i love your stuff. Haha. What he really means is that he loves it when i give him the readers digest version. We are here for you Spicy and Spicy Hub. Put your health and family first.

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Your husband sounds like a very smart man for choosing to listen to your reader’s digest. Given my unapologetic loquaciousness, typos and all. Your continued support is greatly appreciated

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To Husband: Take good care of Spicey 🙏🏻 and, when you run out, look for Cumin, not Cumen.😉Whenever you need help or a pat on the back, just holler; we’re here for both of you.

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…..takes gigantic breath….

BAWHAHAAAAAHAHA well played my friend. Well played indeed

I just said to my spouse: BRUH I had a stroke what the fuck is your excuse & spontaneously let out an uproarious laughter. Good LORDT thank you for that laugh

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Here’s hoping you and Husband are able to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving, File-y. There are many of us who are thankful for YOU! (Hope the rehab is proceeding well for you.)

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Oh Filey. You continue to be an inspiration. Thanks for the updates and salt water therapy. Healing thoughts for your recovery.

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I figured I could get lost in my own pity party. But that’s not how I’ve ever rolled. I’d rather focus on the good while acknowledging the “not so good” —I promise you that there’s zero point zero chance that I’m going to let the stroke bring me down. I’ve got too much still left to say & do

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Not unsubbing! Your posts are a breath of fresh air, whatever the topic, and I hope I can be one of your cheerleaders. Strokes are not to be trifled with whether they are TIAs or full on brain blasts. You have the strength and the discipline to focus on the healing work. And we're here to support you. Aside from the fact that I'm already grown up, I'd like to be you when I grow up!!!! Hang in there, Spicey!

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Oh Dear -don’t be me when you grow up —way too many typos & meta petty AF. I genuinely hope all is well with you and yours. Given you’ve always and I means always been a caring friend

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Be easy with yourself

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THERE YOU ARE —oh how I’ve missed that gorgeous face & equally gorgeous soul. Mission Accepted.

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Sweet Filey, I’m sorry I haven’t written/commented sooner, but I’ve been dealing with a personal matter the last couple weeks. I want you to know I’m thinking about you & your family and hope things get better soon. I don’t know anyone that can make me feel sad, laugh and yell “f**k them while also feeling hopeful & good in this same short blog. I’m sorry about your stroke (fuckustroke) and what you’re going through, but if anyone can beat it and stay sane, strong and positive that is you. I can tell by what I just read that you’re going to end up being okay & back to your amazing spicy self in no time. :-) You have a lot of people behind you and f*ck anyone else that’s trying to diminish what you’re going through or trying to make you feel bad for something you have no control of. None of those people matter. They’re zero. They’re trash. The fact they still have to bother you during this time says everything about them and their indecent character. I’m not going to unsubscribe so your stuck with me. I’ll be here whenever you return. You have a lot of PT & rehab in your future, but do it at your own pace and make sure you take care of yourself along the way. Mentally and physically. Put us (your Substack crew) on the back burner if needed, because I know you’re going to beat this and I know you’re going to be back around soon. So don’t worry about us. Do everything the doctor says and be nice to your secretary assistant husband, because it sounds like he might deserve a raise for his dictation in the future. lol :-) Let me know if there’s anything that I or any of us can do. We’re pulling for you. Love you and feel better soon. You got this E!! 💪🏼 💜

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Friend I know. I wanted to reach out to you (prestroke) but I didn’t want to infringe on your boundaries. Please know that I’ve been quietly sending you good vibes. And I knew you’d pop back up. I genuinely appreciate your kind words and one day I promise that I’ll return your kindness three-fold. Please be gentle with yourself. My goal is in a few months you & me will bend that wheel of justice towards right & unrelenting. Because that’s what accountability mandates. Additionally I would follow you over a cliff with no questions asked. This runs on loop and in my head you & I take turns 😂👇🏻😂👇🏻😂👇🏻😂


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Count me in as another of your readers who’s followed your posts for several years now. I don’t know anyone else who’s posted as much in depth research with receipts and source links, your spicy snark and soothing videos. You are so much appreciated. Sending you lots of moral support to you and your family. I know physical therapy isn’t fun at all, but I hope it goes well and helps you recover. Hang in there!

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Very kind of you. I think I’m intermittently feeling slightly better. Yesterday afternoon I involuntarily started reading a CCOAs ruling & instinctively used my employer’s encrypted direct messaging app asking for a status update & outcome of a . Within 1 hour our H.R. department reminded me that I’m on short term disability (long term disability claim won’t kick in until the short-term terminates) ..And therefore I’m barred from communicating with my Pod —“sine die” —that shrieking you may have heard yesterday afternoon was likely me releasing a primal scream. Again thank for the well wishes

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I’m pulling for you! 🇺🇸🦅 I want you to know, you educated me, and made me understand so much about our system that I wouldn’t know otherwise. I’m sending good vibes. ❤️

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Truly my pleasure. I genuinely enjoy helping others. Conversely if I don’t know, I respect my followers enough to not BS them or speak about subjects that I may not have the prerequisite intellect & intelligence expertise in to “pretend” I know something that I don’t. But I’ll start researching the heck out of it & then do a modest file/document dump. Thank you fir your vote of confidence and I’ll do my best to continue to earn my keep. Deal?

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I hope this isn’t too presumptuous. I am one of those patients! I’m not in the medical field. I don’t know if this might assist with your recovery but thought I would share in the event you’re interested. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers as you make this difficult journey towards a complete recovery.

I don’t know if this therapy is covered by insurance. Stem cell therapy may help with more than just paralysis. I searched the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health for “stem cell therapy to assist in ischemic stroke patient”:


Then I searched the web for “ischemic stroke patient’s paralysis” and was taken to this doctor’s (unknown to me) website:


I’m not unsubscribing either. I always look forward to your pithy comments! Take care.


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Very and I mean VERY MUCH appreciate this info. I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into this. What really frustrates me is the “why didn’t I see the signs” —the hard truth is I DID SEE them but chalked them up to… I’m stressed, my work load was insane Oct 2 thru 11th etc.

On Oct 12th at 5:02AM I told my husband in a crystal clear voice: “wake up, I am having a stroke” he said after that nothing I said made any sense. But he said it was the sheer terror in my eyes —he knew I was in trouble. He made the decision to drive me to the ER. (Fun Fact a certain person has repeatedly lied & said I had gastric bypass surgery. That’s a malicious & reputational injury—I’ve never had any such medical procedure, ever —said person & their cohort aka soon to be co-defendant then opted to use a racially charge #/ConnieChunck. Setting aside the intellectually stunted hashtag, that person & their cohort will be held accountable for what I’m told constitutes multiple & repeated hate crimes, civil rules of procedure —something something—) that decision by my husband likely saved my life. Since I’ve had >11 bowl obstructions, after my stage 3 —2007 bilateral Endometrial cancer —he knew driving to the ER would be faster than calling 911.

Again my husband’s decision likely saved my life & I am forever grateful to his swift thinking. He’s a good man. We’ve been together for almost 2 decades.

Also another fun fact, a 3rd soon to be co-defendant has repeatedly lied and said “I’m a North Korean Spy” & “I cheated on my husband” This too will cost them. I’ve never cheated on my spouse. Whereas I have numerous text messages, emails, phone logs & several 1 party consent calls (ergo chain of custody is on my side) that contemporaneously memorialized (via sworn declarations) that unbeknownst to their spouse they traveled overseas for an extramarital affair & then when their would be paramour rebuffed them they then spent years stalking & harassing them, their ex & their children. So I very much look forward to the hellscape that is known as accountability. #Shittlestix & #SpittleStix I’ve probably said too much but it’s factual and da’truth😂😂😂

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Filey...People can be very cruel. Please don't let them get you down. Just carry on with your recovery. I wish you the very best!

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I would never unsubscribe. I’m wishing you all the best and patiently waiting for your next article if/when you feel up to it. You’re an inspiration to all. ❤️

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There you are, my beautiful friend. You & Me (and a bunch of equally important) subscribers to the end 👇🏻😂👇🏻


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Another Team Filey member! You can’t lose us that easily. I beat breast cancer twice. You can kick this stroke’s ass. Keep positive, laugh, don’t look back. Great job hubby!

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Whoa - 1st thank you for sharing your cancer victories. Every person who kicks Cancer’s ass as far as I’m concerned is, without question or equal: gladiators among Gladiators. And 2nd I genuinely miss our near daily twitter interactions. But the vast majority of that platform is a swirling cesspool of self grandiosity & #deepstupid — which is expertly wrapped up egomaniacal #dickinabox 👇🏻😂👇🏻 —apologies in advance for that SNL skit and for the ear worm I intentionally invoked


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[Insert Wolf of Wall Street Clip Here]

Firmly on Team Spicy.

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I’m sorry but I’m responding from the great beyond —-I literally snort laughed twice. Thank you, I needed that.

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Evidence of Team Spicy in action?

@threeof4 with the no-look link-drop.


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Not fucking leaving.

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Sticking with you, like you have been sticking with us; keeping us informed with truth and original source docs even when your grueling schedule was ultra-grueling. I, for one, wouldn’t consider abandoning you now just because your content will be altered temporarily. You are still you and I’m here for that!

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See this is why I unapologetically adore my readers. You get me. And I hope to continue to earn your trust. Me lurves you

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I love to read your view on litigation but I really love your snark! I’ll be hanging around to follow your updates and encourage if needed.

My husband had a major life event in 2001 and turned our world a 180! A very public fast paced life came to a grinding halt. Not only did we have to deal with health issues and our new normal, we also had to discover who we were. Best thing that ever happened to us! We discovered a life outside the public domain is worth more than money or adulation.

May you accept this new challenge with all the gusto you can manage! Who knows what things you will discover.

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Da’ snark & cursey words can not be contained. I think it’s hardwired into my DNA. Hearing about you & your husband gives me hope. There’s something amazing about how a couple can become even closer after a life changing event. I know how you feel because the stroke made my husband and I a stronger & more cohesive unit. And thank you again for your words of encouragement and inspiration. Truly means a lot😍

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