Jan 29, 2022Liked by File411

M y

A ttorney

G ot

A n attorney

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Dead 💀 just dead 💀



🤣 well played my friend, well played indeed

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Thank you for this one. Chapman U is my neck of the woods and they have harbored some truly awful individuals, Eastman being one of the worst.

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My pleasure - I know that this article is long read but I thought it would be a benefit to my readers to have access to a plethora of documents and how several dots actually connect. The crazy thing is why did Chapman U still pay Eastman a “stipend” but I definitely enjoyed the Judge putting Eastman on a tight timeline, ordering him to read/review 1,500 documents per day & ordered several JSR & scheduled a status hearing.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by File411

Still reading but pausing to quote Jim Carrey:


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If my -phone pings one more alert on the Eastman docket —I might lose my mind. Largely because the alerts are jacking up my in-depth research of meta data amid advanced meta data - I’m going to publish a follow up article over the weekend but it’s tedious to pull down dozens of documents

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by File411

Thank you many times, Filey!

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by File411

excellent work, as always. Hope you got good news on your implants.

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I actually reread the article -man it was a long read but I felt explaining the other issues to have a much broader understanding —would be beneficial

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Thank you Filey! I’m still going back to reread in more detail. I have so many questions…..I hope you have a good check up and can enjoy that apple or salad. What a force of nature you are! Truly amazing what you do. So grateful. ❤️

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Thank you for this gob-smacking amount of info. Not being close to a lawyerly type, I am also learning a lot through your superior research skills. I take my hat off to you. Wow.

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I often wonder what Linda McCartney would say about her awful brother if she were still alive. The addendum here of his attempts to slow walk reviewing the docs made me roll my eyes so hard, I am surprised they're not stuck. Ha!

I hope all went well at the dentist appointment.

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Best wishes

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