Sep 6, 2022Liked by File411

I’ve been waiting all weekend for this! LOL! And yes, once again I clicked on the video and started laughing my arse off at the screaming GOAT!!! 😂 Anyway, you had prepared us for this…For Trump to be appointed a special counsel so I’m okay w/it, especially given it may actually help Garland in the long run! And I do trust Garland…never doubted him for one minute! Will be sipping my tea and working at my desk until we meet again! 😘 Thanks Spicy~

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by File411

I strangely wasn't overly upset at the ruling, mainly because as much as I want TFG to have his "die in prison" moment, he is still due adequate representation. I do think he sees this as a win and doesn't see how it can come back and slice him to pieces, but, eh.

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Thanks again. As much as I dislike it, you confirmed m;y suspicion that allowing a Special Master does provide the govt some CYA down the road. But I'll never stop being pissed off about the whole thing as someone who has worked for a govt contractor and dealt not with govt property but also classified material, we would never be afforded the leniency he has received.

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Thank you Filey! The doom and gloom twitter is the worst twitter. Ironically, it keeps some of the Blue Anon accounts in business. What better way to keep people invested in your clickbait than pretending there’s a fire around every corner?

My favorite Blue Anon nonsense is how Trump is going to flee to another country where he can’t be extradited. For anyone checking out Ron Filipowski’s photos, the portly Trump looks like a patient in an assisted living center. He’s addicted to attention & he loves his rallies and the crowds/cult that keep him in business. His ego is too large to make a calculated move to another country. His ego is so large, every time he opens his mouth, he incriminates himself. Yet the call of his adoring fans keep him wanting center stage. As you have said many a time, he’s a vexatious litigant. He’s also not smart enough to keep his cards close to the best and his social media account is like a treasure trove of evidence. Another Blue Anon mantra about his passports being taken so he doesn’t flee, is another false line argued. I’m assuming identity of a target is key when collecting evidence & tying them to a crime. If multiple people live in a dwelling or an office has some obscure shell corporation leading it, wouldn’t any identifying documents be collected to verify residents or occupants? I don’t know but I do know of a search warrant for someone in finance where the house was raided and licenses and passports were collected to verify ownership of the house. So maybe this idea of an overweight, dementia patient with narcissistic personality disorder, is planning on fleeing. Not to mention the secret service guys that would have to play along.

So I’m going to be patient and wait for this to unfold. Aside from stealing top secret documents, he has a possible indictment in Georgia. The only question I have is something Joyce Vance said after Andrew Weissman weighed in- There’s No US attorney involved & they said that’s unusual…

Thank you for all you do! ❤️❤️❤️

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by File411

Thanks for the take. "Calm down" was what I needed. Broke my fever. And the reminder to be wary of Twitter.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by File411

FUCK, I'm glad to see you've weighed in. I've only read the title but "Calm Down." is helpful.

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Thanks again, for combing through these filings and providing us with your take on what they mean. I agree that once again, trump has pulled his "deflect, deny, delay" trick. Like you, I have utmost faith and trust in Merrick Garland and the DOJ. I feel they want to get this case correct with no possibility of a retrial. Thank you again for taking your time to read and explain the filings.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by File411

Filey, I read every word you wrote and I don’t have the legal expertise to fault or contradict any of it.

However, speaking merely as someone who despises tRUmp and anyone who aids and abets his lifelong criminal enterprises, albeit, with the confidence that your take is the correct one, I still have two comments.

Fuck tRUmp and fuck anyone who delays or helps him avoid the perp walk that I so fervently long for. Also, fuck his whole criminal family and all the so called Republicans who carry his steaming, diaper bag!

OK, that may be three or four comments, depending on how you’re counting.

Mea culpa. Math is hard.


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Sep 6, 2022Liked by File411

"... the appointment of a special master might work in the Government’s favor and will preemptively take the wind out of Trump’s partisan sails."

ITA, Filey. This is not the WIN they may think it is. I had to read the Order twice--once for WTH?? and a second time to make sense of it.

And...I love the screaming goat, Miss judgey-eyes. (I do not partake of beverages while reading your posts.) Be well, gurl.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by File411

Thank you Spicy for your thorough explanation! I always wait for your specifics, expertise , and your thorough understanding of the rule of law. I will admit I was upset by Cannon's ruling but not the least shocked. I do have complete faith in Garland. It may take awhile but TFG will go down. Again thank you for all you do for us. Take care of yourself. I so enjoy your videos and beautiful pics. The screaming goat was so funny!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by File411

Never, in the history of the world, has telling a woman to "Calm Down" ever really been andeffective way of changing things. But I do so appreciate your attempt. lololol Anyhoo... love you!

Feed your soul.

Just know... "...I knew you were trouble when you walked in..." 🥰

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Thank you & love you, Filey🌸

And you know I stay away from the Blue Qanon Screaming Goats of Twitter. There are a couple who shall remain unnamed that are still believed and relied on for their hot takes. One isn’t even a lawyer but plays one on Twitter & Apple podcasts.🙄

Anyway, I’m still waking up & reading. Need more coffee but wanted to throw this very old clip of Linda Ronstadt in here. I figured as soon as the shock & outrage of the NEWS settled down this wasn’t going to be as devastating as first takes predicted it would be.

Your insight that this could actually end up providing cover to DOJ in the case there’s an existing unsealed indictment is unique and makes sense.

McQuade seemed to cut to the chase yesterday, and she argued that this case wouldn’t set binding precedent. Today she seems to think AG Garland might be inclined to appeal. Have a great week & ttyl❤️



⬆️ That interview was from 1983 —Don Lane Australian Variety Show— Linda was a harbinger of truth.

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Many thanks for this patient and reasoned take. I will sleep better tonight.

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Thank you AS ALWAYS & SO MUCH, Filey. I was waiting for your perspective... while hyperventilating privately (not gonna lie). But your analysis clarified the whole picture... So grateful!!

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Mea culpa . . . I was FURIOUS when I heard the judge approved what seemed to me to be a frivolous request. Temper tantrum is over now & I feel better having read your thoughts/explanations. Thanks for this attempt to turn down the temperature on this boiling over pot of hysteria Filey.

Questions for you re: Special Master. Who nominates, selects, approves a Special Master? Do DOJ & #TraitorTrump have to agree on the person chosen? Won't the Special Master have to have a ridiculously high security clearance because of the potential to see extremely highly classified materials?

Sorry that Tuesday is really Monday in your world. Hope you & yours had an enjoyable Labor Day weekend.

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Phew. Again, I am grateful for your analysis of Judge Cannon’s order. I have learned over the years to be patient. It’s hard to do but I do have complete faith in Merrick Garland and our DOJ/FBI. Thanks for bringing reason and sanity to this intricate and complex case. I can always depend on you to set the record right.

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