Looking at these videos make me feel sick and I am still devastated and outraged that this was allowed to happen. Thank you for keeping us updated on this—because the MSM is failing the public again by not covering this more. This cannot be forgotten as Republicans would like us to do. Hell no.

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At the risk of aging myself, this idiot reminds me of Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times At Ridgemont High & that cannot be a good thing.🙄

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So he didn't care who got hurt - law enforcement or fellow insurrectionists. Throwing a lit whatever into the crowd. Lovely guy. Hope he never sees the light of day again.

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This makes me feel a whole lot better. Knowing the FBI will continue to look for these criminals and see this through is so important. I too will not set aside what happened during this trump invoked insurrection until these criminals are rightly prosecuted. Believing a notorious liar is their fault. Taking violent action in trump's name is a criminal offence, and they deserve what's coming.

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Ap.news is reporting zip tie guy and mom released. Wonder how long it will take them to break some of these conditions

"U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth in Washington, D.C., authorized the release of Eisenhart and Munchel to “third-party custodians” and placed them on home confinement along with other conditions. They will have their locations monitored and are banned from using the internet or contacting others involved in the Jan. 6 events."

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Yup - I just updated the article to now include the Order, Order setting conditions of release and Defendants acknowledgement

I am genuinely at a loss for words because I’m seek of seeing these ___ being released or the Government NOT fighting for detention


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