Oh! We knew he was bad but holy shit! Mongrel was batshit crazy! We are extremely lucky to still have a democracy.

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I was riveted by todays hearing. Many things stood out that disgusted me and made me sad for the country. Like you, the broken dishes made me really sad. The White House belongs to the people and all of its contents, historical artifacts down to china and flatware, are part of our living history. Jackie Kennedy picked out new china for the WH and though we can’t assume that’s what was destroyed, it’s the utter disregard for the privilege to live and work in the people’s house, gets to me. Testimony today suggested he broke china before and on multiple occasions with his outbursts. Also, ketchup and debris for others to mop up is so true to this monster’s nature. He’s a sociopath. Attacking a secret service guy by grabbing him around the neck, shows you he’s a psycho. We’ve known it from other reporting and his violence against women. He’s a monster…

But breaking dishes, upending tables by flipping tablecloths is such an embarrassment. Ugh.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by File411

Thanks for this. I set the alarm for 3am (I'm in Aus) to watch this hearing. It was well worth losing some sleep to see this courageous young woman. Looking forward to see some of them face justice when the DOJ is ready to go.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by File411

Love the necessary palette cleanser.

It's very good to learn that Hutchinson recently dumped her pro trump lawyer for a new one. Her testimony was so very powerful, proving again what a traitorous POS trump is.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by File411

And the agent called him Mogul. Puke.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by File411

Fresh out of Red Bull, but I have plenty of Diet Coke. I'll crack open an icy fresh one and dig in.

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Thank you for all that you do! I appreciate it so, so much!

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A other great Newsletter♥️

Come on, DOJ—pick one soon please :-)

Bill Bramhalll is my favorite Trump cartoonist:


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deletedJun 29, 2022Liked by File411
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