Sep 22, 2021Liked by File411

“…the only coping mechanism I knew to turn to was, find the facts, research past certifications and then present those facts in a very agnostic manner“: this entirely rings true to everyone who puts your work at the front of the line.

I don’t doubt that your bosses have withdrawl anxiety in advance!

Long, intricate read, Mic. Imma need to ingest more caffeine and tackle this again.

Gratifying to understand that the statute of limitations will not run out on TFG’s shit - (correct me if I misread, please) - because may be certain that he will drag every tiny advance out, and will be successful in avoiding accountability if he dies of old age/dementia/heart attack on a golf course

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OMG! This is comprehensive. Thank you so much for taking your valuable time to explain this to us. You are a National Treasure!

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Through job. Many thanks.

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Thank you so much! I have questions about the legal fees and penalties when someone does not submit to a Congressional subpoena. It sounds to me like i.e. current cabinet secretary would under this Act pay their own penalties but legal fees would be paid by the department? Do I understand this correctly? And what would happen with MOC (i.e. thinking of a subpoena for Kevin McCarthy) under this Act? Again, thank you so much for posting this incredible in-depth information!!

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I did a quick read of the article and had to laugh. Honestly, I don't mean to offend but really? It isn't that our ethics laws don't need to be reviewed and updated and that enforcement tools and penalties need to be enhanced. It's the "theme" that runs through the commentary. I've only recently discovered your articles and had hopes of finding some meaningful journalism. Yeoman's work so to speak. But the right is bad, left is good tone is just like the yellow journalism on CNN, Fox, Huffington Post, et al...It isn't that you aren't reporting a fair technical assessment of the proposed legislation, it is the political bias that you slather through out. You actually believe the intent of this legislation is righteous. I believe that no one should be above the law, but the truth of the matter is that those in power are in fact above the law. George W. Bush, Hilliary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Ronald Reagan, and our current President come to mind. This law is specifically designed to shut out DJT from running again and to perpetuate the DJT hate train. I know that is cynical but it's true. I would be thrilled beyond if Congress would merely do their jobs and conduct unfettered oversight and start holding themselves accountable first rather than waste time on window dressing such as this because it suits their base. Rest assured this legislation is only as good as the party in charge and their political interests, meaning that the opposition party in charge will use it against a sitting President of the other party. Never against their own. Finally, we are not going to lose our Democracy because of corrupt politicians. We are going to lose our Democracy because the American People keep buying into the divisive rhetoric and believe that party membership, no matter what, is right. Regardless of facts, regardless of truth, party loyalty trumps country. We are about there. I

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