New York Attorney General Tish James coming in hot. It’s AWESOME. Motion to Compel Trump et al Re Subpoenas.
Shortly after 11PM on Jan 18, 2022 MOABs dropped
The New York Attorney General posted a thread -again the Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance’s term expired on December 31, 2021 and I am fairly certain that in mid December I stated that Vance’s eminent departure isn’t as worrisome as people are tweeting about. Why? Well because some of us actually understand how a complex criminal investigation proceeds and that when the New York Attorney General announced her office was working in tandem with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.
I know this is a really long read but let’s just cut to the chase, under the Misrepresentations to the IRS, last 3 paragraphs under that subsection
The misrepresentations were incorporated into the final valuation arrived at by appraisers, and ultimately submitted to the IRS in connection with a tax deduction Mr. Trump sought on the property.
…Trump Organization also substantially overstated the value of a land donation at Seven Springs. After efforts to develop the Seven Springs property in Westchester were unsuccessful, the Trump Organization granted a conservation easement over 158 acres of the property in 2015.
And now it’s time for the files and boy there are a lot of files to dump — I think Trump and his 3 adult anchor babies are going to go all Lord of the Flies on each other. And I’m not sure there’s enough popcorn in the world yo watch the destruction of the Trump family. Beyond Karma is intriguing yet also terrifying. Meaning it’s pretty clear the New York AG has clear and convincing evidence that many and I mean many crimes (mainly financial, insurance and tax related crimes —but it’s still a crime. Tax Evasion is a one way ticket to an extended vacation at a Federal Prison…
Exhibit A -New York Attorney General James’ thread.

It is the second tweet in her thread that may have caused me to squeal with incandescent joy…because for years I’ve tried to help my readers/followers understand what Conservation/Preservation Easements are and how those easements can connect dots, like an actual factual nexus of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing
.. We have uncovered significant evidence indicating that the Trump Organization used fraudulent and misleading asset valuations on multiple properties to obtain economic benefits, including loans, insurance coverage, and tax deductions for years.
And then I’m going to remind you —those on Twitter trafficking in their disinformation that “Trump’s mob ties are going to land him in jail” —I mean you do understand those who are tweeting that garbage are actually garage human beings. And they consistently mess with their followers heads by manipulating them into believing their false narrative. It’s your prerogative to believe these charlatans but I’d rather trust the facts and data over an insane and often unhinged twitter threads. Again the New York Attorney General Tish James is literally leaving it all on the playing field.
See her January 19, 2022 Press Release -which reads in part:
“For more than two years, the Trump Organization has used delay tactics and litigation in an attempt to thwart a legitimate investigation into its financial dealings,” said Attorney General James. “Thus far in our investigation, we have uncovered significant evidence that suggests Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization falsely and fraudulently valued multiple assets and misrepresented those values to financial institutions for economic benefit. The Trumps must comply with our lawful subpoenas for documents and testimony because no one in this country can pick and choose if and how the law applies to them. We will not be deterred in our efforts to continue this investigation and ensure that no one is above the law.”
And I understand that CONSERVATION/PRESERVATION EASEMENTS are not as nearly “sexy” as “Trump is M-O-B” if you choose to believe folks on Twitter that have never produced any original documents that support their specious narrative - I see your disinformation and raise you a whole lot of actual research to support my long held belief that it will come down to Trump’s egregious abuse of the “land developer” loophole -that is Conservation/Preservation Easements.
Exhibit B👇🏻
here’s where the rubber hits the road- it’s right there in the New York Attorney General’s 11:07PM (DC local time) twitter thread, specifically the second and third tweet contained herein the thread —because this is when the colloquiums “shots fired” comes to mind. No really the New York Attorney General Tish James is having none of Trump et al’s Triple D tactic -
“…motion to compel filed today seeks a court order enforcing testimonial subpoenas issued to Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., and Ivanka Trump, as well as the production of documents held by Donald J. Trump. As the papers filed today make clear, each of the individuals was directly involved in one or more transactions under review. Earlier this month, the Trumps filed a motion to quash these interviews, and the papers filed today by the Attorney General oppose that motion.”
Exhibit C June 2021 Lay your disinformation card on the table or stop tweeting disinformation..
In June of 2021, I attempted to walk my readers/followers through the IRS adding “conservation easements” to their annual dirty dozen list. Incidentally I generally do read every page of every document I write about —
No kidding this article was written in May 2021 because I had reached the point that certain Blue-QANON-sense endlessly and breathlessly tweeting that “Trump will go to jail for his mob ties” or that “Trump is in bed with the Russian Mob and he’s laundering their dirty rubles” or “Russia installed their asset and Trump protected the mob” —For the record it’s the last quote that actually triggered me. Setting aside the fact that various Blue-QANON have numerous grifts (Patreon, PodCast, WebCast, GoFundMe, and other content behind a paywall) they have never produced any documents to support their false narrative…
Not to belabor this point, I understand CONSERVATION/PRESERVATION EASEMENTS are not at all sexy. But based on my research, which incidentally started on December 14, 2016 to present. Every time I look at my Trump Org murder board (spare me your feigned outrage, in my industry the more murder boards you have —the more valued you are as an employee) always and I means always landed me back to his numerous conservation/preservatives easements.
Exhibit F weird no “mob” ties in Weisselberg or Trump Org’s
I mean I get it that most folks were like Allen Weisselberg is going to flip. Again I’d urge caution into buying into that narrative. As repeatedly noted in the July 2021 publication and I further elucidated the finding of facts on July 13, 2021 —which you can read here —but I was told Trump equals Mob and “they are all going to jail“ ←oh how very uninformed and pedestrian for the cadre of Blue-QANON-sense always pivot to “da m-o-b” …while some of us who know how actual criminal investigation and prosecution of said unlawfully acts, never bought into that false narrative…but I digress - however this July 4, 2021 article might have been my finest spicy file drop, you can read more here
Exhibit G - a much deeper dive into New York Penal Code and Grand Juries…
A quick factual lesson on New York Constitution, Laws and Rules governing Grand Juries and Special Grand Juries. Again the New York Attorney General published numerous excerpts from the various depositions of Trump Org employees
New York Attorneys General MOTION TO COMPEL
Again not to belabor the point but New York Attorney General Tris James’ twitter thread - below are the various filings docketed on the “ongoing” case involving the Trump Org and Eric Trump -again I’ve previously explained, like step by step needed to obtain Court filings via NYS SCROLL website and like magic you can also pull down the eight filings docketed on January 18 & 19, 2022 respectively - or you can simply click the various links to my Scribd account
-Filed on January 18, 2022 MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERALS CROSS-MOTION TO COMPEL AND IN OPPOSITION TO RESPONDENTS MOTION TO QUASH - however read what I’ve highlighted and redlined —very carefully
Filed on January 18, 2022 at 11:03PM (DC Local Time) SUPPLEMENTAL VERIFIED PETITION - “Affirmation of Colleen Faherty, dated January 18, 2022… OAG moves to compel the testimony of Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., and Ivanka Trump, and to compel the production of documents in the possession, custody, or control of Donald J. Trump”
“…witnesses closest to the top of the Trump Organization have asserted their Fifth Amendment rights..”
No seriously I now refer you to paragraphs 5 thru 7 -For the record the “tax benefits” cited in 99.999% certain the NY AG is in fact talking about conservation/preservation easements… but meh… Whadda I know. But let me tell you the January 18, 2022 NY AG petition is one helluva filing, that you should read in its entirety (see Scribd Link)
…Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) is currently investigating whether the Trump Organization and Donald J. Trump (“Mr. Trump”) misstated the value of Mr. Trump’s assets on annual financial statements, tax submissions, and other documents and made other material misrepresentations provided to third parties in order to secure loans and insurance coverage and obtain other economic and tax benefits.
However, witnesses closest to the top of the Trump Organization have asserted their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. Certain others have professed faulty memories or asserted that they were following instruction from more senior employees.
Trump Tower Triplex…10K vs 30K SQFT
In Financial Statements signed by Trump and were later transmitted to several financial institutions he literally lied to banks and said his Triplex was over 30,000 SQFT when in all actuality his triplex was 10,996 SQFT.
…Mr. Trump’s 2015 and 2016 financial statement reported the value of Mr. Trump’s triplex apartment as $327 million, based on the apartment having 30,000 square feet of space multiplied by a certain price per square foot. In testimony to OAG, Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg admitted that the value of Mr. Trump’s apartment was overstated by “give or take” $200 million.
As noted in the January 19, 2022 Press Release below are a few examples that the OGA has evidence to back up the allegations and again this is not good for Trump et al —the OAG is clearly zeroing in on “Trump et al’s State of mind. Again which Adult Trump-anchor baby do you think will be the first to flip on Daddy?
Misstated objective facts, like the size of Mr. Trump’s Trump Tower penthouse;
Miscategorized assets outside Mr. Trump’s or the Trump Organization’s control as “cash,” thereby overstating his liquidity;
Misstated the process by which Mr. Trump or his associates reached valuations, including deviations from generally accepted accounting principles in ways that the statements did not disclose;
Failed to use fundamental techniques of valuation, like discounting future revenues and expenses to their present value, or choosing as “comparables” only similar properties in order to impute valuations from public sales data;
Misstated the purported involvement of “outside professionals” in reaching the valuations; and
Failed to advise that certain valuation amounts were inflated by an undisclosed amount for brand value.
The high level take aways from the January 18, 2022 Petition filed by Office of New York Attorney General Tish James (OAG) - because this is why I’ll keep screaming about CONSERVATION EASEMENTS
Misrepresentations to the IRS
Evidence indicates that the Trump Organization also submitted fraudulent or misleading valuations to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), specifically related to the Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles and Seven Springs.
Trump personally authorized the release of his Federal Income tax filings to OAG
Conversely none of the Trump (family members) have ostensibly refused to comply with any of the previously served subpoenas. That includes Trump Sr, Trump Jr, Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump
Until January 2017 Ivanka Trump was the primary Trump Org contact with/for Deutsche Bank. The OAG has clearly uncovered a lot of evidence that Ivanka Trump “caused misleading financial statements to be submitted to Deutsche Bank and the federal government. Ivanka Trump should be compelled to testify before OAG”
Who’s going to flip on Daddy first? Trump Jr, Eric and/or Ivanka
…Donald Trump, Jr. oversees the Trump Organization’s property portfolio and is involved in all aspects of the company’s property development. Donald Trump, Jr. and former Trump Org…Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg were trustees of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust until Mr. Weisselberg resigned in June 2021. As of October 29, 2021, Donald Trump, Jr. was the sole Trustee of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust.
…Ms. Trump negotiated and secured financing for Trump Organization properties. While at the Trump Organization she “direct[ed] all areas of the company’s real estate and hotel management platforms.” Ex. 330. This included active participation in all aspects of projects, “including deal evaluation, pre-development planning, financing, design, construction, sales and marketing” as well as “involve[ment] in all decisions—large and small.” …she negotiated the ground lease with the federal government related to the Old Post Office property
Also filed on January 18, 2022 MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL’S CROSS-MOTION TO COMPEL AND IN OPPOSITION TO RESPONDENTS’ MOTION TO QUASH.. admittedly this Memorandum of Law is a very dry read and I made it to page 31 before I tapped out because it is a regurgitation of past successful arguments by the OAG…
Filed on January 19, 2022 -this is probably one of the more important filings because it gives us a (albeit limited) glimpse into the OAG’s ongoing, complex and sprawling criminal investigation of Trump Org and Trump et al.
That is the OAG has a metric-phuckton of documents and by all appearances the OAG’s investigators working in concert with the Manhandling DA —all of which spells bad and I mean bad like fraud, wire fraud, tax evasion, and yes of course many of the roads will lead back to Trump’s egregious abuse of the conservation/preservation easements tax loophole. Trust me on this, I know what I speak of. My feet are firmly planted in nearly a 1,000 hours of researching, tracking down properly information, mortgages, deposition excerpts, various court filings, state and local board meetings, planning & zoning special use applications…
January 19, 2022 Office of New York Attorney General..
I mean the filings that the OGA filed are pretty amazing, until AG James’ January 19, 2022 filings I’m not sure we, the general public actually knew the exact contents of the OAG’s dual subpoenas (both oral and documentation)
December 1, 2021 DONALD J. TRUMP SUBPOENA (seeking both documents and oral testimony) Shocker Trump blew off the OAG’s subpoena
Again you can pull down the nearly 102 newly docketed filings (technically 94+ exhibits were filed under-seal - via the NYS Unified Court System aka S.C.R.O.L.L. and if you’re wondering yes - hello insomnia I see that you’ve once again reared your fugly head —so I figured that if I can’t sleep —stupid COVID-19 long haul side effects- since April 2020 I’ve had these headache which are far worse than migraines —that at least I could do something productive.
And lastly New York Attorney General Tish James also filed Trump Organizations’ 2004 thru 2020 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION…unfortunately those filings are under seal —but should you have any doubt about the New York Attack General’s investigation - then perhaps you should read what was filed via NYS S.C.R.O.L.L —> or you can pull down the highlighted and annotated copies of the OAG Jan 18th & 19th filings via my Scribd Account
Because of the length of this article here’s how you know it’s really me - when I saw the text come in at around 11:11PM -I literally did a “happy dance” and what does Spicy or Filey do when something awesome happens?
Of course it’s the CONSERVATION EASEMENTS - the last 3 paragraphs under Misrepresentation to the IRS
This is also why I think it’s important to read the whole document or in this case (see what I did there) the Press Release…because conservation easements is absolutely mentioned and New York Attorney General James literally spells it out in today’s press release —because the following paragraphs are buried in that long press release but sure enough - there it is —in plain black and white…
…Trump Organization also substantially overstated the value of a land donation at Seven Springs. After efforts to develop the Seven Springs property in Westchester were unsuccessful, the Trump Organization granted a conservation easement over 158 acres of the property in 2015.
…has identified evidence that the number of lots relied upon to calculate the value of the conservation easement that the Trump Organization sought on this property was more than double what was permitted by development restrictions imposed by a locality — restrictions that the Trump Organization was long aware of and had agreed to on the record at a town meeting
As I’ve repeatedly stated, it’s your prerogative on who you choose to believe on social media. But it’s not lost on me that the cadre of Blue-QANON keep posting their “garbage disinformation” that Trump’s Mob ties will take him down. Because according to those same individuals; “the RNC was removing Trump from the 2020 ballot”, or “Trump is mobbed up” or (the most laughable “Trump is running a child sex trafficking ring out of his properties for the Russians“ —I mean those examples just a tiny fraction of the patently false narratives being pushed by the Blue-QANON-cadre of Deep Stupid circling the drain of their own deep stupid…
At this point, I can confidently say my success rate of accurately predicting (for example; Manafort, Calk, Avenatti, US Census, APA, etc) on what would really take Trump & his family of untoward charlatans doom — I think I’m sitting at about 90% correct predictions. But one thing I don’t do is ever purely speculate for “follower engagement” -I just want facts. And it would be super swell for individuals to crease their plagiarism… and perhaps leave Twitter and get a real J-O-B…oh wait never mind we both know that you are in fact unemployable. But I’m pretty sure my holiday bonus was more than you made last year with your 3+ grifts —so there’s that fact-nugget of awesomeness.
And your prerequisite daily saltwater therapy
…I probably won’t publish a new article later today because I need to be up by 6AM so my working hours match one of my bosses, who’s currently working overseas… and sent me an email at 2:09 AM (DC local time). And lastly a genuine expression of sincere gratitude — thank you to my followers/readers who have continued to put your faith and trust in me. And believing in my ability to track down documents. Because at the office I’m affectionately known as “the pitbull you don’t want to piss off” —no really without you guys, my followers/readers I’m not sure I would have continued to press on - enduring 5+ years of daily harassment, stalking and otherwise super criminal behavior. Again thank you for trusting me. Thank you for putting your faith in my ability to source a ton of information and most importantly thank you for being a cheerleader for the facts and truth…
OMG Filey, your conservation easements threads. I thought of you as soon as this dropped on the bird ap.
What an article! I think this is my favorite tidbit . . . "Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg admitted that the value of Mr. Trump’s apartment was overstated by “give or take” $200 million." What's a matter folks? Batteries died in your calculator? "Give or take $200M" is a rather large mistake to make. 🤣🤣🤣 As for who's going to flip first, my money's on Vanky. I'm thinking JK will convince her it's best for their happy little family to give up Daddy & try to keep her skinny ass out of jail. Jr. is still hoping to make Daddy love him & I'm not sure Eric is smart enough to read the writing on the wall. So yeah, I say Ivanka flips first. Also, as an aside, has anybody heard anything from Ivanna recently? Just wondering what she's doing with herself these days while her ex-husband & her adult children try to stay out of prison.