May 25, 2021Liked by File411

yasss! I did follow you WAY back. Love you 🤟🏽

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Indeed - so you remember what I consistently tweeted as it relates to Trump; yes I get it that sex trafficking, money laundering and RICO are way sexier than - Yo Don did you engage in tax evasion and insurance fraud?

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

Hot damn!!! This was worth the wait.. Excellent research and presentation. Knocked my socks off. Especially 🌶 presented with 🥶 cold precision. Love you, Lady❤️

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Thanks for slogging through that typo laden article...maybe I should hire an editor or slow my roll but hey it’s on brand for me <giggles>

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

DING DING DING X1000. I tried like hell to get contemporaneous data about that special exception for MAL. As a former FL local elected official, it seemed like this should be easy to document but nope. FYI, confusing land use with zoning is the petard most developers get hung on if the municipality professionals are savvy and honest. That's not an easy bar to surmount in FL, unfortunately.

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So I was able to locate his 4+ special exemption apps - hence why I explained why folks need to understand what a CPAM is and how that guides nearly all future land use applications- it was the easements & usage agreement that proved to be a bit harder to track down - but eventually I found those - I’m uploading more documents in the coming days too

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

Comprehensive Plans were always religiously filed every year ending in 0 and viewable on the FLDOS page. Taxing body was able to file 2 amendment/exceptions per year. Ahole govs have buried all of it, starting with Scott and enthusiastically continued under Desantis.

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My dearest Ginny - now you’re talking my language - this is largely what I do for my actual job but even I can admit this was a daunting task. It took a couple of weekends to do the research - mainly because I had to read the almost 1K pages in the filings...

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

Look for Municode links on city/county web pages. They annotate/footnote historical changes in codes/charters/Comp plans if municipality has updated and subscribes.

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Wow and now I’d love to how this has worked with some folks in my own state *cough Denny Sanford cough cough*

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May 25, 2021Liked by File411

Love you Filey! Informing the masses as a PSA and not making up some “Hollywood fluff” for a quick dime is so needed and much appreciated!

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

Holy forking shirt balls. 🔥 that’s some deep diving ma’am did you find the bottom of the ocean yet? Badass. (The only thing I don’t like about this platform is I cannot provide the necessary gif that goes along with this. In this case the Tyler Perry “hell to the yeah” gif.)

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No but I’m still digging because I found a 4th special exemption application for Mar A Largo and I’m waiting to hear back from the Town of Bedford regarding their May 27th walkabout on Trump’s seven springs estate. There are two plausible explanations- one being the Town is re-evaluating the easement or Trump filed (with the board of equalization) to once again lower his tax burden - but in the decade+ that he’s own that property the Town has never done a physical walkthrough—hence why I thought the May 27th public announcement was/is super interesting

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Would a town be subject to persuasion by someone like him who knows he’s in hot water?

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Excellent question but I don’t know the answer. But hoping it’s not that because based on preliminary research Trump’s substantially lowered tax assessment meant the tax payers in Bedford had to make up the delta.

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

Filey, you've always tried to temper our expectations. Thank you.

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Sometimes that has made me a target but at the end of the day I’m okay with what I post and my opinions because almost always I have the documents to back up my assertions. I’ll never forget being dragged in March 2017 for tweeting a thread of all of Manafort’s properties and mortgages and saying “so when is Calk getting indicted” it took longer than I had anticipated but ultimately yup he was indicted

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Bless you, Filey. For a long time, I was consumed by the MOB mob mob headspace invaders. I've followed you forever and have always appreciated your incredible, icy research. Beyond Masters class. Thank you.

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Well that’s the nicest compliment I’ve received in a while. I’m glad that you find what I’m publishing valuable. I genuinely believe in helping my readers figure out where/what to look for and how to obtain various public documents. If there’s ever a topic you’d like me to research you can send me an email file411@substack.com and I’ll be thrilled to take a crack at it.

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Not just "valuable." Invaluable. What a generous research offer. Will think on that. Let the sauce reduce. Thanks again.

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

Ooh thank you. Very informative.

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I miss this content on twitter so much. I remember pulling up tax and public records along side reading your posts (since I deal with a lot of public records for work). Glad to see so much of your research preserved here.

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Pity all that twitter research is gone - but hey having to redo the research means to took a second look and sure enough I overlooked the special exemption for the helipad and dock - which is why I included that in my video because by contractual obligation with Palm Beach that helipad is required to be “uninstalled”. Man I’m a stickler for details <snort>

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Wow! Once again you bring the receipts, Thanks! i will be looking for “ leaking info” in various places, but always come back to you for unvarnished info! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I sure hope he gets what he deserves!

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May 25, 2021Liked by File411


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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

I'll be glad to see him go to jail for literally anything at this point, but if it's such a mundane crime, I don't think this would be enough for him to lose his base. And could he get off with a large fine or would this require prison sentencing?

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

Facts and receipts is what you’re known for!

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After a good night's sleep, my hay fever induced brain fog has cleared & I'm in the process of getting properly caffeinated. I just read this & my mind is blown. Another excellent article Filey! I do have a question though. Who is thinking up & executing all these scams? I don't personally think #TraitorTrump has the intellect to pull it off. He's also notorious for not paying people, but I'm guessing there are some very well paid accountants & lawyers behind all of this.

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All eyes on Allen Weisslnerg and I’m glad you’re feeling better. Nothing is worse than a sinus infection in the Summer. In my best Mom’s voice: drink plenty of fluid and make sure you get rest.

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May 26, 2021Liked by File411

Why THANK YOU Mom! You're too kind & I am feeling much better. I stayed inside today away from the pollen. Made a huge difference. BTW, is it wrong that lately, I've been having the same ear worm . . . 🎵"Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"🎵 I sincerely hope every one of these criminals is sweating bullets & not sleeping over the NYC Grand Jury being empaneled.

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I watched an interview with his ex daughter in law, and I have my fingers crossed that she is right about weiselberg flipping on trump.

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Ditto. Google says Weisselberg is 73 now. I can't imagine a man who's lived as a wealthy man in New York City for years wants to die in prison to save #TraitorTrump's disloyal orange ass. At least I sure hope he doesn't.

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also can't believe a grand jury would be convened if there was any doubt that Trump would escape ..they've GOT the goods right? 🤞🏽

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You know the saying “you can indict a ham sandwich”... well a grand jury has a lot of power. Most assume it’s the prosecutor who holds the power but a Grand Jury also has independent subpoena power too. I genuinely mean this I’m a bit worried about the leaks because I could see Trump or other Senior Trump Org targets arguing that the leaks harmed their ability to a fair and impartial jury - but I might be getting ahead of mu skis

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oh ghod..if that's all they've got left is to holler"leak victim!"...I hope not

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I haven't read this yet cause I'm having a mother of an attack of hay fever & I can't really concentrate on anything right now. But I think they'll get Trump the same way they got Al Capone . . . tax evasion. And maybe a side of Insurance Fraud. Going to bed now. 🤧

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Oh no - hay fever is gnarly - hopefully you can watch the video - I decided to start doing more interactive presentation of the data.

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