Fidelity. Bravery. and Integrity - FBI
it doesn’t matter how long it takes the FBI -but to those who participated in the deadly Jan 6th insurrection- turn yourselves in - otherwise your family, coworkers and neighbors will turn you in. So contact your local FBI Office and self surrender…
WDTN MJ-Case link to Affidavit or you can download the Affidavit from this DOJ link

One thing you’ll notice is, if you go to the FBI YouTube channel - you’ll note that they change a video to “private” once an arrest has been made - but remember there are several who have yet to be identified and subsequently arrested (see previous article with embedded links found here)
The FBI is seeking to identify individuals involved in violent assaults on federal law enforcement officers (AFO) at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Call 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit a tip online at More at
Nicholas James Brockhoff Affidavit
In newly filed and unsealed Court filings the Affidavit provides a lot of important facts —for example:
…Images Two and Three, BROCKHOFF is discharging the contents of fire a fire extinguisher from the scaffolding near the Lower West Terrace. BROCKHOFF discharged the content from the fire extinguisher from the elevated position onto both MPD and USCP law enforcement officers who were standing beneath BROCKHOFF and attempting to hold back the rioters.
I have interviewed two of the MPD officers who were standing below BROCKHOFF as he sprayed the contents of the fire extinguisher at them. Both officers stated that they were hit with the contents of the fire extinguisher, which caused law enforcement to disperse, and obstructed law enforcement’s ability to see.
And then I want you to look at figure four in the Affidavit - see the lady with the “crazy eyes“ wearing a white jacket to the right of Defendant Nicholas James Brockhoff? Why YES that’s my friend (I’m being facetious she’s not my friend) Yvvone St Cyr , see previous articles found here and here.
Here’s my actual video proof that the lady with the crazy looking eyes wearing a white jacket is Defendant Yvonne St Cyr because before Facebook suspended her account - I grabbed 8 videos that she posted and then uploaded them to YouTube, see link to the playlist
The Affidavit disclosed that there is body warn camera footage of MPD interacting with Defendant Brockhoff - who readily identified himself to MPD Officers.
In another verbal exchange recorded on BWC, a MPD officer asks BROCKHOFF, “What’s your name?” BROCKHOFF responds, “Nick.” The officer then asks, “Nick what?” BROCKHOFF replies, “Brockhoff.” Figure Four is an image of BROCKHOFF that was taken from the BWC that depicts this exchange between BROCKHOFF and the MPD officer. In that same BWC recording, a second MPD officer then asks, “Are you injured?”1 BROCKHOFF responds, “A little bit.” The MPD officer then inquires, “Are you injured from MPD or climbing through a window?” BROCKHOFF replies, “Glass, glass, glass, yeah.”
This is what bothers me - even after Defendant Brockhoff assaulted law enforcement- the footnote seems to indicate that this POS received medical attention from law enforcement. If I’m correct on the chain of events detailed in the Affidavit - I have infinitely more respect for both Metro PD and US Capitol Police. And nothing but unbridled contempt for Brockhoff.
During my review of the second MPD officer’s BWC I observed lacerations and bandage applied to BROCKHOFF’s left hand.
So if your Republican Senator refuses to vote for the Jan 6th Commission (see previous article found here) - kindly show your recalcitrant and complicit Senator to page 6 of the affidavit
“….revealed a video Getty Images Inc.which shows BROCKHOFF—wearing the same MPD helmet seen above in Figure Six—making a forced entry into room “ST6M,” later identified as a Republican Conference Room, of the U.S. Capitol…”
Today’s Minute Entry in the WDTN as to Defendant Brockhoff:
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jon A. York: Initial Appearance in Rule 5 Proceedings as to Nicholas James Brockhoff held on 5/27/2021. AUSA Wilson present for the govt. Dft informed Court that he was attempting to hire a lawyer and would need to speak to his family.
AFD Martin present on standby. Dft advised of his rights and the charges against him. USA-seeks detention; Probable Cause and Detention Hearing set for 6/3/2021 02:00PM before Magistrate Judge Jon A. York. Status Conference regarding attorneyset for 6/1/2021 09:30 AM before Magistrate Judge Jon A. York.
ORDER OF TEMPORARY DETENTION as to Nicholas James Brockhoff. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jon A. York on 5/27/2021 -
Enjoy spending Memorial Day in jail Nick…
Officers like Mike Fanone deserve better from Senate Republicans who will likely vote against the Jan 6th Commission. The PTSD that Officers like Fanone are dealing with -it’s hard to watch how the Jan 6th attack has had on these brave men and women… they deserve better and shame on Mitch McConnell and other feckless Senate Republicans who are planning to vote against the Jan 6th Commission later tonight

Officers like Mike Fanone deserve so much more from Senate Republicans. Recognition for their bravery would be a great start...