I’m going to need more champagne for May 🍾

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Cheers to that - I’m a fan of bubbles

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by File411

I'm going to need champagne, I drank my last bottle after getting my second 5G...I mean Pfizer dose.

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The 2nd dose was brutal

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by File411

Yes. Got mine last Thursday. Friday I'm working away when all of a sudden around 3 PM..."hey boss, I need to lay down, NOW."

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My brothers just had sore arms and mild exhaustion the next day. I was extremely tired, the next day had a slight fever and chills, by Sunday the injection site was itchy and hot. Today just mild itching at injection site. But I've never felt that tired before.

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I found that anywhere in my body that had nerve damage was ON FIRE! unfortunately, I've got a lot...

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Got mine today. Waiting to see how brutal.... fatigue seems to be setting in.

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I found the 1st 36 hours but specifically around 6 hours after the 2nd dose it was kind of like hell on earth. Last year when I was a presumptive positive I felt like someone had unplugged me from my energy source <snort> oddly my long haul head aches have all but vanished and my hair loss appears to have slowed down enough that I noticed. The insomnia though continues to stalk me.

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omg, 2nd kicked my ass, and I kinda think I'm pretty tough. bc survivor, more than my share of back surgeries, I try not to let anything slow me down. 24ish hours later, I felt like I got hit by a train! My 2 sisters were the same way. Meanwhile, our hubs were all like, yeah we're all good! hmph...

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My sister-in-law was covid positive/shedding 11 days late November last year. Got it from the law firm she worked on site at. She went to the hospital 4 days in but was sent home for not being sick enough for a bed. Still has light sensitivity, headaches, and fatigue. This virus is a beast.

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Everyone is reacting differently. My brothers were relatively comfortable with 2nd dose.

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