Plagiarism and why I kept my mouth shut -even after numerous Twitter individuals stole my research -updated-
It’s time to drop a few receipts because what Greg Olear and Stephanie Koff did and are still doing is beyond egregious -it down right criminal and reeks of Emotional Terrorism & profiteering
Brief and unexpected Update 1/7/22
It has been relayed to me, that Greg Olear & Stephanie Koff are planning a “nuclear take down” of me tomorrow.
One thing I can tell you, as sure as I know the sun will rise in the East -those who threaten to sue, typically this tactic is used to force people to omertà. Notwithstanding I very much look forward to “a nuclear take down” —their reaction is exactly what… wait never mind, that would give away part of my litigation strategy.
If these individuals think I didn’t “game theory” these threats out and in consultation with my attorney and both federal and state law enforcement. I regret to inform them & their effusive sycophants threats do not work . Nonetheless being underestimated is a sweet spot I thrive in.
Whereas those who leverage/manipulate mutual friends to do their “dirty bidding” — in my opinion and from direct personal experience, individuals who use these type of tactics do so from a position of weakness. Whereas Stephanie Koff and Greg Olear have put it in writing (to numerous individuals via DMs) that they are going to sue me since December 2020. They purported know my name and therefore they know my primary residential address. It’s been over one year since they made these direct threats to silence me, you know my primary home address. I am waiting and I am very much looking forward to discovery, given my attorney already sent preservation notices to Twitter and KeyBase and Twitter has already produced responsive documents to two subpoenas.
Again this will not be litigated on Twitter or Substack. This will be litigated in a court of law. Not to belabor this fine point, I very much look forward to discovery, interrogatories and depositions. I just wanted to say thank you. Given your disproportionate reaction, ultimatums, etc - you’ve unwittingly helped confirm a nexus between Gina, Cathy and Eric. I genuinely mean this -THANK YOU -
And Dirk you clearly did not read this
Original unedited article below …
Apparently Dirk needs a lesson in what constitutes plagiarism
There’s been a lot of chatter about how what I detailed in this article isn’t plagiarism- for example👇🏻

So perhaps some might benefit from understanding how Miriam Webster defines plagiarism:
Essential Meaning of plagiarism
: the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person : the act of plagiarizing something
Here’s how Black’s Law Dictionary defines plagiarism:
The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.
The highlights and annotation and red box were my edits to the pictures used in the October 2018 article. I have other examples but why blow my whole wad of bubble gum.
The “defense” of “it was on twitter -he didn’t plagiarize” —In my opinion that rationale is completely flawed and I’m not going to try and convince people. Although what pray tell will be his excuse as to the DMs, or the fact I explained the nexus of Cathy Gina and Eric (because I have DMs from him where he explicitly cited Cathy, Greg & Gina.
If Stephanie and Greg want to “go nuclear on me” fine, so be it, it what I expected from them. Understand that will give me yet an opening to dump additional files and his DMs. I only choose to share 2 DMs -the ones I haven’t released are infinitely worse. If you don’t like being (accurately) called out for engaging in plagiarism -hear me out: here’s a novel idea don’t engage in that behavior or have a pattern of engaging in that behavior because a photographer already sued him for his unauthorized use of that photographer’s intellectual property (also in a DM).
Again I’d really like to move on to important things like lawsuits, public policy etc. Again if you don’t like being labeled as engaging in plagiarism then don’t do it. Simple, problem solved. The choice is yours not mine because I’ve never engaged in that behavior.
January 6 2022 update with receipts below because it is time…
…on January 5, 2022 I casually mentioned in a few comments about something I knew yet I chose to keep my mouth shut. Part of the rational of why I didn’t say anything in 2018 & 2019 about Greg Olear @gregolear & Stephanie aka @LincolnsBible both of whom took my research without my permission and then profited off of it. For reference see the various comments in the article below
My rationale was “maybe it was a one time oversight” but I was also acutely aware that if I said anything then the Twitter Drama would supersede the validity and importance of my research. In the Spring of 2018 I created countless threads that included a crushing amount of original documents concerning Brett Kavanaugh
I do remember in late 2018 I had a few followers ask me “why did you start watermarking your documents” my response was a generalized “because I’m sick of seeing people lift my research and presenting my work as their own” —at no time did I put any of the perpetrators on blast.
Again in late 2018 I made a calculated decision, I wanted to give Greg (and Eric) and Stephanie the benefit of the doubt. That it was a one time oversight and surely not a pattern of intellectually honest behavior. Sadly it became clear the latter was in fact true.
WayBack Machine Receipts
Note the September 2018 thread & subsequent thread
To be fair and intellectually honest on October 8, 2018 he published this article he did link to one (of my many) Kavanaugh threads, the one he embedded was my MCMD Building Permit research. When he took my MCMD building permit research I decided to privately DM him and asked him if it was an oversight —his response was underwhelming. Yet a few weeks later Greg Olear published that October 2018 article which included two pieces of my research he plagiarized
Exhibit A this is one of the pieces of research he included. You can make your own deduction -but just in case you think I’m making a scurrilous accusation here’s a direct WayBack Machine link now compare to his October 2018 Medium Article
Exhibit B Again you can make your own deductions of the facts and receipts. The most offensive part is what Greg & Stephanie did next…
Because Greg Olear published several articles via medium I decided to research what Medium’s Terms and Conditions are for users who engage in plagiarism also of note in September 2018 Eric Garland initiated a three way call with me and Stephanie Koff - she said something that I can not ever forget:
What is you elevator speech for Kavanaugh…
I was taken aback because for me, my time on Twitter was never about making money or making baseless accusations. I asked her “wait you’re asking me to sell you on my pitch buttresses by my research” —I didn’t understand that because again my time on Twitter was never about fleeting notoriety or making money off of my research. For the umpteenth time I have a J-O-B and oddly I’m compensated really well for my work. I don’t need to monetize my research, my research speaks for itself and it’s a large body of work…
Greg Olear & Stephanie Koff’s threatening DMs while shaming victims into silence
…and yesterday I did casually mention what Greg Olear and Stephane Koff did to me and several others, who decided to tell the truth about Eric Garland. And to be clear I preemptively sought approval from the person that Greg sent these DMs to. I have several of them in my file and I’d be happy to share those in the near future because what Greg, Stephanie and the other effusive sycophants that enabled Eric Garland did to at least four of his victims is unconscionable.
Worse? Greg & Stephanie & Cathy Gray decided to believe a former “friend” of mine, Gina Bradbury’s lies and contorted misinformation. And sought to weaponize her misinformation in an attempt to not only smear me and several other women who decided to speak about what Eric Garland did to them, in the now infamous December 2020 thread. They attempted to create a huge divide between Loo Loo and myself. What they didn’t know is LooLoo is probably one of the most authentic and truthful person that I have the privilege of calling a friend.
They didn’t know that I had postulated myself to LooLoo and apologized to her because Eric Garland repeatedly told me “she’s unstable, she’s crazy…she’s a stalker…we didn’t even communicate” for a few months I actually believed Garland and distanced myself from LooLoo -until one day I decided to reach out to her privately. Again I apologized to LooLoo and I never expected that she would forgive me because I was duped by Garland’s lies. But in true LooLoo form she without reservation stated that she had already forgiven me and knew that one day I’d come to her and would listen to her point of view.
And because the Federal and State law enforcement gave my attorney approval to share some of the phone logs - here’s a quick snap shot -note in inbound calls those are from Eric Garland and Cathy Gray.
So again it’s not my place to convince you what are facts or mere rantings of someone who’s been targeted (for years) I am merely giving you a tiny glimpse of the mountain of receipts I’ve been sitting on.
But the most offensive part is Greg Olear clearly plagiarized large swaths of my Brett Kavanaugh research. He and Stephanie Koff monetized my research and then decided to focus their attacks and smears at me. They didn’t care that what I explained in my December 2020 thread was in fact truthful and void of emotion. What is pretty vulgar to me is Greg & Eric and their cabal of disinformation agents of chaos have successfully had at least 4 of Garland’s victims voice be silenced by Twitter via account suspensions..
Again this won’t be litigated in the court of Twitter or Substack - no this will be litigated in a court of law because Stephanie Koff has made several materials lies about me and other Garland “victims” - I have previously explained why the threat of suicide is something that really hits home to me, you can read more here but note in Greg Olear’s DM he then weaponized Garland’s previous threats of suicide. But again this particular DM is one of the most egregious forms of guilt shaming and it is disgusting
Again I’m happy to share additional receipts but I decided that when I exposed Greg Olear’s plagiarism it would happen on my terms and my timetable. I genuinely do not want to keep talking about this but goddamnit I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Greg Olear & Stephanie Koff get away with this kind of Emotional Terrorism and thievery. And slowly steps off the soap box and quietly closes laptop…
Well done. I’m glad you wrote this because people need to see what actually went on. Especially those that think fondly of all of you, because they were told lies about you (& the other women). They tried to tell them to me, but I saw it all happening in real time. That’s why I thought you should show some receipts so others can see them. There’s no excuse for him not mentioning or giving you credit in his article. That’s not an oversight that is intentional. However his messages are what disturbed me the most. I’ve seen all of them and they’re totally something an uninformed bully would do or say. Totally inappropriate and cringy and you could tell he just wanted you all to shut up and go away. I’m just not sure why he was even involved in the first place? I noticed one of your readers wrote yesterday that he believes they still talk to Eric privately and I believe that too. Especially now after seeing those messages. Instead of trying to get him help or giving the women some compassion they tried to flip it over on them. I know that because a couple of them slid in my DM‘s (not Greg or LB, but people close to them & Eric). None of them however care about the women, but they also don’t care about Eric. They could’ve tried to help him. They chose to look the other way. They decided to let him use them as crutches. Sad and shameful all the way around and I seriously doubt they’ve learned anything from it.
Wow. So much wow. I agree entirely with Candy, Tammy and so many others below. What a hard row you've had and still have to deal with.
Truth be told, I fell for their bs for too long. You were and are one of my shining lights who has never faltered. Thank you more than words can say. Meeting you, Filey, was a Godsend. Your high quality information and analysis still keeps me sane.
I've been off Twitland for almost a year now and am happier for it. Thanks for always bringing the receipts. And snark;)