Feb 11, 2022Liked by File411

Filey you’ve hit the nail on the head once again. Our founding fathers never considered such an immoral unethical president would preside over the USA. And our laws are developed also under the same premise.

TFG has turned our government and rule of law on its side because he feels he’s above the law, has no respect for the law, and ironically uses our laws against us time and time again.

And as you’ve pointed out, the media and general public give him the benefit of the doubt time and time again, because surely his intent was not to break the law or to preside over the most corrupt administration in our history. No, it’s because of his roots as a businessman. He sees things as transactional. It just makes me sick.

Thanks again for keeping us informed with the receipts!

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Aww thank you but I should be the one thanking you for trusting my research. I knew that this article would likely land like a lead ballon but I didn’t want my readers to be hoodwinked by the disinformation and misinformation. Apologies if this was a long read but lately I’ve been feeling myself via research. Have a great weekend

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by File411

Thanks, Filey. Dinner sounds scrumptious. You feed everyone very well.

Nixon and his "Plumbers" and DJT and his plumbing, oh brother! Check those maintenance records STAT. Sir, what did your snake pull from said pipe? Enjoy your family time.

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plumbers <—I don’t know why but I have this image of a plumber hunched over a toilet or drain muttering to themselves “dah fork did I just snake from the toilet/drain

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by File411

Great article! Big time agree with your assessment that our founding fathers had no idea there would be such a canker sore of humanity as djt. His actions betray his mistaken ideas that he is a king or dictator, which has kept him a dangerous, traitorous madman desperate to regain the power he craves. After him, we definitely need new laws to protect ourselves from the next, probably smarter version.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Hiya stranger - I hope all is well with you - for some reason I woke up yesterday thinking “how’s Julie” so I’m glad you commented. I guess the only true silver lining is Post Trump —Congress needs to enact fortified guard rails for an out of Control POTUS. Again I know this was a really long read but I didn’t know how to condense it. With respect to “fortified guard rails” <— I genuinely believe that Congress needs to step up;

-either amend the PRA & FRA -promulgating harsher penalties


-Congress should use their “power of the purse” predicating Congressional approved appropriations for post-presidency. Meaning if an outgoing president has intentionally stonewalled or violated the PRA/FRA withhold those appropriations.

Last Sunday I had brunch with a long time friend on mine —who happens to have 2 decades of working on the hill. And I specifically asked why Congress isn’t addressing the various loopholes that Trump & his Admin exploited. Explaining that the only way to make Trump suffer is to amened or promulgate legislation & specifically attach the pecuniary annual stipends. I hope that makes sense

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It does, and I hope this happens. His unending grifting is irritating to say the least.

I enjoy the length of your articles instead of sound bites. Same with books, a good read is at least 500 pages lol.

Actually, I have not been well and down with a "mild" case of Covid. Out all week and tested positive again today, which isn't a surprise since I am still feeling pretty crappy. Thank goodness I am a paperless teacher, so I can still work from my couch.

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Oh NO I was afraid of that. And while you haven’t asked me -a few weeks ago my Dr suggested Coldeze (sp?) and OJ. I thought he was pulling my leg. But it turns out the combo of both provided my spouse & kiddo with almost immediate relief. Please take care of yourself - as you know I strongly believe that teaching is one of the last noble professions. Stay safe and sending you healthy vibes. Thank you for shaping the next generation of leaders.

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Thank you for the healthy vibes😌

Coldeze or Zycam are my go-to chewables whenever I have a cold. They really to help as your doctor says.

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Blessings on you. You’re like a junk yard dog and I ❤️ that about you.

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🦁 rawr 🦁 or is it bark 🐩 bark🐩 but to be clear I’m a junkyard dog that likes to hump trolls/haters/stalkers it’s my passive aggressive approach to assert my dominance <snort> see that taking 2 days off does to me 😂🤣😂

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Again, thank you for this precious information. I had no idea that the PRA was a shark with no teeth. Welp, they will get him via conservative emoluments. The founding fathers did not see a modern day evil charlatan. They believed in the intelligence and goodness within of their fellow man

Intelligence seems to be in short supply these days. Goodness too. As.far as Maga Haberman goes, it's all about money, power, access at the public's expense on sacrificing an informed public. The trustwashing via the 4th estate via Haberman (possibly Ronan Farrow as well) and others for the sole purpose of clickbait and money to be made for themselves and their corporate bosses have only further eroded democracy underpinnings of a free and informed society. Without a healthy 4th estate, society can not move forward and flourish.

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I’m genuinely waiting with anticipation concerning his Conservation/Preservation easements. I know Justice does grind slowly but even I am like “oh come on -just unseal the superseding indictment and gimme what we all want” —Trump’s perp walk.

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Gurl, it would be a bender that will last for days...lol or at least for a little while....

And I got whiplash from seeing Christopher Wrays name, wut the fuckity fuck....

Funny how Comey is quiet too. Another wut the fuckity fuck...

Sometimes I think that they are just rich and or powerful people that are bored with their lives and see ours as sport ! Let's play....uh...let's not dumbfucks...never bite the hand that feeds you. Someday it will bite you back....duh. and I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Enjoy your days !

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by File411

Always fascinating, even when it's not what we want to hear.

God, I love ya, Mic, and your "very tiny cold black heart"

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Right back atcha

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by File411

Discussing TFG certainly leaves a bad taste in one's mouth. Ugh - on the other hand, your mention of homemade cherry almond croissants sounds delicious. Thanks again for keeping us informed

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Always and I mean always happy to help, if I can

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by File411

I want to eat salmon with chutney with you in heaven. Rest well brave warrior 🙏👏👏👏

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I can send you my recipe - the chutney is a hybrid of authentic South Indian & UK chutneys. It’s literally the one dish that everyone in my family will eat. The carnival rice -dead serious- that’s how I convinced my littles to eat veggies.

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That would be fabulous! How shall I get you my contact info?

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File411DC@gmail.com or I can post the recipe here. Sharing is caring -right?

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Sharing is caring. Right here is a lovely idea. ❤️

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Files you're a Beauty!💗👏 Enjoy your weekend. We're celebrating my grandson's 20th birthday. He's a wonderful human being and I'm very proud of him. 👏💗🥳🎁🎂🎉

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Scratch made cherry almond croissants? 😮 Need recipe. That's great mama stuff and super romantic for your hubby!

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“ The researchers found that the Times devoted much more online and print real estate to the campaign horse race and personal scandals for both candidates than it did to their policies on topics such as health care and taxes.” One of my greatest frustrations during the 2016 election was trying to find anyone any source to actually cover polices. It drove me crazy during the debates because it was completely clear he had nothing to say about policy. And despite the lack of the reporting of those policies I can vividly remember times my trumpy family/friends would say “I just can’t vote for Hilary because of her emails”… nothing about policy nothing about qualifications. I still hold the grudge to this day over the lung her email” and how fast that narrative got wiped when it was discovered the entire trump family was mishandling communications in the White House … UGHHHHHH

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as always you've nailed it while providing full background and receipts Please take care of you and enjoy your few days of Self and Family Care


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You're a beauty. Enjoy your weekend. We're celebrating my grandson's 20th birthday. He's a wonderful human being and I'm very proud of him. 👏🥳🎁🎂🎉🎈 💗

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