This sent shivers down my spine. These people are demonic. Kayley? GET IN THE BARREL.

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That is some letter. Weaving it all together is so beautiful. Go, Bennie, Go!!!

Thanks, Filey. Hope you are feeling much better. Your coast may be in for some snow.

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Holy crow...Ivankas potential stonewalling and obstruction only tells me one thing, she is guilty too...

Hannity, stick a fork in him too.

Tfg state of mind is plain as day to me. He wasn't going to do anything at all. He was perfectly happy to see bloodshed and death of the citizens and lawmakers alike. He is amoral.

Still....get the popcorn ready folks....its a gonna be a very bumpy ride for the country in the next few months.

As for the voting rights and john Lewis act....it will pass. In pieces.

Be well everyone...

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Honest to goodness, over a year ago, I was in a group chat and said, "Georgia is coming for him first. Bookmark it, quote me, wait and see," and every single person said, "No! It's going to be be NYC." now I'm STILL just like.....https://tenor.com/ZEHd.gif

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IKR? Because part of me (speculation here) Trump leaked the GA SOS call because he “thought” it would make him look good. I think most of us assumed it was Raffensberger but recent public reporting disclosed:

-Raffensberger, nor the attorney were “unaware the call was being recorded”

-if you don’t know the call is being recorded then you can’t leak it

-the only logical conclusion is Team Trump leaked the audio

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“The Select Committee understands that multiple takes of the video were filmed but not utilized. Information in the Select Committee’s

possession suggests that the President failed in the initial clips to ask rioters to leave the Capitol. The Select Committee has sought copies of those unused clips from the National Archives.” <OMG> This brings to mind that old VCR they used to advertise on TV called “Presidential Bloopers”.

-Can you imagine what’s in these outtakes?

-Why weren’t they utilized?

- Were there chunks of Adderall spewing from his nose?

- Was Ivanka caught on tape whispering in his ear “Just read the damned script, Daddy!!”?

- What will this collection of outtakes be titled? Insurrectionist Said What?


This might just be your juiciest Newsletter so far. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :-)

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I have it on good authority he’s on a hot mic saying “why the fuck am I doing this, my supporters love me” <—I believe it’s either the 2nd or 4th take of his milquetoast video

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Somebody order more orange jumpsuits!

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Any chance "Becky with the sh*tty hair" is going to make an appearance at some stage?

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BAHAHAHAHAHA that is by far the best “nickname shade” I used on Twitter —it is forever imprinted because she really does have shittyhair. Sadly I don’t think she’ll be implicated but I wouldn’t be mad if the facts show she funded some of the stop the steal BS…

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BWTSH definitely a masterpiece! Hard to imagine some of her money not leaking in some how but proving it likely another thing. Anxiously awaiting your fictional detective adventure series and all its wacky characters a la Janet Evanovich :)

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Is the J6 Committee including so many specifics in their letter to IT in an effort to put a little bit of fear in IT or is it a means to dribble out more intel to the public? Your opinion?

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You’re not going to like my opinion: unquestionably if the J6SC issues a subpoena Ivanka will litigate it (as another attempt for Trump at the :executive privilege Apple) and a prerequisite “filed in good faith” would require the J6SC to prove they attempted to follow the SOP and therefore Ivanka;s unwillingness to voluntarily cooperate pretty much forced the J6SC hand…

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Does Hannity carry any liability here? It sounds like he's running the show just as much (maybe more?) than Trump!

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I don’t think in criminal court but certainly in the Court of Public opinion he should be marked as “a Trump turncoat” but what’s really interesting is his Jan10th text clearly shows he understood the gravity of Trump’s actions and inactions on Jan6th

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If she show up, and that’s a big if, I’d love to see it televised. I’d enjoy hearing her contrived whispering voice answer questions. Daddy taught her well. She’s the smartest and meanest of the spawn.

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Thank you as always even for when I don't say it, which should be every day. Bless you!

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I'm going to stick with my original prediction that Princess will flip on Daddy. #TraitorTrump is 75. He's been noticeably declining mentally & physically for some time now. Ivanka is 40. Presumeably, she's got a lot longer to live than Daddy & I don't see her giving up any part of her future to protect him. Also, she's got a husband & three kids that aren't even teenagers. Are they just window dressing or do we think she actually cares about them & she'll try to protect her future for them as well as herself? I don't know. I agree she's going to fight testifying. She's got to make sure Daddy sees her fighting them. But when the rubber meets the road & she actually realizes that she's in real legal jeopardy that she can't buy her way out of, I think she'll sing like a canary.

As for Sean & Kayleigh, I'd like to see those two lying scumbags both publicly spit roasted & I'm willing to pay for the privilege.

Finally, I'm not up to date on the Fulton County case. I know they're trying to convene a special Grand Jury to go after #TraitorTrump, but what about #LyingLindseyGraham? He called down there too trying to interfere with their election. I really hope he's on the hook too. That SOB is a military vet, and a lawyer who was also posted to JAG while serving. He damned well knows better, so there's no excuse for his behavior. In my view, he has grossly violated both his military & congressional oaths to uphold the Constitution & should be prosecuted right along side TFG for election interference.

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